CES Weekly News
March 18 - 22, 2024
Tell Us What You Think About CES?
Tell us what you love about CES! And, give us your feedback on how we can improve, too! Your feedback will be used to help us make CES even better. The results from these surveys will be shared on our annual state report card.
Each year, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) administers a climate survey for students, teachers and parents/guardians. Again this year, the SCDE will collect these surveys using PowerSchool.
Parents/guardians must log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal to complete the survey. Below are directions.
Log into Parent Portal at: lexington1.powerschool.com/public
You must log in on an internet browser. The survey does not work on the PowerSchool App.Click on the“Parent Climate Survey” link that is under your child’s name and student ID number.
Click on the drop-down box at the top left to change languages.
Read the instructions and then click on the link to take the survey.
Dates & Events
- Deadline for PTO T-shirt Sale
- Archery Practice -2:30-3:45
Tuesday, March 19
- 5th Grade Field Trip to Saluda Shoals
- Archery Practice -2:30-3:45
- Rising Stars 2:45-4:45
Wednesday, March 20
- Wear Purple in Honor of Women's History Month
- Early Release 11:20/Collaborative Planning
Thursday, March 21
- Little Mermaid, Jr. Musical Theater Rehearsal - 8:30-12:00 (GPAC)
- Archery Practice -2:30-3:45
- Rising Stars 2:45-4:45
- Little Mermaid, Jr. Musical Theater Performance - GPAC 6:00 p.m.
Friday, March 22
- Fun Run Sponsorships and Forms Due
- Sky Mall Store (open at lunch)
Around the Corner
- March 25 Archery Practice - 2:30-3:45
- March 26 3rd Quarter Report Cards
- March 26 State Archery Championships - State Fairgrounds
- March 27 Aviator of the Month (lunch periods)
- March 27 Lex1 District Dance Concert - Lex1 PAC, 7:00 p.m.
- March 28 CES Field Day & Fun Run
- March 29 No School/Weather Make-up Day
- April 1-5 Spring Break
Join us for the CES Sistercare Donations Drive
PTO T-Shirt Sale - 1 More Day - CLOSES TOMORROW
The spring t-shirt pop up shop will run 1 week only! Deadline to order is tomorrow, Monday, March 18th! Shirts should be delivered to the school the week after spring break. Youth and adult sizes are available.
Use the link below to order:
If you have any questions, please email the PTO PTO.centervilleelementary@gmail.com
Highest Attendance March 11 - March 15, 2024
Highest Student Attendance Award Winners
K4/K5 - Hartley (97.8%)
1st - Bernier (98.8%)
2nd - Buenrostro (95.8%)
3rd - Mills (95.2%)
4th - Hall (100%)
5th - Lewis (98.1%)
Each class will receive treats for their AWESOME attendance!