Mercy Messenger

Issue 13~ Sunday November 17th, 2024
Through the intercession of Our Lady of Mercy, we commit ourselves to living the Good News of Jesus through Works of Mercy. Our rigorous academic program unleashes creative energy for the pursuit of knowledge and nurtures a hope-filled vision for Catholic leadership. We live out our relationship with God by respecting the dignity of others and providing service to the global community that fosters unity, understanding, and compassion.
Beginning Prayer
Heavenly Father, we praise you for all you have sacrificed for us through your son, Jesus Christ. You made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Lord, we are thankful for your forgiveness when we lose our way. We are grateful for your kindness when we make mistakes. We are thankful for your strength when we need help getting back on our feet. You are there to provide a helping hand, warmth, and so much more love than we deserve.
Principal Update
Sunday November 17th, 2024
Good morning,
I would like to once again thank everyone that was involved in making our auction such a huge success. Thank you to all of the volunteers that continued this week by helping with the distribution of all of our auction items. I would like to wish good luck and congratulations to our OLM 7th grade students from St. Anthony's Parish that will be receiving their sacrament of Confirmation this Wednesday. Congratulations to our entire 7th grade class that have received this most holy sacrament.
Please remember to keep sending in items for our food drive that supports the Saint Vincent DePaul Food Pantry at St. Catherine's. We will be having another dress down day on Friday to help support this very important mission. Thank you for all your continued support for all of our service projects that we do throughout the year. I hope everyone has a great week and please let me know if I can help in any way.
In Mercy,
Bill Delaney
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Student Council is sponsoring a food drive to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at St. Catherine of Sienna. Our food drive will take place from Monday, November 11th to Friday, November 22nd. Please see the attached flyer for requested donation items. All students who make a donation can participate in our dress down day on November 22nd. Thank you for your support!
November 11th - November 22nd
*All Items benefit Saint Catherine of Siena Saint Vincent DePaul Food Pantry.*
PreK+Kinder: Applesauce cups, fruit cups, canned fruit, pudding
1st Grade: Tuna fish, Ramen noodles, rice, Rice A Roni, canned
mixed vegetables
2nd Grade: Chili, beef stew, canned soups, canned chicken
3rd Grade: Peanut butter, jelly, Pop Tarts, granola bars, Chef
4th Grade: Crackers (boxed), pancake mix, syrup, oatmeal, cereal
5th Grade: Pasta, pasta sauce, instant mashed potatoes, Knorr sides,
canned potatoes
6th Grade: Juice boxes, Hamburger Helper, Manwich, stuffing
7th Grade: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, soap,
diapers, baby wipes
8th Grade: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, soap,
diapers, baby wipes
We ask that each student bring in at least one from the list above
from Monday, November 11th to Friday, November 22nd.
There will be a Dress Down Day on Friday, 11/22 for all students who make a donation. Thank you for your support!
Christmas Tableau
Our annual Christmas Tableau will be held on Thursday December 19th at 7pm. Students will arrive at 6:30pm. More information will follow in the coming weeks. Please know that the expectation is that all students participate in this annual school tradition.
8th Grade Scholarships
If your 8th grader has received a scholarship to any high school please send a copy of the letter to Mrs. Maher cmaher@olmrcs.com so we can recognize your students amazing accomplishments.
Re-Registration for the 25-26 School Year
As we have done in past years, we will continue with automatic re-registration for all current students in grades K to 7th grade for the 2025-2026 school year. Any family that does not plan to return next year must contact Julie Bebey at jbebey@olmrcs.com by Wednesday, December 18th, 2024. All returning families will have their FACTS accounts charged the $300/family re-registration fee in January. If you have any questions, please speak with Julie Bebey. Thank you in advance for your commitment to OLM and catholic education.
2025-2026 Financial Aid
2025-2026 financial aid is now open. Please log onto your FACTS account to apply. To be considered for financial aid you must fill out an application through your FACTS account. If you have any questions please send your questions to grants@olmrcs.com.
- Please remember to fill out all the school forms that are on FACTS.
- If you are changing the way your child is going home please call the main office before 1pm.
- If your child is absent from school please email attendance@olmrcs.com.
- Make sure to have all your clearances up to date if you are planning on volunteering in the school or with any clubs.
