Falcon Flier
Vol 52, Issue 9 , October 11, 2024
Phelps Luck Elementary School
Sandra Anderson, Assistant Principal
Kelly Grenzer, Assistant Principal
Website: ples.hcpss.org
Location: Phelps Luck Elementary School, Old Stone Court, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: 410-313-6886
Facebook: facebook.com/phelpsluckelementary
Twitter: @hcpss_ples
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Reporting Student Absences
If your student is absent or will be absent, please contact us at the following email address to explain the reason: PLESabsence@hcpss.org. In the email, please Include the following information:
Student First and Last Name
Reason for absence (e.g., illness, bereavement, observance of a religious holiday, lack of transportation)
From School Administration
Phelps Luck Gratitude
One important aspect of creating a caring community is taking time to express gratitude. I am very proud of our cumulative effort to open school and start this school year strong! We can look at the start of school and declare there were so many successful moments. I want to express my gratitude to the many people who contributed to the successful reopening of PLES! A huge shout-out goes to...
- Our amazing families for their support, patience, and flexibility!
- Our custodial team, Mr. Williams (AKA Mr. Jamie), Mr. Dunn, Mr. Bruce, and Ms. Nelson, for hustling to keep the school clean and looking fabulous!
- Our front office staff, Ms. McAleer, Mrs. Self, Ms. Sutkaytis, and Mrs. Fuller for the myriad of tasks they do to manage our school office and their care and attention to students and families.
- Our teachers spent SO much time setting up welcoming classroom environments and greeting new students with supportive and welcoming smiles.
- Our counselors, service providers, technology department, and paraprofessionals for always being there to help wherever they are needed.
- Our incredible PTA who helps to contribute to enhancing our school community.
- And...Assistant Principals, Ms. Anderson and Mrs. Grenzer, worked tirelessly and have done such an excellent job preparing for the opening of school (substitute management, arrival, dismissal, lunch, recess, buses, testing schedules, etc.).
We have so much to be grateful for in our Phelps Luck community. I recommend focusing on all of the good things that take place each day. We try to highlight the amazing things going on in our school with frequent social media/Class Dojo posts so you can see what is going on in our school. I also recommend asking your child, "What were three good things that happened in school today?" Recent studies indicate that gratitude practices like talking about three positive experiences in school can actually improve your physical and mental health. Have a fantastic weekend!
Thank you for your continued support!
Mr. Cosentino, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
For a complete list of dates and events visit ples.hcpss.org/calendar.
- 11 - Fall Individual Picture Day
- 15 - Flu/COVID Vaccine Clinic
- 16 - Watch D.O.G.S. Kickoff, 6:30 p.m.
- 17 - Field Day - Wear Field Day team colors
- 18 - Schools Closed for students - MSEA Convention
- 21 - PTA Restaurant Night at Ledo's
- 25 - Field Day rain date
- 28 - SPIRIT DAY - Crazy Hair Day
- 29 - SPIRIT DAY - Hat Day
- 30 - End of 1st Quarter
- 30 - SPIRIT DAY - Wear Phelps Luck ES gear or colors
- 30 - Trunk or Treat, 6:00 p.m.
- 31 - Schools Closed - Professional Work Day
To subscribe to the PLES calendar on your smartphone, electronic device, or email system, click the plus sign + at the bottom right-hand corner of the Google Calendar or click this link.
HCPSS Calendars
Walker and Car Rider Information
In an effort to improve efficiency during arrival, please help your child be ready to exit the car quickly. Depending on their age, children can unbuckle their seatbelt as you enter the car loop and have their backpack and lunchbox in hand before stopping. There's no need to wait for staff to open the door—your child can safely exit when you stop at the designated point, especially older students. As always, staff will be available to assist if needed.
Parking and Walking
As you know, it is nearly impossible to park in the PLES parking lot during arrival and dismissal. Some people park on Phelps Luck Drive, High Tor Hill, or the cul-de-sacs off those main streets. If you park and pick up your child please remember the following:
- Your child is considered a walker and should be picked up for the rear of the building. In the front of the school, we account for students when they are picked up in their car. It makes it difficult for staff to account for children when parents/guardians/daycare providers take them out of the car loop line.
- In the rear of the building, we account for walkers when parents/guardians/daycare providers are greeted by a staff member there.
- Do not park at the Phelps Luck Neighborhood Center/Pool parking lot. That is for the day care program there.
- Please do not block people's driveways or walk through our neighbor's lawns.
Thank you for your help.
Fall Watchdogs Pizza Kickoff
The Fall Watchdogs Pizza Kickoff is on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. We are extending the registration deadline to Monday, October 14. This is a PTA sponsored event, and we need the registration forms returned by Monday to get an accurate headcount for the food. Our Watchdog Top Dogs, Mr. Jannati and Mr. Gonzales, will be introduced at the Kickoff. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Anderson at sandra_anderson@hcpss.org.
Falcons Spiritwear Shop-24 Is Now Open!
Please find items that we have picked out specifically for our team.
There is also spirit wear available for your family and friends.
Check out the shop details below.
- Shop Now:
- Dates for Store: October 2 - October 16, 2024
Please notice that this is NOT a fundraiser. Our PTA is facilitating the store, but items will be shipped to your preferred address.
Thanksgiving Holiday Support
We are pleased to be able to help our community again this year for Thanksgiving.
