Collier Elementary PreK - 6th Grade
October 2024 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
Please make sure to notify the office and your child's teacher if there is a change in the way that your child will be going home in the afternoon. This helps us to get students to the right place when the bell rings. Also, please remember to be patient in the parking lot, students are dismissed at the flagpole to vehicles. Please do not ask your child to walk between parked cars to your car. If you want to park and walk to the sidewalk you may do that. Thank you.
Upcoming Events
- October 3rd Picture Day, Yearbook photos taken
- October 4th No School Grading Day
- October 7th - 11th No School Fall Break
- October 23rd No School or Cougar Club TUSD Professional Learning Day
- October 24th Collier After School Clubs Begin 2:30-3:30pm, must have signed permission form
- October 26th PTA Fundraising Carnival Monster Mash Minions Vs. Dinosaurs 4 - 7pm
- October 29th Site Council and Family Engagement Meetings 3:30pm Collier Library
- October 31st Halloween Costume Parade 8:15am Collier Playground
OMA Gold News
We continue to be very busy with the OMA Program!
All students continue to tie math to music or movement and English Language Arts.
Kindergarten has been focused on storywriting
1st grade is exploring many different ways to express addition equations
2nd grade is exploring number sense by ‘reading’ large numbers in place value
3rd grade is creating 64 count musical summaries of a book
4th grade is using movement to explore math word problems
5th is adding choreography to their class song
Last month the entire school worked with an artist from the Museum of Contemporary art. Students created works inspired by poetry and the Sonoran Desert. This month, we will study professional artists who fingerpaint, and create another square for our ongoing quilt projects.
On October 15, artists from Arizona Opera will be here to perform Rusalka, the Littlest Mermaid for our students, and on October 24, the Tucson Symphony Orchestra’s Brass and Percussion Ensemble will be here to perform for our students.
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
Health Office News
Hello Collier families!
We have a few updates and requests from the Collier Health Office.
-We have our mass vision/hearing screening coming up for Collier on Wednesday, October 2nd. Please be on the lookout for any referral forms from our health office after that date. If you don't receive any forms, you can breathe easy because your student has passed the screening!
-Our health office number is 520-584-4817. It is helpful if you save this number as a contact so you are able to recognize it should we need to get a hold of you for any reason. Thank you for your help in keeping our communication about your students timely.
-Our health office is in need of extra clothes - particularly sizes 8T and higher. If you have any clothes you were planning on donating - please consider the Collier Health Office as your donation option!
-Final notice of immunization is coming up. Please get your student/s immunized if you received a referral from the health office. And send us a copy of the updated immunization record.
Thank you all - our health office loves being a part of the Collier community!
Maryluna Girardot, HA
Abby Hildenbrand, RN
Kristi Smith, RN
Our New Marquee
Thank you to Tucson Unified School District for providing our AMAZING new marquee using the TUSD Bond Money! It is a great addtion to our campus!
Kindness Matters
This month, Collier's Social Emotional Learning focus is Kindness! We will be working with students on ways to be and spread kindness to others. You can support this at home by encouraging kindness as well.
Ways to encourage kindness at home:
- Say "Thank you".
- Tell people what you love about them.
- Smile at those you pass in the store
- Leave a gift for someone.
- Complete an act of service for someone.
PTA Fundraising Carnival Monster Mash!
Our annual PTA Fundraising Carnival Monster Mash is right around the corner! Please join us Saturday, October 26 from 4 - 7pm! Fliers were sent home for presale tickets, activities, and costs! If you need another please see the office.
We will also be having a candy contest the next two weeks to collect candy to hand out at the event. Please send in bags of candy with your child for the competition!
If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please sign up in the office or see Mrs. Osborne.
Tucson, AZ 85749