Renner Middle School eNews
May 7, 2021
Celebration of Life for Mr. Brad Allcorn
Saturday, May 15th at 11AM
St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Plano, TX
This will be an in-person event with face masks and social distancing.
To Honor Brad in lieu of flowers, please donate to his son Ian's school for Autism, Marigold Academy of Learning using this link: https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?keyword_list=Marigold+learning+academy&bay=search.results
Here is the live stream link in case people choose to attend online: https://www.standrewumc.org/memorial
STAAR Testing Information
Upcoming STAAR Details
Tuesday, May 11:
- ALL GRADES - F2F - Math STAAR for all F2F students in ALL GRADES
- @Home students - ALL GRADES - follow regular @Home Asynchronous Schedule
- 7th graders in Algebra & Math Rocks classes will stay home
- AP Spanish IV Students - Take AP Test on campus
Wednesday, May 12:
- ALL GRADES - F2F - Reading STAAR for all F2F students in ALL GRADES
- @Home students - ALL GRADES - follow ASYNCHRONOUS schedule
Thursday, May 13:
- F2F - ALL F2F 6TH GRADERS - STAY HOME - Follow asynchronous schedule
- F2F - ALL F2F 7TH GRADERS - STAY HOME - Follow asynchronous schedule
- F2F - ALL F2F 8TH GRADERS - STAY HOME - Follow asynchronous schedule
- @Home Learners who elect to test - ALL GRADES - On campus for Math STAAR (this includes Honors Geometry Students)
Friday, May 14:
- F2F - ALL F2F 6TH GRADERS - STAY HOME - Follow asynchronous schedule
- F2F - ALL F2F 7TH GRADERS - STAY HOME - Follow asynchronous schedule
- F2F - ALL F2F 8TH GRADERS - STAY HOME - Follow asynchronous schedule
- @Home Learners who elect to test - ALL GRADES - On campus for Reading STAAR
STAAR Letter & Calendar (English)
STAAR Letter & Calendar (Spanish)
STAAR Testing Day Reminders
Please be aware that the school will operate on an adjusted schedule on testing days and we will be a closed campus. We cannot allow visitors or parent deliveries on these days.
Testing Days:
- Tuesday, May 11th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Math for F2F & AP Spanish
- Wednesday, May 12th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Reading for F2F
- Thursday, May 13th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Math for S@H & AP Spanish students
- Friday, May 14th - 6th/7th/8th Grade Reading for S@H
We have some important reminders for both students and parents for these days:
- All STAAR testing will be completed on student Chromebooks. Students must bring their Chromebook and charger every day.
- Students are not allowed to have electronic devices in the testing rooms. Cell phones should be left at home or powered off and placed in designated buckets in their testing classroom on testing days. If there is a family emergency, please contact the front office at 469-752-5800.
- We strongly encourage students who are testing to bring their lunches on test days. Students are also encouraged to eat a good, healthy breakfast. Breakfast & Lunch will be served FREE on testing days!
- Because of strict testing security measures, we may not allow visitors in the school on testing days.
- Parents, this means that lunches need to be sent to school with your child. Please do not drop off lunches or other materials on these days. We know this may seem inconvenient, but it is essential that we provide a safe, secure, and quiet environment for all students who are testing.
- Students cannot leave the building and return later to complete their tests. If your child has an appointment on any of the testing days, please try to change the appointment.
- Students should bring a hardback or paperback book with them on the day of testing. E-readers, such as Kindles and Nooks are not allowed on testing days.
If you should have any questions, please contact your child's counselor. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
End of Year Technology Collection Information
Renner Families-
Renner Middle School will be collecting technology equipment, including Chromebooks, Chromebook chargers, headphones, iPads, and WiFi hotspots, between Tuesday, May 25 and Friday, May 28, 2021. We will be storing and organizing devices to prepare them for the 2021-22 school year. (Not all students have headphones, an iPad, or a WiFi hotspot).
Face-To-Face students will return their school issued Chromebook & charger to their advisory teacher on either Tuesday, May 25 or Wednesday, May 26, 2021.
Parents or guardians of School@Home students will be able to return Chromebook(s) & charger(s) - along with any iPads, headphones, or WiFi Hotspots - at the following times:
Tuesday, May 25 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, May 26 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Friday, May 28 from 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
The Chromebook return process will take a couple of minutes as we must visually inspect the device, match the PISD asset tag sticker to our records, and ensure that the charger fits the device.
More details can be found in the letter linked here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SWiIJFH60-Z6xgZNmlX0eTmOhHWzLBGyA1np8E6_4A8/edit?usp=sharing
Renner STAAR Testing Schedule
May 10 - Renner PTA Board Meeting (11:15 am) & Membership Meeting (12:00 pm)
May 11 - STAAR Math 6/7/8 for Face-to-Face students; AP Spanish Test
May 12 - STAAR Reading 6/7/8 for Face-to-Face students
May 13 - STAAR Math 6/7/8 for School@Home & AP Spanish students
May 14 - STAAR Reading for School@Home students
Renner Yearbooks are Coming!
School @Home Students
School@Home students will have an opportunity to pick up their yearbooks on Thursday, May 20th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm or 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
Pickup will be in the front carpool circle. Please stay in your car and have your student's name on a piece of paper in the windshield so we can bring the correct yearbook to your vehicle.
Face to Face students
If you have any questions regarding this year's yearbook, please contact michelle.conway@pisd.edu.
Not Returning to Renner for 2021-2022?
Student Anti-Bullying/Upstander Training
Renner Library Books Are Due!
All Renner library books were due back on April 30. At home students may return their books to the front office, or in the library when they come to campus to take the STAAR test. Students learning at school can return books to the library. If you have any questions contact librarian Katie Aycock (katie.aycock@pisd.edu).
Verification of Enrollment (VOE) Forms
Once your student's enrollment has been verified, the system will email you the letter.
For questions regarding Verification of Enrollment forms, please contact rhonda.snyder@pisd.edu.
Gateway Summer Engineering Camp
Registration for the Gateway Summer Engineering Camp is now open! This summer’s camp will be a virtual, yet hands-on, project-based camp designed to introduce incoming 7th and 8th grade middle school students to the fundamentals of STEM and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering courses within Plano ISD.
Certified PLTW instructors provide expert instruction in a fun, exciting environment using leading-edge technologies to sample engineering related activities and projects and get a taste of how fun it can be to be an engineer. Cost of the camp is $100. To learn more about the camp and register, please visit our Plano ISD Gateway Camp Home page. Registration closes May 7, 2021.
Special Education Hero Expo May 14, 2021
Families whose children are receiving special education services are invited to sign up for Plano ISD’s 2021 Special Education Hero Expo occurring May 14. The virtual event is intended to provide parents with information about the special education process, activities to use at home and resources available to families from the district and outside agencies.
Parents can sign up for any or all of the 14 one-hour sessions that will be offered beginning at 9 a.m.
Sessions include:
- ABCs of Full and Individual Education (FIE)
- Developmental Sequence of Gross and Fine Motor Skills
- Dyslexia from the Parent Perspective
- Functional Routines in the Home
- Guardianship and Alternatives
- Lifepath Systems/Texas Workforce Solutions
- Mental Health: Knowing when to make a call and who to call
- My Child is Deaf: What resources are available for my family?
- Parent Panel
- Setting Limits: “You Are Stronger Than You Are”
- Special Needs Trust
- Digital Strategies for Today’s Hybrid Learning Environment
- Understanding the Transition Process
- Understanding Your Child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
To attend and view the schedule, visit the 2021 Special Education Hero Expo webpage on Plano ISD’s website.
Registration information is below and all sessions will be held virtually.
English Parent Expo Information
El Departamento de Servicios de Educación Especial ofrecerá una exposición para padres el 14 de mayo para todas las familias que tengan niños que reciban servicios de educación especial en PISD. La información de registro se encuentra a continuación y todas las sesiones se llevarán a cabo de manera virtual.
Spanish Parent Expo Information
For questions about the event, should be emailed to spedparentconference@pisd.edu.
Curbside Meals from FANS
Breakfast and lunch meal bundles are available for pick-up on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the following locations:
- Clark HS
- McMillen HS
- Shepton HS
- Vines HS
- Williams HS
**Anyone picking up meals for students, without the student present, must bring appropriate documentation in the form of a school-issued ID, report card, parent portal attendance summary form, or birth certificate.
