March 7th, 2025
Reminders From The Office
Full Day Hours: 7:40-2:40
Early Release Hours: 7:40-1:30
Half Day Hours: 7:40-10:43
Attendance Line to report an absence: 269-441-4749
Late Arrivals/Tardies
- Late arrivals to school will still be considered tardy even with a guardian's explanation.
- Student's arriving more than 9 minutes late to school or to any class throughout the day will be marked absent from that class.
- Student's who leave with more than 9 minutes remaining will be marked absent from that class.
- If you are picking up your student early please call the office when you are on your way and we will have them ready for you!
- To keep information current, please make sure to update any changes to phone numbers and addresses with the office as soon as possible.
It is important to have your student to school on time!
On average there are around 25 students that come to school late every day. This causes a lot of disruption to not only the late students but also to the classes they are interrupting. Please make sure to have your student to school on time every day!
March is Reading Month!
To celebrate March is Reading Month we are having a book-related spirit day, every day this month. Take a look at the calendar posted below and start planning those spirit day outfits.
Girls Basketball
Both 7th grade A and B teams went undefeated this season and finished as the I-8 Champions!
Great job girls!
Choir Festival
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade choirs all participated in MSVMA District Choir Festivals at Kalamazoo Chenery Auditorium. All choirs earned medals! The 6th and 8th grade choirs earned Division 2 Excellent ratings while the 7th grade choir earned a Division 1 superior rating.
Band Festival
The 7th and 8th grade band received a Division 1 Superior rating at the district band festival, which is the highest rating a band can receive. We are so proud of all of you. Your hard work paid off! This is the first time in 5 years a Harper Creek Middle School Band has received a Division 1 Superior rating.
PBIS Update
Students are given LEAD tickets by all building staff members for learning responsibly, encouraging kindness, acting respectfully, and demonstrating safety. Please continue to encourage your students to be LEADers in the building.
The number of referrals decreased in all grade levels last month! Great job middle school students!
There will be another big LEAD ticket drawing on Thursday, March 27th.
Students don't forget to get all of your LEAD tickets turned in before Spring Break starts.
Counseling Support Spotlight
5 Ways Caregivers Can Help Calm Students' Anxieties
Most of us can remember feeling dread in the moments before taking a test, and the fears, self-doubts, and what ifs that flourish in those moments:
- What if I get stuck on a question?
- What if I don’t know the answer?
- What if I freeze and forget everything?
Today’s students have the same fears and doubts. But they also experience those emotions more frequently and sometimes more intensely. Why?
Because in addition to their classroom tests, there has been a steady rise in the number of standardized exams and assessments they must take. Kids worry about what a low score might mean. They worry about disappointing their teachers and their parents. They worry about keeping pace with their peers. Their fear of failure creates enormous pressure.
Providing support, offering encouragement, and teaching practical strategies are how school counselors, educators, and parents can work as a team to equip students with the tools and confidence they need to handle every type of school-related anxiety.
Here are 5 key things that can make an immediate and positive difference:
1. Communication: Build and reinforce consistent communication between school and home by using varied communication tools: email, Bloomz, notes home, and conferences. Teachers, specifically, can share with students and their families test dates, the content that will be covered, any materials students need on testing day, and guidance on how to prep for the exam (what chapters to read, what lessons to review, what formulas to practice, etc.).
Parents, too, should share with the school what they’re seeing at home, such as academic frustrations or motivation issues. When coupled with classroom observations, a more complete and reliable picture develops, making it easier to identify underlying issues and implement targeted interventions.
2. Confidence Building: Everyone has a role when it comes to helping students feel more prepared and less anxious before exams, presentations, or performances. Let kids know what to expect (test format, time limits, content covered, materials needed, etc.). Emphasize the things they can control (making sure their devices are charged, sharpening their pencils, wearing comfortable clothes, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, being hydrated, etc.). This creates a sense of purpose and empowerment.
3. Time Management and Organization: Students who are disorganized can easily become overwhelmed and feel unprepared on test days.
4. Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies: Teachers are a great resource for providing helpful test taking strategies. For example, using the phrase “slash the trash” to explain a testing strategy that involves eliminating obviously wrong answers first, then carefully considering the remaining choices.
5. Emotional Regulation: Once students can recognize and identify the physical symptoms of their anxiety, they must be able to manage them. Strategies may involve positive affirmations, deep breathing, counting, stretching, or drinking water. Students can practice these skills in individual and group counseling sessions or classroom counseling lessons. This is another opportunity to reinforce consistent language between the school and the home by involving classroom teachers and parents.
Click here for a helpful informational packet on Stress & Anxiety Management.
Student Support Sign Up
If your student is in need of support please click on this LINK to sign up and the appropriate staff member will be in contact with your student.
6th Grade Information
Sixth grade math is working diligently on expressions and equations. We are learning about exponents and order of operations.
Sixth grade English is having guest readers in honor of March is Reading Month. Thank you to all who have volunteered to share their favorite book with them.
In 6th grade social studies, we are currently learning about the positive and negative effects of human environment interaction in Canada. Included are posters that students made demonstrating their understanding of the topic.
Warming in Nunavut
Pros & Cons of hydroelectric power
Logging in Canada
8th Grade Information
Chocolate Fundraiser
Keep selling that chocolate! All money is due back to your history teacher by 2:40 pm on Friday March 14th.
Eighth Grade Annual Field Trip Participation Requirements
In order to attend this year's field trip to Michigan's Adventure, each student must meet the following requirements between Monday, January 6th, 2025 and Wednesday, May 21st, 2025.
1. The student may not be suspended for any reason.
2. The student may not be on or have been on "social probation".
3. The student may not receive more than four detentions of any kind (for example: 10-minute lunch detention) during the second semester.
4. The student must be passing all four core classes for the second semester.
5. The student and their parent/guardian must sign and return the requirement slip by January 10th.
Any student who does not meet the above requirements will still be eligible to participate in the field trip, provided that one of their parents attends as a one-on-one chaperone and will be responsible for their own transportation.