Summer and back-to-school news
June 2024
End-of-school-year info
School summer office hours and information
- The district Resource and Service Center will be open throughout the summer.
- High school, middle school, and elementary school offices will be closed to the public after Wednesday, June 26.
- Please note school offices (especially those at our high schools and during summer school) may open intermittently between Monday, June 24, and Friday, August 9. Please see individual school websites for additional information.
- High school, middle school and elementary school offices will reopen on Monday, August 12.
- Skyward/ Family Access will open for elementary students and families at 9 a.m. on Thursday, August 29.
- Skyward/Family Access will open for middle and high school students and families at 4 p.m. on Thursday, August 29.
Need a copy of your transcript?
High school, middle school, and elementary school offices will be closed to the public after Wednesday, June 26. Please note school offices (especially those at our high schools and during summer school) may open intermittently between Monday, June 24, and Friday, August 9. However, if you need a copy of your transcript after Wednesday, June 26:
- Glacier Peak High School and Snohomish High School graduates and alumni needing a copy of their official high school transcript, please visit Parchment.com.
- All education verifications and third-party background screenings, please visit Parchment.com.
- Glacier Peak High School - Click here to order your transcript.
- Snohomish High School - Click here to order your transcript.
- AIM High School graduates and alumni needing a copy of their official high school transcript or needing education verification, should leave a phone message at 360-563-3400. Messages will be returned after Wednesday, August 7.
Food service account balances
Any balances remaining on your child’s food service account from the previous school year will move forward to the new school year. If your child is graduating, funds are automatically transferred to a younger sibling's account. If your child is graduating and there are no younger siblings, or if your child is no longer a district student, a refund of any remaining account balance can be requested by contacting Food Service at marty.grasa@sno.wednet.edu or 360-563-7357. Please include your child's name, school, student ID number and address.
Student bus cards
Student bus riders and their families have been asked to please keep their bus cards over the summer break. Cards were not be collected by drivers. Please do not toss or misplace these cards as they will need to be reused by student riders during the 2024-2025 school year.
Summer meals and literacy
Free summer meals for all kids
Kids' Café - All area children aged 18 and younger are invited to join the Snohomish School District for its Kids' Café summer breakfast and lunch program. The program is free, and there is no pre-registration or sign-up. Any area child is encouraged to participate and enjoy a healthy breakfast and/or lunch.
Kids' Café will be held Mondays through Fridays and runs from Thursday, June 20, through Friday, August 30. (There is no service on Thursday, July 4.) Meals will be offered at the following times and locations:
- Valley View Middle School (14308 Broadway Avenue SE in Snohomish)
- Breakfast - 8:30-9 a.m.
- Lunch – Noon -12:30 p.m.
- Three Rivers Mobile Home Park (13201 Elliott Road in Snohomish)
- Lunch - 11-11:15 a.m.
- Circle H Mobile Home Park (6413 123rd Avenue SE in Snohomish)
- Lunch - 11:45 a.m.-noon
- Snohomish Library (311 Maple Avenue in Snohomish)
- Breakfast - 8:30-9 a.m.
- Lunch – 12:15-1 p.m.
About the program:
- Children will need to consume all meals on site. Children cannot take food away from the service site.
- Children must be present to get a meal. Children will not be permitted to take food for siblings at home.
- Children may only receive a single breakfast and lunch per child, per day.
- Parent/guardian pick up of meals is not allowed.
- Mealtimes (breakfast and lunch) are stand alone, and meals can only be served at the predetermined times. Breakfast and lunch cannot be served together.
- The Snohomish School District’s food service provider is Chartwells Food Service/Compass Group.
State of Washington summer meal site finder
- Summer meal site finder by phone: 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or text “Food” to 304-304
- Summer meal site finder by website: https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kids.
- Summer meal site finder by phone (Spanish) : 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273) or text "Comida" to 304-304
Learn more about the Snohomish School District Kids’ Café summer breakfast and lunch program at www.sno.wednet.edu/kidscafe.
Summer literacy
School library information - The following elementary school libraries will be open every Wednesday (July 3 through August 21) from 9-11 a.m.:
- Cascade View Elementary (2401 Park Avenue in Snohomish)
- Cathcart Elementary (8201 188th Street SE in Snohomish)
- Central Emerson Elementary (1103 Pine Avenue in Snohomish)
- Dutch Hill Elementary (8231 131st Avenue SE in Snohomish)
- Little Cedars Elementary (7408 144th Place SE in Snohomish)
- Machias Elementary (231 147th Avenue SE in Snohomish)
- Riverview Elementary (7322 64th Street SE in Snohomish)
- Seattle Hill Elementary (12711 51st Avenue SE in Everett)
- Totem Falls Elementary (14211 Sno-Cascade Drive in Snohomish)
A Snohomish School District staff member is available at each location to greet students and their families and to check out books. Students must be accompanied by an adult. All students are welcome at any location, including entering kindergartners.
Book Cafe - Keep a lookout for the Book Café in a neighborhood near you! The Book Café will deliver free books for students to read throughout the summer. Watch for the Book Café vehicle on Tuesdays and Thursdays (July 9 - August 15) at the following locations:
- Three Rivers Mobile Home Park (13201 Elliott Road in Snohomish)
- Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.
- Snohomish Boys & Girls Club (402 2nd Street in Snohomish)
- Tuesdays at noon
- Plantation Mobile Home Park (9425 56th Street SE in Snohomish)
- Thursdays at 11 a.m.
- Snohomish Mobile Home Park (1330 Avenue D in Snohomish)
- Thursdays at 11:30 a.m.
- Circle H Mobile Home Park (6413 123rd Avenue SE in Snohomish)
- Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.
Learn more about the Snohomish School District Book Café and summer literacy opportunities at www.sno.wednet.edu/bookcafe.
Snohomish Aquatic Center
Splash into summer fun
The Snohomish Aquatic Center offers a splash-tastic array of summer programs for all ages and skill levels. Click here for information on our summer schedules.
Our summer swim and dive lessons cater to tots through teens, offering flexible scheduling options to accommodate your busy summer agenda.
For those seeking a higher level of competition, our Piranhas summer swim team is the perfect fit.
For youngsters yearning for aquatic enjoyment, our Surf N' Splash camps offer days filled with adventures in our recreation pool and on the exhilarating FlowRider.
For our littlest swimmers, we have our beloved Preschool Beach at a new time for the summer.
If you have a high school swimmer who wants to keep enhancing their skills this summer, our seven-week coached off-season conditioning program is an excellent choice.
For those looking to have fun and stay fit this summer, we have a variety of summer water workouts. Experience a range of our top aquatic workout activities available year-round, with special schedules tailored for the summer season.
Back-to-school info
- Back-to-school information
- Boundaries & school locator
- Buses & student transportation
- Elementary meet-the-teacher events
- Food service - Including menus and prices
- Free/reduced meals & applications
- High school summer assignments
- Click here for Glacier Peak High School summer assignments.
- Click here for Snohomish High School summer assignments.
- Important 2024-2025 dates
- Middle & high school start-up & registration events
- New student registration
- ParentSquare
- School supply lists
- Skyward/Family Access
- Student immunizations
- Student Information Verification - August 9-23
- Student start & dismissal times
- Variances/Choice Transfers
Health news
7th grade Tdap booster shot requirement
All students entering 7th grade must have a Tdap shot before they can start school in September 2024.
For students in 7th grade, the Tdap vaccine must be given at or after age 10 to be accepted for school entry. If your child is in 6th grade and already received this booster, their immunizations are complete. The middle school nurse may need medical verification when this vaccine was given. If your child receives this booster over the summer, please bring the record to the nurse at registration in August 2024. It is good to keep a copy of immunizations for your records.
Please note, the Tdap shot is different from the Td shot. If your child receives the Td shot, that vaccination is not in compliance with Washington immunization requirements, and they will need to receive the Tdap shot, as well, before the first day of school.
- Please click here for additional information about state vaccine requirements.
- Please click here to access the Washington State Department of Health Personal/Religious Certificate of Exemption.
Please remember, these immunizations are not just a good idea – they are required by Washington state law for school attendance.
State immunization requirements
Make sure your child's immunizations are up to date! It is important to make sure your child goes to their regularly scheduled wellness appointments, which often include immunizations. The summer months are a great time to get your child caught up with immunization requirements before the 2024-2025 school year. Schedule your appointments early, as health care providers’ schedules quickly fill up in August and September. Make sure to turn in your updated immunization paperwork to the school health room/nurse by the first day of school on Wednesday, September 6.
This reminder is especially important if your child is transitioning to preschool, kindergarten, or 7th grade, as each of these grades has additional immunization requirements. Please click here for additional information about state vaccine requirements.
Every student enrolled/registered in school or childcare in the state of Washington must have medically verified up-to-date immunization records on file with the school in which they are enrolled/registering before the first day of school, 2023-2024. Medically verified immunization records include one or more of the following:
- A Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) printed from the Immunization Information System (IIS)
- A physical copy of the CIS form with a healthcare provider signature
- A physical copy of the CIS form with accompanying medical immunization records from a healthcare provider verified and signed by school staff
- A CIS printed from MyIR at https://myirmobile.com/signin/.
Dates at a glance
Important dates
- Wednesday, June 19 - Juneteenth (schools and district buildings closed)
- Wednesday, June 26 - High school, middle school, and elementary school offices will be closed to the public after Wednesday, June 26.
- Please note school offices (especially those at our high schools and during summer school) may open intermittently between Monday, June 24, and Friday, August 9. Please see individual school websites for additional information.
- Thursday, July 4 - Independence Day (schools and district buildings closed - No Kids' Café meal service). As a reminder, fireworks are strictly prohibited on any district property.
- Friday, August 9-Friday, August 23 - All district families will be asked to please confirm their student’s information in Skyward/Family Access through the Student Information Verification process.
- Monday, August 12 - High school, middle school and elementary school offices reopen.
- Tuesday, August 20-Wednesday, August 21 - Secondary school start-up events. Click here for middle and high school-specific start-up and registration information.
- Thursday, August 29 - Elementary meet-the-teacher events. Click here for school-specific meet-the teacher information.
- 9 a.m. on Thursday, August 29 - Skyward/ Family Access will open for elementary students and families.
- 4 p.m. on Thursday, August 29 - Skyward/Family Access will open for middle and high school students and families at .
- Monday, September 2 - Labor Day (schools and district buildings closed)
- Wednesday, September 4 – First day of school (first day of school for 1st – 7th and 9th graders).
- Thursday, September 5-Friday, September 6 - All students except students in kindergarten, Transition to Kindergarten and developmental preschool attend school.
- Wednesday, September 4-Friday, September 6 - Parent Partnership Program will conduct student learning plan appointments. Classes will begin for Parent Partnership Program students the week of Monday, September 9.
- Monday, September 9 - First day of school for students in kindergarten, Transition to Kindergarten and developmental preschool.
- Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day (no school)
- Wednesday, November 27 - Half-day early release
- Thursday, November 28-Friday, November 29 - Thanksgiving Break (no school)
- Friday, December 20 - Half-day early release
- Monday, December 23-Friday, January 3 - Winter Break (no school)
- Monday, January 20 - MLK Jr. Day (no school)
- Monday, April 7-Friday, April 11 - Spring Break (no school)
- Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day (no school)
Fall athletics information
Snohomish High School
Glacier Peak High School
Visit www.sno.wednet.edu/gphs/athletics for fall sports information. Only athletes that have been cleared by the Glacier Peak High School athletics office will be allowed to attend tryouts or practices. Please allow one school day for paperwork to be processed. Athletes that are not cleared by the athletic office by Monday, August 26 (Football - August 21), will not be eligible to tryout/practice on the first day. The fall sports parent/guardian meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3, in the Glacier Peak High School commons.
Red, White and Blue football game
This year's Red, White and Blue football game (Snohomish High School Panthers vs. Glacier Peak High School Grizzles) is set for Friday, September 13 at Veterans Memorial Stadium.
District rolling out new communication tool for upcoming school year
We are excited to share that we will be using a new communication tool for school-to-home communication in the Snohomish School District called ParentSquare beginning next school year (2024-2025). This communication platform is designed to streamline school district and school communication, keep families informed, and encourage greater engagement and connection with our schools and district. The best part of ParentSquare is that it offers translation in more than 100 languages and allows families to customize when and how they want to receive communication!
Beginning at the start of next school year (2024-2025), all district-wide and school-wide information will be sent to families via email and/or text message through ParentSquare, including notifications for emergencies, absences, lunch balances, and inclement weather/snow days and delays. Families will receive communication automatically translated into whatever language they have designated in Skyward/Family Access as their primary home language. They will also be able to change their language settings to any of the 100+ languages.
Families who activate their ParentSquare account will also have access to all school and district communication in one centralized location, which can be utilized through a web browser or by downloading the mobile app (iOS and Android). While activating your account is optional, it offers many features to streamline information, including:
- Direct two-way messaging that is automatically translated (families can send messages in their home language and it will be auto translated into English for those on the receiving end to read)
- Consolidated, newsfeed-style communications from multiple sources in one place
- School calendars
- And many more features!
Within the coming weeks and months, all families will receive more information about the platform including an email invitation and directions on how to activate their ParentSquare account. This step is optional and is for those who want to change their language settings and have access to all school and district communication in one centralized location through ParentSquare’s web browser or mobile app. If you do not activate your account, you will still receive all important district and school communication via email and text message.
Many other districts in the nation and region use ParentSquare as their school-to-home communication too. Other school districts currently using this platform include Northshore, Mukilteo, Monroe, Edmonds, Lake Washington, Shoreline, Bellingham, Oak Harbor, South Whidbey, Lynden, and Ferndale.