From the Nurse's Office
Please remember that your child needs to be 24 hours fever free and vomit free without medicine before returning to school. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community healthy.
Important November Dates
11/18- Auditions for the Musical. 3-6pm.
11/21- Auditions for the Musical. 3-6pm.
11/22- Dress Down Day. Bring in a food item for food pantry.
11/27- 10 am prayer service for first responders.
11/27- 12pm dismissal.
11/28-11/29- Thanksgiving Break.
Yearbook Orders
Believe it or not, it is already time to place your order for the 2024-2025 OLM yearbook!
To order a yearbook, please follow the steps listed below:
1- Go to https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A07266900
2- Under the "Yearbook" heading, click "Buy Now" and continue following prompts to order the yearbook
3- Complete the remainder of the order by entering the following:
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Grade
- Homeroom Teacher
4- Please continue following the prompts. All orders will be paid online via credit card. Please be sure to keep your receipt to verify that you did order a yearbook!
Ambler Christmas Float
We need parents to prepare the float for the Ambler Parade. Please get in touch with Julie Bebey if you can help. Most work will be done at night at a parent's home.
OLM Christmas Shirts are back!
T-shirts are NOT just for students in the parade but are open to all students. Students will be permitted to wear their shirts for gym class and other Christmas events during school.
Counselor's Corner
To coincide with November's virtue of Thankfulness, Mrs. Parkhill is completing a Gratitude lesson in the 1st grade classrooms. Gratitude is the ability to recognize and acknowledge the good things in one’s life, such as people, places and things. Research shows that consistently practicing gratitude can enhance your mental wellness, have a positive impact on your physical health and promote a lasting change in perspective. By saying “thanks” or letting someone know you appreciate them is a simple way to express Here are a few simple activities to incorporate a gratitude practice in your everyday life.
Write it down… take time daily to reflect on what went well, use a journal
Hit Pause… stop and pinpoint what you are specifically grateful for
Share gratitude… send a note or message to say that you are thankful
Redirect thoughts…shift your focus to positive thinking, make your glass “half full
Optional Gift Giving
This year we invite you to contribute to an optional gifting holiday fund. We are asking for a suggested $10.00-$20.00 donation per family. The collected amount will be used for the staff, specials, front office, lunch staff to have a nice holiday gift from the families. Checks can be made out to OLM. Please put in the memo “optional gift giving”. On the envelope, please put the attention of HSA – Optional Gift Giving. Please have all donations in by Friday, December 13th. For additional information, please see the attached flyer for more details. **Traditional teachers’ gifts will be coordinated by homeroom parents who will be reaching out to you.
Santa’s Shop - December 10th & 11th
The Santa shop will be Tuesday, December 10th and Wednesday, December 11th. All grades will have the opportunity to shop at the Santa shop during school hours. More information and volunteering information will be sent home in the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Kristin Butler at kmbutler333@gmail.com
We need parent volunteers to help with Ski & Board Club Monday Pretzels. One person is asked to pick up pretzels at 8 am at the Philly Pretzel Factory Horsham, deliver them to the school, and help sort and distribute them. We need another parent to meet at the school at 8:15 am and help sort/distribute them. Please use the SignUp Genius link to volunteer for a day or two. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4DA9A62CA2FD0-51172154-2024#/
Ski Club Fundraisers
Ski Club Raffle
Don't miss your chance to WIN a $100 gift card to Buckman's AND a season pass to Bear Creek! Chances are 1 for $5 or 6 for $20. Please see attached flyer for more information and the google form. Drawing will be held in mid December! Share on facebook and instagram! Raffle is open to ALL. Thank you for your support of the OLM Middle School Ski Club!
Any questions, reach out to Megan Romano @215-806-4000.
Penna Market/Fireside Gift Card Fundraiser
We will be selling $25 Penna's Market and $25 Fireside Gift Cards. You pay $25 cash or check and you get a $25 gift card! Yes, you are reading that correctly. Simply buy a gift card and you are helping to make money for ski club!
Can I challenge each interested participant to sell 5 gift cards? We make $5 off each sale as the Penna family will donate $5 back!
Think Christmas gifts, birthday presents or a day you don't want to cook!
Copy this link to purchase: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwAyv_S4O13_loQ9aqon9xW0xrRKNsAbB60U-v0ScToEPP3A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link
Gift cards will be delivered 12/16.
