Bronco *GREAT* News c/o 2027
10th grade Student Excellence Recognition Edition
Recognizing Bronco Excellence in the 10th Grade!
Special Teacher Recognition
Elias Akbari
From Ms. Collier: Elias works so hard every day to make sure that he is supporting his classmates and doing the best that he can to help raise funds and plan activities for the class of 2027.
From Ms. Scott: Elias brings joy to my biology class each day - he is friendly and is always smiling! He has a wonderful sense of humor and a ray of sunshine in my class each day. I am grateful to have him as a student!
Katelynn Anderson
From Mr. Biundo: Katelynn has overcome some challenges to really finish the year on a strong note. Thanks for all your hard work, Katelynn!
Olivia-Marie Baez
From Ms. Jacobs: Your smile and enthusiasm is a ray of sunshine for our class! You have been working hard and learning all about Genetics, DNA and protein synthesis!
Brody Irvin
From Ms. Wullenweber: Mr Breakfast Club. Brody and his breakfast buffet to bulk him up! Dedicated to his sports and grades.
Symone Jewell
From Mr. Durazo: Symone has been doing GREAT in my PE class!! Her participation, effort, sportsmanship & working well with others is GREATLY appreciated!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!
David Zyla
From Ms. Benavente: We call him President of Nerd Squad because him and his crew are proud nerds! David is so good at math, he'll ask for extra IXL homework so that he can challenge himself and get ahead. While in Algebra 1, he's completing homework for Pre-Calculus and more. His classmates (even in other periods) know that when I'm talking about a student that made an intelligent observation, I'm often talking about Zyla. Along with his brainy math skills, he can draw Kirby better than the original artist, even designing my Google Classroom banner to have Kirby teaching math! Keep on Learning, Zyla!
Special Teacher Recognition
Struan Blair
From Mr. Kasdin: Struan is extremely diligent and uses his time wisely in class. He has been a gentleman all year!!!
Ryann Bohmaker
From Ms. Conroy: Ryann is a super fun student and brings a lot of positivity to the class. During our softball unit especially, Ryann was incredibly helpful to her classmates. She brings a good attitude and good effort to class on a consistent basis.
Liora Bondon
From Ms. Scott: Liora is one of the kindest students in my biology class. She is always willing to work with anyone, is a great leader in class, and is friendly to everyone. It is a pleasure to have her in my room, she brings joy and positivity to class each day!
Second Semester Honor Roll
Congratulations to these 10th grade students for their academic achievement last spring semester-
with GPA's of 3.5-3.74, they have made the honor roll!
Special Teacher Recognition
Saya Jimison
From Mr. Biundo: Saya is a great student, but I'm proud of her increased confidence as the year has progressed, and her willingness to branch out beyond her comfort zone. Well done, Saya!
Lachlan Jones
From Ms. Conroy: Lachlan has been such a terrific student all year. He has such a great attitude and work ethic. He has been such a pleasure to have in class. He has a humility about him that is refreshing since he is such a terrific athlete.
Ashley Kim
From Ms. Benavente: Ashley has had ups and downs this semester, as we all do, but she stays after class everyday often to make sure she understands what we're doing in math before she goes. It kept being a joke this semester that the thing she was most confused about is that she's not confused about anything! It's been a joy to watch her grow as a mathematician this school year.
Ayla Santana Ogden
From Mr. Biundo: Ayla's growth this year has been incredible and just so fun to watch. She's developed into a great critical thinker!
Everett Schroers
From Ms. Jacobs: It is awesome how you contribute knowledge from outside of class to our discussions and lessons in class. We are learning more because of you!
Natalie Scott
From Ms. Benabou:
-super sweet
-over achiever-awesome work ethic
-takes leadership by helping her peers stay on task
-offers her assistance in class activities
Special Teacher Recognition
Logan Book
From Ms. Jacobs: Thank you for sharing your considerable intellect so patiently and with such generosity with your classmates.
Eva Bossu
From Mr. Biundo: Eva shows so much maturity and a dedication to her learning. She has a teacher's favorite trait: she is always willing to ask questions if something isn't clear so she can keep working to understand something challenging.
Ashlyn Bourne
From Ms. Benavente: Ashlyn asks so many questions in math! She is consistenly seeking understanding, and once she has it, she can explain it to her classmates. It was hard to place her on the seating chart all year because everyone wanted to sit with her! Beyond her brilliant brain, Ashlyn has a heart of gold, an contagious smile, and exudes kindness and friendship. We're glad you were born, Bourne!;)
Nikol Kolendo
From Ms. Conroy: Nikol has been such a great participant all year. She always brings good energy and positive attitude to all the activities. It has been fun to see her improve and become such a high level participant in class
Bella Lobzhanidze
From Mr. Kasdin: Bella is an outstanding student and a wonderful person. She is kind, thoughtful, and makes each day count!!
