Counselor Connection
Cortland Elementary School

Message from the Counselor
Next week our lessons will focus on Respect. Please see below for what we are doing by grade level. I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing Spring Break! 🌞
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I am at Emerson on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and at Cortland on Tuesday and Thursday.
Wendy Nicholson
School Counselor
Character Corner
Guidance Lessons - March - Respect
Kindergarten: We will begin our lesson by talking about respect. We will discuss how we can be respectful of others. Our lesson in Kindergarten will focus on respecting our peers by not interrupting. We will read the book “The Interrupting Chicken". This book teaches us that we are not respectful when interrupting others. The students will follow up by doing an activity in which they come up with what they can do instead of interrupting.
1st Grade: We will begin our lesson by talking about respect. We will discuss how we can be respectful of others. We will read the book “Do Unto Otters”. In this book, we will discuss respecting others by using our manners. They will follow up the book by doing an activity in which they develop ways they want others to treat them and how they should treat others.
2nd Grade: We will begin our lesson by talking about respect. We will discuss how we can be respectful of others. We will read the book "A Little Respectful Spot". In the book, the students will learn how to show respect to others. They will follow up by coming up with 4 things they will do to show respect.
3rd Grade: We will begin our lesson by talking about respect. We will discuss how we can be respectful of others. We will read the book "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun". This follows the story of Lucy, who frequently gets made fun of for her odd choices in food. The students will learn how being different is OK and we need to respect everyone. The students will follow up the book by writing about Respect and how they want to be treated. For fun, they will create their own lunch by picking two things they would like to try together.
4th Grade: We will begin our lesson by talking about respect. We will discuss how we can be respectful of others. The students will watch 2 short videos, "How You Treat People is Who You Are" and "An Unexpected Lesson in Respect". Following the videos, the students will do an activity and talk about how they will respect their friends, classmates, teachers, parents, home, environment, and themselves.
Student Enrichment Team
FYI - For Your Information
Wendy Nicholson - School Counselor
Contact information:
Email: nicholsonw@scsc.k12.in.us
Location: 6687 N County Rd 400 E, Seymour, IN 47274
Phone number: 812-522-7483 Ext 7003
Fax number: 812-522-6164