We will roll out the system in a “soft launch” to district staff and families this June. During the June “soft launch,” our district teams will be using this period to troubleshoot issues and adjust as needed. It will also allow users to register their accounts and familiarize themselves with the system before the start of the new school year. Throughout the summer and before the start of the school year, additional resources will be provided to help users navigate the system.
Note: ParentSquare will be used for all district-wide and school-wide communication, including school newsletters, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. With this rollout of ParentSquare, the automated mass notification system School Messenger and our listserv subscription tool for newsletters will no longer be used as of late August 2024.
Our goal is for every Snohomish School District family to join ParentSquare and stay connected! Watch for more information in the coming weeks, and thank you for your flexibility and understanding as we roll out this new communication tool to better engage and effectively communicate with you!
Learn more at www.sno.wednet.edu/parentsquare.
District-approved community fliers
This week's fliers (as of June 17, 2024)
- Snohomish Community Resources
- 2024 Kids Café and Summer Literacy
- Boeing Manufacturing Summer Internships Summer 2024
- Camp BioMed - July 8-August 16
- Camp Erin Bereavement Camp - Summer 2024
- Campfire of Snohomish County
- Creation Camp VBS - July 22-26
- Environmental Careers Preparedness Summer Scholars Program - July 1-31
- Everett Rowing Association Summer Registration
- Evergreen Recovery Centers - Youth Detox
- Girl Scouts Recruitment and Volunteers
- Glacier Peak Girls Basketball Kids Camp - June 24 and June 25
- Glacier Peak Junior Cheer Registration - Now Open
- Grand Slam Summer Baseball Camps
- Grizzly Youth Soccer Camp - June 18-19
- Grizzly Volleyball Youth Skills Camp - June 17-19
- Heavy Metal Summer Experience
- Honoring Black and African American Academic Graduates - Nubian Jam - July 27
- Kids Vendor Day 2023 Snohomish Farmers Market
- LEAP for Animals Program Participation
- Marine Science Club at the Seattle Aquarium
- Materials Camp at University of Washington - July 8-13
- Nike Youth Soccer Camps
- Nubian Jam - July 27
- Panther Youth Volleyball Camp - June 25 and June 26
- Reflections School of Dance 2024-2025
- Schack Summer Youth Art Camps
- Seattle University Summer Reading Skills Program
- SHS Youth Soccer Camp - July 23 and 24
- Sky Club for Kids Soccer Classes
- Snohomish Block Party - Young Adult Battle of the Bands - June 22
- Snohomish High School Youth Basketball Camp - June 18-21
- Snohomish Jr. Cheer Sideline Cheer Registration
- Snohomish Sky Soccer Camps
- Social Skills Group for Neurodivergent Teens - June 26-August 14
- Taekwondo for Kids - June 2024
- Technovation Summer Day Camp Campfire
- TOPSoccer Community Service Opportunities
- UW Nurse Camp 2024 - July 15-19
- YMCA Overnight Camp - July and August 2024
Fliers are typically posted on Tuesdays during the months of August through June. For additional flier program details and/or to complete a request for distribution, please click here.
How to reach us
- Snohomish School District
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu
- Phone - 360-563-7300
- AIM High School
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/aim
- Phone - 360-563-3400
- Glacier Peak High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/gphs
- Phone - 360-563-7500
- Snohomish High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/shs
- Phone - 360-563-4000
- Centennial Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cms
- Phone - 360-563-4525
- Valley View Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/vvms
- Phone - 360-563-4225
- Cascade View Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cascadeview
- Phone - 360-563-7000
- Cathcart Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cathcart
- Phone - 360-563-7075
- Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-4600
- Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-7150
- Dutch Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/dutchhill
- Phone - 360-563-4450
- Little Cedars Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/littlecedars
- Phone - 360-563-2900
- Machias Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/machias
- Phone - 360-563-4825
- Riverview Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/riverview
- Phone - 360-563-4375
- Seattle Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/seattlehill
- Phone - 360-563-4675
- Totem Falls Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/totemfalls
- Phone - 360-563-4750
- Parent Partnership Program
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/ppp
- Phone - 360-563-3423
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/eceap
- Phone – 360-563-4641
- Snohomish Aquatic Center
- Website - www.snohomishaquatic.com
- Phone - 360-563-8030
Location: 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98090
Phone: 360-563-7300
Our Mission
To create an educational community that ignites a passion for learning where every student is known and empowered.
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Snohomish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator and ADA – Darryl Pernat, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7285, darryl.pernat@sno.wednet.edu; Section 504 Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Shawn Stevenson, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7282, shawn.stevenson@sno.wednet.edu.