FANS Meal Account Refunds & Transfers
2021-2022 Renner Football & Athletics
Follow this link for a message from two of our Athletics students, Sebastian Langley and Shane Parker, regarding 2021-2022 Boys Athletics at Renner Middle School and the Renner football program - https://youtu.be/LPjq91czgHM.
For more information, contact our Athletic Director, Kevin Kelln at kevin.kelln@pisd.edu.
2021-2022 Renner Volleyball Tryouts
Girls 7th and 8th grade volleyball tryouts will be Monday, August 16th - Thursday,
August 19th. You must have the following forms completed before the first day of
● Physical
● Rank One online forms (https://planoisd.rankonesport.com.)
● There are 6 online forms that must be completed in Rank One:
○ Medical History Form
○ Emergency Card
○ Extracurricular and Guidelines Statement
○ Travel Permission and Event Combo
○ UIL Forms Signature Page
○ Accident Insurance Coverage
All forms can be found under the Renner Middle School Athletics website
Parents please either bring a hard copy of your daughter’s physical to the front office
of the school or email an attachment of your daughter’s physical to
makenna.wiedower@pisd.edu (8th) or jessica.loyd@pisd.edu (7th).
Shepton High School Information for 8th Graders
Shepton 8th Grade Parent Info - https://www.smore.com/qgc41
High School Athletics Information for Current 8th Graders
We are very pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for all of our incoming 9-12 student athletes in the West feeder cluster. On Wednesday, May 12th, we are hosting a mass “Physical Day” from 3:00-6:00 in the competition gym at Plano West. Athletic Trainer, Courtney Goree has retained the services of doctors and PAs from around the local area to provide our kids with the opportunity to receive physicals for the 2021-2022 school year at a cost of $20 (CASH ONLY). He, along with myself and Jon Rueter, have poured countless hours into the preparation of this event.
It is important to remember that we will be collecting physicals for the 2021-2022 school year for each and every athlete in our program. This will serve as a tremendous opportunity to promote obtaining a physical before this school year ends, right here on the Plano West campus at an incredibly reasonable cost.
As a reminder, Plano ISD is going to YEARLY physicals; all athletes will need a new physical dated after April 1, 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year.
Time: 3:15 - On campus athletes
4:15 - Feeder school athletes
5:15 – Incoming freshmen
The following links will take you to the Physical Day flyer, UIL physical form, and the free and reduced lunch form if you have need of it. The flyer also has a QR scan on it that will also take you to this link: https://linktr.ee/PlanoWestATs
RankOne: https://planoisd.rankonesport.com
- Online forms for 2021-2022 will not be available to fill out until July 2021
Plano West Varsity Tennis Tryout Information
For all incoming 9th-12th grades students…..Any students who are interested in trying out for the Plano West Tennis Team for next school year should contact Coach Walker immediately at morgen.walker@pisd.edu. All necessary information for both the Varsity and JV tennis teams will be provided once you have contacted him. ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENTS will be enrolled in either the Varsity or JV programs without contacting Coach Walker AND attending tryouts!!
Student Clubs & Organizations
Follow Us on Social Media
Family Hot Spot Internet Access
If your family is experiencing difficulty with home internet access, please contact our Campus Technology Assistant, Jonathan Loveday, at jonathan.loveday@pisd.edu.
Renner PTA Website: https://rennerpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Plano West Tennis Summer Tennis Camp
Plano West will be hosting 2 tennis camps this summer and we’d love to have your children involved.
- Our first camp is May 31-June 4
- Our second camp is July 19-23
- Each camp will run Monday-Friday from 8am-11am
- The cost for the camp is $250 and includes a camp T-shirt
- Registration is open….you can register at www.highpointtennis.com/tennis-camp/ or call High Point Tennis Center at (972) 941-7170.
Summer Performance Courses - Click on PIcture for information packet
For Girls going into Grades 6-8
For Boys going into Grades 6-8
For Boys going into Grade 9
Plano ISD Athletics Summer Camps
Renner Middle School
Website: www.pisd.edu/renner
Location: 5701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-752-5800