Panther Pride
District Newsletter 11/17/2023

January 31, 2025
District Spotlights
State Capitol Trip
On Monday, January 27th, our Middle School Student Council Officers had the incredible opportunity to visit the State Capitol with a trip hosted by Senator Greg Rothman. Students were able to have a private meeting with Senator Rothman, where they were invited to ask questions about his career and how the State Senate functions. Students were then given a private tour of the Capitol, where they were able to see parts of the Capitol normally off-limits to tourists. Our student council visited the House Chambers and then were invited to the floor of the Senate Chambers.
During the Senate session, Senator Rothman personally recognized our students to the assembly. Following their time with Senator Rothman's office, students were able to meet Senator Patty Kim and Senator John Kane. Thank you to our Middle School faculty and staff, especially Gina Nissel, for working to coordinate this trip!
HS Course Selection Fair
On Wednesday, January 29th, the High School held their 2nd Annual Course Selection Fair! Students were able to explore different academic and extracurricular departments and speak with student representatives about their experiences. In addition, our building was full of volunteers from colleges, trade schools, military branches, and professional organizations. Students were able to learn about different post-secondary options and speak with and learn from professionals in those fields. Thank you to our incredible High School staff for providing this opportunity for our students!
PBIS Assembly
At the assembly, students of the month for November, December, and January were all announced. Several of the Middle School students had submitted entries to the Young Writers USA Creative Writing Competition. Over 40 of our students qualified to have their stories published! We were proud to recognize those students during the assembly. In addition, we recognized our Spelling Bee students, who have qualified for the next round of competition. The final awards were to our Student IXL Incentives and Panther P.R.I.D.E. winners. We are so Panther Proud of all of our students!
Prizes for our recognized students were made possible by our EP Education Foundation. Thank you to all of our staff and the EPEF for your support in making this possible and congratulations to all of our students!
Yearbook Sale
The High School Yearbook program is hosting a one-time sale to raise funds and clear space. High school yearbooks of past years are on sale now. Find unique gifts, complete your yearbook collection, or relive your East Pennsboro memories.
Please contact Hanna Schaffer at hschaffer@epasd.org to inquire about which years you are looking for. Pickup can be arranged through the school office or sent home with a current high school student, and payment can be cash or check made to EPHS. Buying multiple books? Make an offer!
Sale extended to the end of January!
Please note that this is a one-time sale to clear old inventory. Yearbooks will not be put on sale again next year! If you are looking to buy the 2025 high school yearbook, please visit http://bit.ly/ep-yearbook.
Save the Date!
Upcoming Dates
- 2/6: School Board Work Session, 6pm
- 2/13: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- 2/14: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/17: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/20: School Board Voting Meeting, 6pm
- 2/13: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- 2/14: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/17: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/24: Spring Sports Enrollment Deadline
Middle School
- 2/6: PTO, 5:15pm
- 2/13: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- 2/14: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/17: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/21: 7th & 8th Grade Winter Dance, 7pm
- 2/11: PTO @ EPE, 6:30pm
- 2/13: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- 2/14: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/17: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/27: Cozy Up to Learning Night, 6pm
- 2/11: PTO @ EPE, 6:30pm
- 2/13: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- 2/14: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/17: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/27: Cozy Up to Learning Night, 6pm
Contact Us
Website: epasd.org
Location: 890 Panther Parkway, Enola, PA, USA
Phone: 717.732.3601
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastPennsboroASD/
Twitter: @epasd