Red Raider Review: Family Edition
Earlville CUSD 9 Week of November 4, 2024
From the 6-12 Principal's Office
Theme For The Year: Be a Strength Spotter, Not a Deficit Detector
A strength spotter emphasizes building on existing strengths, while a deficit detector identifies and focuses on weaknesses. Find the strengths in yourself and others!
Specific Grade Level News
Junior High Only
- Starting on 10/21 if you have a failing grade in any class you will loose the privlage of having your phone at lunch. I will make sure to send the reminder in an email to you and your parent, but I wanted to give you a heads up. THIS STARTS THIS WEEK!
- Make sure you are turning in your advisory sheet to the basket outside my office by Friday at 3pm. I am keeping track of them and making notes on them for you.
- Homework Hall has started! Please make sure you are also using the JH Homework document. If you are interested in more information, please get in touch with Mrs. Vulcani at
High School Only
Just a reminder, you are not allowed to leave after 4th period, before the bus leaves, without permission.
- The class of 2030 is having a FAYS dinner fundraiser on November 14th right here in the school parking lot! You can order online with the link below! The class of 2030 thanks you all so much for your support!!
BOTH Junior High and High School
If your student is having their pictures retaken, please have them bring their pictures with them on the 15th to hand to the photographers.
The next date for the Blood Drive at the Lutheran Church will be Monday, January 6, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please take time for schedule an appointment or let Mary Sons know if you need help. The Blood Drive at the High School on 10/26 acquired over 30 pints. This is great. Please help our drives to continue to increase. Mary Sons 815-414-3241
Just a reminder: if you lose your school ID, you will need to go to the back of the lunch line and then sign up in the office for a new ID. New ID’s will be printed Friday, and you can pick them up Monday morning in the office. They will only be printed once a week.
-Nov. - Spirit Wear fundraiser coming soon, details to follow
-Dec. 1st - PTA will have their annual Smore's station at the Christmas Festival
-Dec. 5th - Movie Night. Details coming soon
-Dec. 17th - Secret Santa Shopping
PDF's from your daily announcements
Coming up...
1 Early Dismissal - 11:18am
5 No School/IVVC
11 Veterans Day Assembly - 2pm
15 Picture Retakes
22 End of PreK Trimester 1
26 Early Dismissal/No IVVC - 1:30pm
27-29 No School/IVVC - Thanksgiving Break
D2E Snapshot- Mrs. Vulcani
Weekly reminders…
Breakfast is served from 7:30 - 7:55, if your child wants to participate they need to be at the school before 7:55 am. We have started serving the students upstairs so they don't have to walk to the cafeteria. The goal is to get all of the students to have breakfast.
Please remind your child to bring a water bottle everyday.
Let's make next Tuesday a "Positivi-tee Tuesday!" Wear your favorite sweatshirt or t-shirt with a positive saying! (ex. Be Kind, You are AWESOME!, Kind is the New Cool, etc...)
Do you get a weekly email from Skyward? It comes on Saturday mornings and it displays your child's grades, attendance, and how their assignments were for the week. If you do not receive this and you want to please contact the office.
We have tightened up our attendance policy with automated emails from Skyward. As a reminder...
- Every 3 tardies you will be issued an automatic detention. Detentions are every Wednesday and Thursday till 4:15 pm
- Automated letters will also go out if you miss 5 days. The letter will explain the days you missed. Another letter will go out if you miss 10 days. As per Illinois State Law, students can't miss that 10th day with out further action.
Red Raider Nation
Monday 11/04 Tuesday 11/05 Wednesday 11/06 JH Boys Basketball vs Newark 4:30 Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville Thursday 11/07 JH Boys Basketball vs HBR 4:30 Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville Friday 11/08 Saturday, 11/09
Social Emotional Learning
Move This World Family Resources
We use this in our Academy classes. We purchased the Family account if you would like to log in and explore.
Dear Families,
To support our students’ social emotional needs and mental health, we are using a video-based social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum from Move This World. I’m excited to share that you’ll be able to access this helpful curriculum at home, too!
Social emotional learning is how students learn to process and manage emotions as well as important social skills. It includes everything from goal setting to stress management, and it provides both children and adults with tools they can use to express themselves authentically and safely. SEL helps students build healthy relationships, communicate effectively, and live a meaningful life.
Below, you’ll find log in instructions:
Jr/Sr High.....
Username: EarlvilleHS.Family
Password: movethisworld
Coffee With The Principal
Coffee with the Principal:
Please mark your calendars for the last Friday of every month (except holidays) for our monthly Parent Coffee Chats with the Principal. Each month we will have a guest speaker or a specific topic to discuss. These are informal meetings where you can bring your questions for the Principal in an open forum. Parent Coffee Chats will be on the last Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted) from 8:30–9:30 a.m. The Parent-Principal Chats provide parents with monthly opportunities to meet with the principal as a group to discuss topics, initiatives, and issues related to student learning at the schoolwide level. The Chats are a two-way exchange whereby families and school leaders listen, learn, solve problems, and share information with each other. Every month will have a theme that is based on the feedback from the survey.