Zach Malmstrom
From Ms. Scott: Zach combines kindness and competitiveness in biology - he is a biology Kahoot champion and is very knowledgable, often contributing thoughtful ideas to class discussions.
Spring Semester High Honors
Congratulations to these 10th grade students for their outstanding academic achievement
first semester, making the high honors list with GPA's of 3.75-3.99.
Special Teacher Recognition
Leo Cardin
From Mr. Biundo: Leo is not just a great student, but he's someone who is willing to take risks and challenge himself. He's a great presence in the class!
Kristel Castillo Perez
From Ms. Benavente: Kristel has done so great since she has joined us this semester. She not only is doing a great job asking questions until she gets it, but she's teaching ME how to teach math in Spanish well enough to help her and likely my future Spanish speakers as well. It has been a learning curve for both of us, but I'm seeing a lot of progress as the semester goes on, as she is understanding class more and more. Buen trabajo, Kristel!
Julia Chao
From Ms. Collier: Julia is a leader in every sense of the word! She is thoughtful, kind, and works hard every day.
Giuseppe Cochrane
From Ms. Jacobs: Your focus on the topics in Biology lead you to ask interesting questions, provide informed answers and move our whole class forward in learning.
Leah Cooper
From Ms. Scott: Leah is a funny and spunky student who does great work in biology and is always helpful to her fellow classmates. She has a great sense of humor and is always fun to have in my class!
Sophie Crisostomo
From Ms. Scott: Sophie is a wonderful artist and a creative and thoughtful student in biology. She does excellent work that is often accompanied by little doodles and drawings!
Ella Selinger
From Mr. Biundo: Ella is not just a great student herself, but she is perhaps one of the most helpful peer review partners I've seen. Ella, thank you for being dedicated to helping your classmates improve!
From Ms. Collier: Ella planned and executed our Class of 2027 Egg Drop activity. She is thoughtful, organized, and able to rally her fellow classmates to be part of different activities.
Zara Sharza
From Ms. Scott: Zara is a hard working and dedicated student in my biology class. She has wonderful work ethic and enthusiasm, she asks great questions, and is kind to her classmates. It is also fun to chat about Taylor Swift with Zara, who is a certified Swiftie!
Carter Shinn
From Ms. Conroy: Carter has been such a great student all year. He has consistently been well behaved, a great participant and always gives good effort. He is such a great addition to class.
Spring Semester Principal's List
Congratulations to these 10th grade students for crushing their spring semester last year, with GPA's of 4.0 or greater!
Special Teacher Recognition
Mateo Del Bianco
From Ms. Benavente: Mateo sets the curve both in math and behavior when it comes to Algebra 1. A quiet kid in a pretty crazy class, Mateo has been a model student with perfect scores on homework, tests, and quizzes. If his class ever gets in trouble, without fail, there is always a classmate or two that comes up to me after to tell me I owe Mateo an apology because he never does anything wrong. Even his classmates know his greatness! Beyond his brilliant brain and polite behavior, Mateo is just a nice person all around. His classmates and I have nothing but kind things to say about him. He'll hold the door open for people, pick things up they've dropped, says thank you after every class. I'm grateful I've had the opportunity to teach Mateo this year.
Tyler Eby
From Mr. Biundo: Tyler has shown that he's able to tune out distractions so he can work hard and stay engaged with the class. He's also a great collaborator and group member!
Mateo Del Bianco (again!)
From Ms. Scott: Mateo is the calm in the storm of 6th period biology energy. He is always ready to learn, asks great questions, and has definitely had to work outside of his comfort zone in my energetic class. He has been a wonderful student to have and I appreciate his dedication and polite demeanor. Truly a joy to have in my class each day!
Maggie Mannion
From Mr. Garcia-Leiva: She has a great work ethic and cares about her classmates. She took on the task of learning a new instrument at the beginning of the year, and has emerged as a developing leader in her section, helping motivate her peers and being a great example. She makes our class a better place!
Jada Mayse
From Ms. Jacobs: You always bring fun to learning. Thank you for making us look at life and Biology from your, unique, perspective.
Colton Molinelli
From Ms. Conroy: Colton always makes class more fun. He arrives with such boundless energy everyday which definitely raises the bar for everyone else. He goes at everything 100% and I am really proud of his development since the beginning of the school year.
Karina Shteyn
From Ms. Benabou:
-she puts her best effort into her work
-is a teamplayer and is liked by everyone she meets-always brings a bright a positive attitude into the classroom
Shruti Shyam
From Mr. Biundo: Shruti worked harder than anyone to make sure her I-Search topic was good to go. She was dedicated to her topic, but what I appreciate most was her dedication to trying to make her research question work for this project. Thanks for sticking to it, Shruti!