Please click the link below if you need food support for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. You may also fill out the form if you would like to help support families in our community.
The request for Thanksgiving will close on Friday, October 18th.
Information on the Winter holiday support will follow in a few weeks.
PTA Trunk or Treat & Fall Festival
Halloween at PLES
We do not celebrate Halloween during the school day. Instead, please join us for the Annual PTA Trunk or Treat & Fall Festival on Wednesday, October 30 at 6:00 p.m.
Free Parenting Support for Parents/Caregivers!
Learn tools to help your children handle stress and setbacks. Join the nonprofit Parent Encouragement Program's free 8-week online program for parents/caregivers of children preK to 12th grade, in English or Spanish. Learn to support your children’s mental wellness and resiliency and connect with other parents. Complete at least 5 sessions and the evaluation to receive a $50 gift card. Classes start the week of October 14, register today: tinyurl.com/2w4k2sxp
Field Day Class Colors
We encourage students to all wear their Field Day class colors. They do not need to go out and buy new clothes. If they have a t-shirt in their class color, please wear it on Thursday, October 17th.
Class colors are:
5th – Black
4th – White
3rd – Red
2nd – Black
1st – White
Kindergarten – Red
Pre-K - Blue
Please see the field day checklist below for everything children need for Field Day.
Be sure to label the water bottle with your child's name.
Fall Picture Day is Coming!
We’re excited to announce that Fall Picture Day will be held on Friday, October 11!
This year, we have a new photography partner—Lifetouch. Lifetouch, now part of the Shutterfly family, is committed to helping families capture, preserve, and share life’s most precious moments. Thanks to their connection with Shutterfly, you’ll have access to a wider variety of products to showcase your child's school memories.
Did you know that purchasing a picture package also benefits Phelps Luck Elementary School? This program serves as our only fundraiser. The proceeds help us purchase important supplies and support programs that otherwise wouldn't be available to our students.
Paper fliers will go home soon. You can order your picture package online, or you can preview the packages with the digital pdf version of the flier under the graphic below.
We hope you enjoy the new offerings from Lifetouch and take advantage of this opportunity to capture some great school memories!
Young Author's Contest
The Howard County Literacy Association invites
writers in Grades 1 - 5 to submit an original
short story or poem for the Elementary School Young
Authors’ Contest 2024-25!
Submissions, along with a Cover Sheet (sent as a PDF)
are due in an email to Mrs. Williams
by Friday, December 6, 2024. Contest Guidelines
For more details or questions, contact your child’s teacher
or Mrs. Carolyn Williams, PLES Reading Specialist. (carolyn_william@hcpss.org)
For more information: Howard County Literacy Association
Watch D.O.G.S.
Our PTA sponsors the Watchdogs. We need Watchdog Top Dog(s) to represent the Watchdogs at the PTA meetings monthly. Here are the PTA Meeting dates for the remainder of the 2024-2025 SY: 10/9; 11/6; 12/4; 1/8; 2/12; 3/5; 4/2; 5/7; and 6/4. If you are interested in being a Top Dog, please complete this form.
The Watchdogs Fall Kickoff will be on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Please look for the registration forms to come home soon."
The Mobile Dentist is coming to PLES October 7th -10th. Please see below link to register.
Save the Date-The annual Flu Clinic will be at PLES on October 15th.
Please contact the Health Room with any questions 410-313-7439
Spirit Days
Please find the Spirit Day Schedule for the year below. We hope this helps in the planning and participation in our fun spirit days this year.
School Based Wellness Centers - ENROLL TODAY
School-based clinics are located in 10 elementary, middle and high schools in the Howard County Public School System including Phelps Luck Elementary School. They are made possible through a partnership between the Howard County Health Department and Howard County Public School System. The goal of the program is to keep kids in school, healthy and ready to learn. All student in Phelps Luck are eligible to be part of the School-Based Wellness Center. In order to do that, your child(ren) must be enrolled in the School-Based Wellness Center.
Regional Early Childhood Center - Learning Together Program
We are very excited that, as a school with a Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC), PLES has been allocated a Learning Together Program (LTP) for this school year!
RECCs provide special education services for preschoolers with disabilities in classes that also include children who do not have disabilities. This program enables all young children to play with each other, develop long-term friendships, and benefit from a diverse and stimulating environment. The purpose of the Learning Together Program (LTP) is to include children who do not have disabilities in the RECC classes located within elementary schools.
We are accepting applications for LTP Peers (students without disabilities) with birthdates from 8/31/2020 through and including 9/1/2021.
A limited number of openings are available for children without disabilities. Children are selected based upon screening information given on the application form and space availability. If necessary, a lottery process is conducted. The fees listed in the application will be collected monthly regardless of the learning model determined by HCPSS throughout the upcoming school year (virtual, hybrid, or in person).
Please click on the link below for detailed information about the program and a link to the application:
Information and Application for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs)
To qualify for Free and Reduced Meals, families will need to apply for that benefit.
HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, which provides families with significant benefits to help save money. Qualification is based on family size and income, and enrollment is confidential. All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get free meals regardless of income, and students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. Those eligible for reduced-price lunch pay $0.10 and breakfast is free.
Free and Reduced Meals eligibility provides discounts for summer programs, SAT, recreation programs, Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and internet programs.
PTA: Parent Teacher Association
Community Notices and Programs
The below community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the HCPSS.