Week 12 Announcements
ALL WORK DUE = Wednesday, AUGUST 9 at Midnight
Can you believe that we are done?!
Hey Students! I have greatly enjoyed working together over the course of this summer! Reminder: All work is DUE BY MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9TH. Grades are updated, so please review them to see where you stand! If have forgotten anything or made any mistakes, please notify me ASAP. Thanks!! If you have any questions about what you have left to do or want to improve your grade, please contact me.
If you have had extenuating circumstances that have kept you from progressing, please notify me. May the Force be with You! - Ms. A out
Grade Ranges: A = 100%-88% B = 87%-63% C = 62%-38% D = 37%-30% F = 29%-0%
Contact Ms. A with Questions
In the summer, texting will get the fastest response.
Text #: 631-494-2462
Email: aadams@kpbsd.org
Website: www.teachingjedi.com
Twitter: @teachingjedi