Eagle Edition

Glennwood Elementary ~ Where Learning Takes Flight
Holly Brookins, PhD, Principal ~ Summer Clayton, Assistant Principal ~ Jill Tolsma, Instructional Coach
Email: hbrookins@csdecatur.net
Location: 440 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.370.4435 * Website * Facebook
Calendar of Events
Friday, August 23
- 1st Community Circle - Ms. Jones' Class Hosting
- July/August Birthday Recognized (All Families Invited)
- SLT Nominations Due
- Room Parent Meeting in the Media Center at 9:00 am
Saturday, August 24
PTA Romp and Read
GL Playground - 10:00-11:00 am
Wednesday, August 28
Early Release Day at 12:50 pm
Thursday, August 29
- PTA General Meeting - 5:30-6:00 pm
- Curriculum Night - 6:00-7:15 pm
- SLT Voting Begins
- PTA Spirit Night at Bad Daddy's Burger Bar - 4:00-8:00 pm
Monday, September 2
Labor Day Holiday (No School
September 4-6
CogAT Testing for First Grade
Friday, September 6
Walk and Roll to School
Community Circle at 8:30 am - Ms. Marquez's class hosting
Thursday, September 12
Katrina Moore Author Visit at 9:00 am
Where Learning Takes Flight
August Design Principle: The Responsibility for Learning
"In dreams begins responsibility."
~William Butler Yeats
Hello Glennwood Families,
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our first Community Circle of the year tomorrow morning at 8:30 am with Ms. Jones' second grade class hosting. We will recognize all July and August birthdays. Here are a few reminders for families:
- Families may enter the auditorium after morning arrival is completed at 8:18 am. Please enter through the exterior, carpool doors near the auditorium.
- Families are welcome to sit along the benches on the side where space is available or stand in the designated areas inside the blue taped-off areas. Siblings who are visiting must stay with their parents.
- Families will be dismissed after Community Circle first. Please wave goodbye or blow a kiss to your child and exit promptly because our students will need to get back to class as quickly as possible.
The GL School Leadership Team (SLT) will hold an election for one open parent position for the 2024-2025 school year. Tomorrow is the deadline for parent nominations.
The Glennwood Elementary School Leadership Team (SLT) is an elected committee consisting of Glennwood parents/guardians, staff members, a community member, and a district representative. The purpose of the SLT is to make decisions that support the continuous improvement of the school in accordance with the provisions of the District Charter. If you are interested in filling this vacancy, please complete this form. If you have any questions regarding the SLT, feel free to contact Dr. Brookins at hbrookins@csdecatur.net.
Current representatives:
Dr. Holly Brookins (GL Principal)
- Summer Clayton (Assistant Principal)
- Susanna Shewan (Staff)
- Leslie Sessley (Parent)
- Matthew Pearl (Parent)
- Emily McDowell (Parent)
- Heather Harris (Parent) - Rolling Off
Bios will go out August 26th to GL Community. Elections will begin August 29th at 8:30 am in conjunction with Curriculum Night and end on August 30th at 8:00 pm. The voting link will also be sent via eBlast.
See you at Community Circle tomorrow!
Warmest regards,
Holly Brookins, Ph.D.
1st Grade CogAT Testing Starts September 4
From September 4-6, all 1st-grade students will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Unlike traditional achievement tests, which measure how well a student has learned the curriculum, the CogAT assesses a child’s ability to reason abstractly and recognize patterns and relationships in the world around them. Teachers can use CogAT scores to better understand a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses. Our school district also uses CogAT scores to identify academically-gifted students.
Glennwood Media Center Updates
Birthday Book Fundraiser Forms Due TOMORROW!
In your child's folder last week, you received information about participating in the Birthday Book Program fundraiser for the media center. This is a special way to honor your child on their birthday and also help the library grow its collection of books. Forms and payment are by Friday, August 23. We will recognize all July and August birthdays during library lessons next week. Thank you for supporting the Glennwood Media Center!
We are once again able to open the library for after-school hours. Students are welcome to visit and check out books after school when accompanied by a parent/caregiver on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:30 pm. Parents may also sign up to be library patrons and check out up to five books at a time. If you are interested in becoming a patron, please email Anne Dishman, our media clerk at adishman@csdecatur.net to sign up, and she will give you more information.
If a student earns an Eagle Book Buck for SOARing high, they get to shop at our Eagle Bookstore and purchase a gently used and donated book. These books do not need to be returned. Note: A library book will have a Glennwood barcode on the back.
Students may always check out books when they return their books on their class' library day in addition to individual visits during the week as needed. Please review the schedule below to see when your child's library time is each week:
Wednesdays - Ronco and Rose
Thursdays - Bennett, Jones, Kaplan, Marquez, Turnipseed and VanDuzer
Please make sure their library books are in their backpacks on these days.
Thanks so much for all you do to support our media center and reading! We are growing lifelong readers at Glennwood!
Join the PTA Committees
We are currently looking for volunteers for the following roles:
Committees (sign up to volunteer)
Fundraising Coordinator
Events Volunteer Coordinator
Lost & Found Coordinator
Room Parent Coordinator
Looking for ways to help us raise funds for Glennwood Elementary? Check out options below:
All of these funds go directly back to supporting the school with supplies and educational initiatives.
Help Your School Win a $1000 Music Grant!
Attend DEF's Battle of the Bands, a family-friendly community concert, and you could help your school win a $1000 music grant! Head to the Legacy Park lawn on Friday, Sept. 6 from 5-9 p.m. for a fun evening of live music, yummy food, and community! Four CSD bands will be bringing the tunes – you BYOB (bring your own blanket) and your school spirit! The school with the largest percentage of representation will win the music grant for their school... along with a trophy and bragging rights, of course! We’ll have food vendors and sweet treats to supplement your picnic. Adults are $10 and KIDS ARE FREE! Buy tickets here.
*If cost is an issue, please email Drew@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.