Rachel Tebrich
From Ms. Benabou:
-always asks amazing questions
-truly cares for her teachers and peers by being sweet and asking how their day is
-is a teamplayer and offers her assistance in anything we are doing in class
-stays engaged in class and is a great leader
-puts a smile on my face everyday
-truly loved by classmates
Award of Academic Persistence
This goes to students who have improved their GPA from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 by .5 or more, whether they are adding AP and Honors courses to their schedule, raising their game, or absolutely crushing it- these students have all seen a big jump, and that only comes with hard work, perseverance, and yes- persistence.
Northgate Academic Honors
Northgate Academic Honors celebrates students who earn a 3.5 or better each semester are celebrated in a progressive honor system, through their senior year. *Spring semester of senior year is not included due to timing
The tiers are as follows:
1 semester- Certificate of Accomplishment
2 semesters- Certificate of Commendation
3 semesters- Academic Letter- this is a tackle twill letter, similar to a Varsity letter for athletics- students who earn this achievement may select to purchase the letter for $10, and will be awarded a certificate as well.
4 semesters- Certificate of Academic Achievement
5 semesters- Certificate of Academic Excellence
6 Semesters- Certificate of Distinction
7 semesters- Northgate Academic Honors Cord to be worn at Graduation
Certificate of Accomplishment
Charlie Rae Friedman
From Ms. Scott: Charlie is a ray of sunshine in my biology class each day. She is such a hard working student and works well with everyone in my class. She brings joy to my class each day!
Lana Gargenta
From Mr. Biundo: Lana is a gifted writer, a talented athlete, a skilled artist, and a kind soul. Thanks for all your hard work and keeping up a positive attitude, Lana!
Matthew Guiang
From Mr. Garcia Leiva: Matthew stepped out of his comfort zone in the middle of the year to play bassoon, filling a need that we had in the program. His willingness to push himself and develop skills on a different instrument is not only admirable, but he's also killing it and improving so much so quick. Matthew never has a negative thing to say and his kindness has made a difference to the culture we've cultivated in the classroom.
Anders Munich
From Ms. Conroy: Anders has been such a solid contributor all year. He is good teammate, always gives his best effort with high levels of participation
Abirami Narayanan
From Ms. Scott: Abirami is a biology superstar! She is great at asking questions and is consistently engaged in class discussions. She helps her classmates and pays great attention to detail. She is also an incredibly kind hearted and happy person, and I am so lucky to have her in my class each day!
Liliana Orlowski
From Ms. Benavente: Liliana not only is killing it in math and swim on her own, but she does an amazing job helping her classmates around her understand math as well! I've never had so many seating chart requests than to sit with Lilly, who is so patient and good at explaining in ways I can't even do! Liliana is even good at speaking to our student from Guatemala, who mainly only speaks Spanish, and has helped her feel welcome and less lost in our math class.
Certificate of Commendation
Special Teacher Recognition
Kalina Ho
From Mr. Garcia Leiva: Kalina is an absolute bundle of joy. Her infectious laugh and her great attitude is exemplary of the type of student that I LOVE having in the class. She always is willing to give 100%, and has been very proactive when it comes to juggling all of the commitments that she has with band and her other extracurriculars. Thanks for working hard to lead your section in CB and the time you are putting in at home; it shows!
Monica Hockel
From Ms. Wullenweber: Miss Sunshine on a rainy Day! Monica is a joy to have in class. She is friendly to everyone and always positive!
Damon Iniguez
From Mr. Garcia-Leiva: Damon is such a kind and dedicated student. I always know that I can count on him to pay attention to detail and come to class prepared and ready to go. He has such a great attitude and it's a joy to have a diligent and positive student like him in class.
Johnathan Pagni
From Ms. Kasdin: Johnathan is a rock star! His energy is contagious and he brings joy to those around him!
Ethan Pangalinan
From Mr. Biundo: Ethan has had a difficult year, but he keeps plowing ahead anyway, working hard to catch up and finish the year strong!
Brooke Rooney
From Ms. Jacobs: You pursuit of excellence in Biology is inspirational! You are so kind and willing to help others.
Adalina Torres
From Mr. Biundo: Lina has shown that despite challenges, she's dedicated to her learning and willing to work hard to continue learning as much as she can. I'm so glad she was able to choose a great I-Search topic based on her own interests. Keep up the great work, Lina!
Anmol Vilass
From Mr. Biundo: Moli always has a positive attitude. He comes in to class every morning with a warm greeting and ready to engage. He's been great to have in class all year.
Canon Young
From Mr. Garcia Leiva: He has stepped up in the second semester. taking a new role as section leader, moving up to 1st Trombone, and really working hard to be a strong pillar and an encourager in the band. I've seen his attitude shift in a positive direction, and I appreciate his hard work to handle the added responsibility.
Northgate awarded US News & World Report Top Ranking- 9th year in a row!
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Rd, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: 925 938-0900
Twitter: @northgatehs