St. Clare Family Newsletter
March 7, 2025
Pray for Pope Francis
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for the loving service of Pope Francis and the hope he has inspired in so many in your great mercy. Have mercy on him in his illness now, we pray, and guide the medical staff in his care.
Grant him peace and healing. Through Christ our Lord.
~The Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word
Message from Mrs. Ybarra and Mrs. Howard
Step Up to the Plate—The St. Clare Auction & Gala is Almost Here!
We’re in the final inning—our Auction & Gala is just one week away, happening next Saturday! We can’t wait to hit it out of the park with an unforgettable evening together. The auction site opens this MONDAY at 8:00 a.m., so get ready to swing for the fences with your bids!
We’ve got a grand slam lineup of new and unique items—you won’t want to miss out! Stay tuned for more details, and thank you for being part of our winning team.
Calendar of Events
Every Friday - Dismiss @ 2:00 P.M.
The calendar of events is now in Google! You can add the calendar to your Google Calendar and any changes made will be reflected on your phone or computer. Please click the link below to see the Calendar of Events!
*Parents are always welcome at Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and Prayer Services.
STUCO is stepping into March with all sort of fun things. Check out the information below!
Parents & Friends
Raffle Winners
Congratulations to our $25 weekly winners for the week of 3/3 - James Anderson (sold by The Kurtz Family) and Jonathan Timko (sold by Phoenix Timko)!
Alumni Spotlight
Congratulations to our St. Clare alumni who were inducted into Father McGivney's National Honor Society!
Elite FT Youth Flyers
St. Clare Parish
St. Clare Parish Blessing Cup Retreat
For students preparing for First Communion in 2025 and their parents
1-3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 9
St. Clare School cafeteria
Please RSVP if you need on-site childcare for siblings
janedotson@stclarechurch.org or 618-632-3562
St. Nicholas Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
O'Fallon High School Summer Camp- Soccer
OTHS Youth Summer Soccer Camp
When: July 7-10 (M-Th), 9-11:00 am
Where: O'Fallon Family Sports Park (Field TBD)
Who: incoming 6-8th graders (boys & girls)
How much: $80.00
Contact Info: kazmierczakc@oths.us
Pictures From This Week
Mrs. Walford- Garden Class
The 2nd graders helped me get all their winter sowing milk jugs outside. These are full of seeds of perennial flowers and herbs for our pollinator flower beds we will be adding this spring.
Kindergarten OG - Mrs. Johnson
OG Multi-Sensory Experience
Kindergarten Math - Ms. Fredericksen
Kindergarten Reading- Mrs. Distler
Kindergarten having fun reading!
5th Grade- Mrs. Brandmeyer
Check out some of the Water Cycle comic strips 5th graders created.
The students LOVED hockey in PE this week!
St. Clare Catholic School
Email: monica.ybarra@saintclareschool.org
Website: www.saintclareschool.org
Location: 214 West 3rd Street, O'Fallon, IL, USA
Phone: (618) 632-6327
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saintclareknights