Dragon News
Findley Elementary School
April 3, 2020
Message from the Principal
Good Afternoon Findley Families,
It was so nice to see some of you, from a distance, today at Chromebook Distribution, round 1. Thank you too, for your patience and understanding during these most challenging times. We really appreciate it. If you would still like to checkout a Chromebook for your student, the link to request one is below; this link will close tomorrow, Saturday April 4, at 5 PM.
By now, you should have heard from your child’s teacher regarding Remote Learning Phase 2, which kicks off next week. Most learning opportunities are designed to be asynchronous, which means they can be done at times that are convenient for families. Other times, learning opportunities will be synchronous, allowing for real-time interactions between teachers and their students. All learning, at this point, is highly encouraged, but not required. We understand that everyone is living in different circumstances and that those circumstances may not be ideal to manage remote learning. Your health and well-being should be the priority.
Remote Learning Plan Phase 2 asks teachers to provide lessons M-Th, via SeeSaw or Google Classroom. In addition to classroom teachers, PE and Music specialists will also be pushing out lessons via SeeSaw. Each grade will have two music and two PE lessons per week. Fridays will be a combination of technology and STEM challenges, Social Emotional Learning opportunities and messages from me, Dr. Marsh via SeeSaw. Be sure to have your students check their SeeSaw account daily for updates.
One last thing, for now, your child’s teacher and our website are both great resources for you should you need anything or have questions. Additionally, you are always welcome to reach out directly to me, should the need arise. Next week, please expect more information on Phase 3, Distance Learning.
Take good care everyone!
Due to the school closures, we will extend the Application Deadline for 6th Grade AVID to Friday, May 22nd.
Student computers
The Elementary Student Device Round 2 survey will close Saturday, April 4, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Families will be notified and given instructions once devices are ready for pick-up.
Parent Input Forms
Here is the link to get started. Parent Input Form
Remote Learning - Scholastic
The Nutrition Services Department will be providing lunch for all students and children ages one (1) and up March 16 – 20, March 30, and March 31 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at designated school sites (listed below).
Meals will be available for all students. Students must be present to be given a meal.
We will be handing meals out, grab & go style. Cafeterias will not be open for dining. Curbside pick-up will be available.
Aloha Huber Park K-8
Barnes Elementary School
Beaver Acres Elementary School
Chehalem Elementary School
Fir Grove Elementary School
Hazeldale Elementary School
Kinnaman Elementary School
McKinley Elementary School
Raleigh Hills K-8
Vose Elementary School
William Walker Elementary School
Whitford Middle School
Beaverton High School
Southridge High School
Sunset High School
Whats Happening!
Findley PTO
Findley PTO: Supporting our students by connecting parents, staff, and the community!
Visit our website at www.findleypto.com or email president@findleypto.com.
Up Coming Events
1-28th “School Closure, on-line learning”
- 2 Tutoring Teachers - Tutoring Academy
- Sunset Youth Lacrosse - Registration
Don't miss out!