Kingsley Connection
August 2, 2024
Dear Kingsley Families,
As the new school year quickly approaches, we are excited to welcome our students, both returning and new, to what strives to be an engaging and productive year at Kingsley.
The summer break has provided our staff with time rest, rejuvenate, and to plan and prepare for an exceptional school year to come. Our dedicated teachers have been hard at work attending professional development sessions, collaborating on curriculum ideas, and setting up their classrooms to create a welcoming, nurturing, and stimulating environment for your children.
As we embark on this new journey together, communication and collaboration between home and school are more important than ever. We encourage you to stay informed and involved in your child's education. Please take advantage of our school's communication channels, including our website, newsletters, and parent-teacher conferences, to stay updated on school events, important announcements, and ways you can get involved.
We understand that each family brings unique experiences and perspectives to our school community, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our doors are always open, and we value your input.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We look forward to a year filled with growth, discovery, and success. Let’s make this school year a memorable and rewarding experience for everyone!
Please look for our weekly newsletter (Kingsley Connection) in your inbox for a review of Kingsley's news and reminders.Our office is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 630-719-5850.
Next week's Kingsley Connection will have more information on arrival and dismissal procedures, snack, lunch & recess, and more.
Finally, we invite you to follow us on Twitter (links below). This is one of the many ways to stay in touch with events happening at Kingsley.
Warm regards,
Chuck Brewster (Principal) & Eleni Gajewski (Assistant Principal)
Teacher Assignments
Teacher assignments have been posted in PowerSchool since Friday, August 2nd at 12:00pm.
In order to ensure view your child’s schedule, you will need to be able to log into your secure PowerSchool Parent Portal Account. Families can navigate the portal by visiting and signing in with their username and password. Information about creating a portal account can be found here. If you need assistance, please contact our school office (630) 719-5850 which can help you get signed in.
2024-2025 Classroom Teachers List
Kindergarten: Mrs. Shannon Arnold & Mrs. Nichole Szlembarski
1st Grade: Mrs. Rachel Bush & Ms. Christine Fiorenzi
2nd Grade: Ms. Jacqueline Ruf, Mrs. Jen Kotor, and Mrs. Jamie Arendas
3rd Grade: Mr. Andrew Biederman & Mrs. Colleen Hannigan
4th Grade: Ms. Liana LoPresti & Mr. Craig Young
5th Grade: Mr. Matt Dennis & Mrs. Kristin Fuchs
6th Grade: Mrs. Ashley Herald, Mrs. Deanna Jacobs, & Mrs. Carly Boyle
K-1 B.E.S.T. Program: Ms. Maggie Resillez
2-3 B.E.S.T. Program: Mrs. Lindsey Reese
3 B.E.S.T. Program: TBD
4-6 B.E.S.T. Program: Mrs. Carly Reider (Formerly Ms. Alfieri)
B.E.S.T. Resource: Mrs. Tracy Moriarty
Will there be an opportunity to meet the teacher and drop off school supplies before the first day of school?
Teachers will still be setting up their rooms and preparing for the first day of school. While the staff is excited to see their students, they will not be able to conference individually with families during this time. If your child has special needs or accommodations, your child's teacher will have that information ahead of time.
Families will enter and exit his/her grade-level hallway arrival door. Families who have registration or medical papers may bring them to the main office.
Grade Level Entry Doors:
Grades K-1 Enter/exit through Door 2
Grade 2 Enter/exit through Door 3
Grades 3-4 Enter/exit through Door 5
Grades 5-6 Enter/exit through Door 6
B.E.S.T. Enter/exit through Door 1
All families are expected to wrap up school supply drop-off by 3:30pm and head to the Kingsley School Popsicle Social located on the intermediate playground (in the back of school), from 3:00pm-5:00pm.
Save the Dates...
August 13 - Kingsley School Supply Drop Off 2:45pm - 3:30pm
August 13 - Kingsley Popsicle Social (Intermediate Blacktop) 3:00pm - 5:00pm
August 16 - First Day of School (full day)
August 16 - Coffee with the PTA 8:30am (outside Door 9)
September 2 - NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY