District Digest
Volume 2.4 -- Published June 12, 2024
There have been a lot of great things happening in SJUSD schools! Check out some of the following highlights from May - June 2024!
Click HERE to read previous editions of the District Digest.
Click the photo to view a video collage of the June 5, 2024 SJHS graduation festivities.
Click the photo to view a video collage of the June 4, 2024 MVHS/MHA/SJ Adult Ed graduation festivities.
On the big day, excited students and volunteer chaperones boarded 37 buses for a fun-filled adventure. Smiles were on the faces of students who rode rides, met Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang characters, enjoyed meals and snacks and hung out with friends. The bus ride home was a bit subdued as students relaxed after a busy day!
Throughout the district, attendance rates have steadily increased this year because of the hard work of our staff and the support of our families who realize #ATTENDANCEisEVERYBODYSbusiness.
When I Dream, I Dream in Many Languages!
A celebration acknowledging hard work and accomplishment was held on May 3, at the SJUSD Multilingual Learners Awards Program. The “When I Dream, I Dream in Many Languages” themed event featured cultural song and dance and honored California State Seal of Biliteracy Award recipients, Riverside County Seal of Multiliteracy Award recipients and the 264 students from every school that met Reclassification Criteria.
click the following links to learn more
Stand Up and Be Recognized!
Education Foundation Recognition Reception
The San Jacinto Education Foundation hosted its annual Recognition Reception on May 7 and honored student winners of the Stephen Talley Art Enrichment Program and scholarship recipients as well as many SJUSD employees. We are grateful for their partnership and support of our students and staff!
A Night to Honor High Levels of Achievement!
Community Survey
Please take our community survey! Your input will guide our efforts to improve local school facilities.
Night of the Stars
"There's No Place Like Cope!"
Click HERE to watch Riverside County Office of Education's incredible highlight video of Dr. Emily Prince who was selected as the 2024 Riverside County Principal of the Year.
Unified PE Beach Volleyball FUN!
On May 8, MVMS and NMMS Special Ed students competed in a United PE volleyball game which involved hitting beach balls over the net while music played. The laughter and smiles on both sides of the net indicated that the competition was a success for all!
Congratulations, Dr. V!
During the May 8 Board of Trustees meeting, Dr. Maria Valdovinos-Bhatia was unanimously approved to be Principal at San Jacinto Elementary School. Congratulations!
Got Purple?
De Anza students, staff and guests, many wearing purple, gathered for a Relay for Life parade led by twelve cancer survivors. Students were challenged to fight back and become the scientist that finds the ever elusive cure. Go Team De Anza!
Way to Go!!
On May 14, staff, family and community members celebrated the achievements of the MVHS and MHA seniors at the Senior Awards Ceremony!
Hard Work Pays Off!
Over one million dollars in scholarships were recognized at the SJHS Scholarship and Awards night on May 22 and over 700 awards were given during the May 31 SJHS Senior Awards Assembly! Congratulations!!!
Goodbye to our Retirees
There were a few misty eyes and much laughter during the May 22 SJUSD Retirement Reception. There is no question that this group leaves very big shoes to fill as seventeen individuals have worked for the district for over eighteen years with eight of those having a tenure of twenty-five to thirty-four years! CLICK HERE to see a full list of our retirees!
Summer Meals for Kids
SJUSD Nutrition Services Department is pleased to announce “Summer Meals for Kids,” which offers FREE breakfast and lunch to all children 18 and younger, is available through July 16!
Click HERE for details.
CBI Aging Out Celebration
Families gathered on June 4 to celebrate five students who are “aging out” from the Community Based Instruction (CBI) program. Each of these students finished their high school career with a certificate of completion and then continued for four additional years in the post-high school CBI program. Congrats and best wishes to all!
The District's main communication tool is ParentSquare. Don't miss any important information -- ensure that the "Notifications" setting in your account is set to allow INSTANT TEXT MESSAGE updates. Learn more!
Let's Get Social!
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