TCAPS Montessori Weekly Reader:
HOWL Everyday with Harmony, Optimism, Wisdom & Leadership!
January 24, 2025 Head of School News & Notes
What a week! Mother nature was a force to be reckoned with! Thank you for ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for winter weather. If your family is in need of warm clothing please reach out to our office. We have resources available.
Shout out to our amazing staff who were outdoors in sub-zero temperatures ensuring our students get to and from school safely. Also thank you to our families for your continued commitment to getting your child to school on time in extreme weather.
There are a few spots left in our SEEDS after school program. If you are registered or interested in learning more, please join the SEEDS coordinator, Kiera Long, on Tuesday, January 28 from 6:00 to 7:00 for a Family Information Night in our Maker’s Space (Art Room).
Today our intent to enroll forms were due for all students in Preschool - 7th grades. If you have not had an opportunity to fill it out please do so ASAP and return to our office by Monday. Without this intent we cannot guarantee placement for the 25/26 school year. The district has opened Toddler registration for February 4, 2025 beginning at 10:00 am. Preschool will open on February 13, 2025 beginning at 10:00 am. We will offer instructions for enrollment at our Toddler nto CASA Parent Coffee Hour on Wednesday, January 29 from 3:30 to 4:30 and our CASA Family Information Night on February 12, from 5:30 to 6:30.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Montessori Minute
Creating Caring Communities: The Montessori classroom is a caring community, where everyone is respected as an individual. Consider this, expand the caring community from the classroom into the rest of your child’s world. To create this type of environment:
- Help your child feel safe. Whether at home, at grandma’s, or at a neighbor’s, make sure your child feels safe, loved, heard, and respected. Supervision and kind words can go a long way to create this type of caring community almost anywhere.
Value other people’s opinions & values. The ability to identify, accept, and value someone else's feelings is part of respect. Create an environment at home (and elsewhere) that addresses bias or stereotypes and how those might cloud or effect our judgement as humans.
Use courteous and caring language. Please, thank you, and excuse me are easy ways to show respect. Extend the use of respectful language to your home, the playground, or other places your family visits regularly. Manners Matter!
A safe environment that places value on the individual can help your child to feel respect and give it back to everyone around them.
Updates & Reminders
- Our Greenhouse Team needs to do some winter cleaning before we do our spring planting! Please contact Luette Frost at 719-588-9417 if you are interested in helping.
- AC (Adolescent Community) Parent/Student Information Night will be held on Thursday, February 6, from 5:30-6:30 (Inclement weather date 2/10/25). We recommend that all 5th and 6th grade families attend.
District News
Online registration for tuition toddler, tuition preschool, Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Summer Explorer’s Club will be beginning soon. In an effort to help families be prepared for registration opening dates, we are allowing parents to begin creating their TCAPS PowerSchool Parent Portal accounts for any upcoming registrations. Please follow this link for more information and dates.
- January 8 - 29 - NWEA Winter Testing Window
- January 28 - PTO Meeting @ 3:30 for
- February 3 - Early Release Day , Dismissal at 1:12 PM
- February 4 - Toddler Registration Opens @ 10:00 AM
- February 6 - Adolescent Community Family Information Night
- February 10 - March 12, Safety Around Water for all 3rd Graders
- Februrary 12 - Count Day!
- February 12 - 14 - CASA & LE Music Informances
- February 13 - PreSchool Registration Opens @ 10:00 AM
- February 12 - CASA Parent Information Night
- February 13 - West Middle School Registration night (incoming 6th graders) at 6:30-7:30
- February 14 - 100 Day of School!
- February 15 - PTO Winterfest
- February 17 - East Middle School registration Night (incoming 6th graders) at 5:00-5:30
- February 18 - TBA Student Run Credit Union, Deposit Day
- February 21, Builidng Bridges Music Assembly for Grades 4 - 6
- February 24, PTO Read-A-Thon Begins
- February 25, PTO Meeting
- February 28, PTO Movie Night (last one of the school year)
Lunch Menu
Notes From the Cafe:
1. Ala Cart items are available for UE & AC (grades 4-8 students) to purchase daily. These items will be an extra main entree option. The prices are as follows: Additional First Choice Entree $2.85 - Soy Milk $2.50 - Dairy Milk - $0.50 - Extra Bosco Sticks (2 sticks w/ sauce) $3.00 - Extra Slice of Pizza $2.50
2. If students with packed lunch would like to purchase milk, they must have money on their account. Dairy milk is $0.50.
3. To put money on a students account you may send cash or check (made payable to TCAPS) in a marked envelope - LUNCH MONEY - in your child's folder.
PTO News
-Mark your calendars...Winterfest will be on February 15. More Details coming soon!
-A new round of Lunch Buddies is starting soon and running through March 19, 2025. Please use this link if you are interested in volunteering.
-Read-a-thon Cmte needs some more help. More info and sign-up links available in the PTO Update.
TCAPS Montessori Adolescent Community Student News
Dear AC Families,
If you have an 8th grader going into 9th grade for the fall of 2025-26 please use this resource for important information and resources; including dates for tours, registration, etc: TCAPS Incoming 9th Grade & New Students Information for Spring 2025
Please use this link to access news and events from the AC community. The drive will be updated on a monthly basis.
La Clase de Espanol
Spanish Class News & Notes (Click Here)
(parents look next to the Spanish class Google classroom link to look at the top row for their student's level (CASA, LOWER, UPPER, AC)
School Hours
CASA - 8th Grade:
Start Time: 8:15
End Time: 3:12
Half-Day Dismissal: 11:22
Early Release Dismissal: 1:12
Toddler Program:
Start Time: 7:50-8:30
End Time: 2:30-3:00
Morning Session End Time: 11:00
Afternoon Session Start Time: 12:00
Half-Day Dismissal: 11:00
Early Release Dismissal: 1:00
Community Resources & Important Links
TCAPS Montessori School
Email: ruckertr@tcaps.net
Website: https://www.tcaps.net/schools/elementary-schools/montessori/
Location: TCAPS Montessori School, Franke Road, Traverse City, MI, USA
Phone: 231-933-6420
Facebook: facebook.com/TCAPSMontessori
YouTube: TCAPS Montessori YouTube Channel
X: @TRuckerTCAPSmo