Weekly Newsletter
27th September 2024

Important Dates!
- Monday 30th September - Friday 4th October - Year 6 Bikeability (teachers will inform parents which day)
- Wednesday 2nd October - Year 5 Beamish trip
- 7th - 11th October - INTO University Year 6 Focus Week - 6MS
- Wednesday 9th October - TRAINING DAY - SCHOOL CLOSED to all children
- Thursday 17th Oct - School Photograph Day
- Thursday 17th Oct - Year 4 Visit Segedunum Roman Fort (more info on Dojo nearer the time)
Thursday 17th October - Friday 18th October - Year 6 Bikeability (teachers will inform parents which day)
21st - 25th October - INTO University Year 6 Focus Week - 6ND
- Friday 25th Oct - Break up for half term
- Monday 4th Nov - Return to school
⭐Don't forget to check Class Dojo regularly for up-to-date news⭐
Important Message!
Please can parents and carers ensure that the school car park is not used to access school. Our car park can be busy with cars and vans and isn't a safe place for families to walk through.
Whole School Attendance this week - 93.7%
We are aiming for at least 97% - let's work together to make this happen!!
Please remember that if your child is going to be absent from school you should call school before 8.30am to report this. If they are off for multiple days, you should call school each day that they are off. If your child is suffering from something such as a cough or cold we do recommend that you send them into school and see how they get on. It is amazing how many children perk up once they get into school and we can assure you that if it becomes evident that a child should not be in school we will make contact with yourself as parent/carer.
As a school, our attendance has greatly improved over the last year and this is all thanks to you and the effort you are making in getting your children into school every day.
Weekly Reflection
Our word of the week is 'Generous'. Generosity is about happy giving, rather than getting. It's the opposite of being selfish. You can be generous with your things by letting others use them or giving them away. You can also be generous with your time by using some of it to help others.
Mother Teresa said, "help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest to you." We have taken take time to reflect on generosity and what it means to us, especially remembering the Bible verse Proverbs 3:27-28 - Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person. Don’t tell your neighbour “Maybe some other time” or “Try me tomorrow”.
Each week we will be posting safeguarding advice for parents on our newsletter. This week we would like to remind you of the age restrictions across Social Media Platforms -
How can parents reduce issues from social media?
- Keep lines of communication open. Work with your child by creating healthy boundaries in terms of screen time and types of social media. Discuss safety related to maintaining privacy and avoiding risky trends.
- Talk about what’s within your comfort zone. Discuss ground rules with your child about posting, liking others’ posts, how and which comments should be ignored, and when people should be blocked.
- Set limits. For example, phones should be put away at mealtime; screens should be turned off prior to bed.
- Enforce good sleep habits. Screens impact the ability to get good quality sleep. The artificial light arouses your brain and disrupts the production of melatonin to induce sleep.
- Use parental controls. Modify permissions and monitor accounts until your child is developmentally mature enough to make such choices.
- Model positive behaviour. Be a role model by putting your phone down when you're sharing time together. When you disconnect, it also allows for increased quality time.
- Encourage face-to-face activities. This increases a sense of belonging, which serves as a protective factor against negative self-esteem and depression.