Save the Dates:
Bake Sale on December 10th and 11th
We ask that all families either provide a baked good OR sign up to help! We will be selling them for $2 an item, so please bake generously!
Spread the word:
Dress Down Day on December 13th $2 donation is suggested!
Thank you again for your help and support!!! The more money we raise, the less YOU PAY! Plenty of reminders will be coming your way - so thanks in advance for your help and support!
Get your dabbers ready! Back for another year Designer Bag Bingo will take place on Friday, January 24, 2025 (snow date: February 8, 2025), in the cafeteria. This is the HSA event of the school year and it sells out! So, Gather your friends for your table and be on the lookout for the registration form in the Mercy Messenger on Sunday, December 1st. If you would like to donate a basket for this event please reach out to Katie Sacchetta at katie.sacchetta@gmail.com.
This holiday season, we’ve partnered with Minted where you can save 20% and Minted donates back 15% to the school. Shop holiday cards and gifts on minted.com/holiday and use our promo code: FUNDRAISEMERCYREGIONAL.
Do you, someone in your family, or a friend have a small local business? Feel free to complete the form so we can share these businesses with the OLM community. We like to feature these businesses as the holiday season approaches. https://tinyurl.com/OLMsmallbiz24
Mabel's Labels will donate 20% of all purchase totals made through our storefront! Visit campaigns.mabelslabels.com and select Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School (Maple Glen). All coupon codes and promos are valid through our storefront and shipping is always free!
Supporting Home & School
- Interested in joining the 2024-2025 HSA?
- We welcome you to check out our website, www.olmhsa.wixsite.com/2021, or follow and interact with us on social media, FB @olmhsa or Instagram @olmhsa.
Welcome back to OLM!!
At OLM the students are our top priority and we are excited to serve your child through our Lunch program. In this letter you will find some important information about the program, what it is included in every meal and payment options.
OLM Lunch Program and Meal Plan:
Full lunch: $5.00 and includes:
- Main Entree (two different options every day)
- Side Dish
- 2 fruits AND 2 veggies
- 1 drink (milk, small water bottle or 100% juice)
Menus are posted in the school website under the "Lunch Program" tab and are included in the school's communication that is sent home at the beginning of each month. In addition to the two main dishes daily options, we offer seven alternate lunch choices on a daily basis. Snacks, bottled drinks and A la Carte items are not included in the meal plan, but they are available to be purchased every day and can be bought with or without buying the meal.
As in past years, we will continue to offer Fireside (boneless wings) and Chick Fil A once a month. A Google form will be posted in the school communication so you can register for these lunches. Although payment is not necessary at the time of ordering, we kindly ask that you make sure that your account has enough balance to cover such lunches, otherwise your orders won't be processed.
This year we are merging the lunch program with our FACTS system. As in the past EVERY STUDENT is provided with a NEW PIN number. This PIN number can be found in your FACTS Family Page: All you have to do is select your child from the middle drop down menu and find his/her 5 digit number -on the left hand of the screen- labeled ID Number, system. We kindly ask that you help your child memorize his/her number as this will help us speed up the check out process.
Lunch FAMILY accounts can be funded through your financial link in the FACTS family portal.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at esolanodeguerra@olmrcs.com
Looking forward to serving your kid!!
Mrs. Eugenia Solano-DeGuerra
OLM Cafe Food Service Director/CARES Director
Payment: Every 4 lessons in the amount of $100.
Lessons will be scheduled upon receipt of first payment.
Payments may be made through PayPal. FJFJR@comcast.net
Or Venmo at….. @Frank-Ferraro-12
Lesson details:
Private lessons, 30 minutes each, once per week, during school hours.
Teachers will be contacted regarding lesson times. Parents will be informed of their child’s lesson time.
We will begin lessons in October!!
Please purchase this piano book: Alfred's Basic Piano Library Lesson Book, Bk 1A: Book & CD
Many Blessings,
Frank Ferraro
Piano Instructor
Car Line Procedures
Morning Car Line: For everyone's safety please do not park your car and walk your child over in the morning. Please stay in the car line and drop your child off on the sidewalk. Thank you for your cooperation.
To keep our students safe and the car line moving in the afternoon, please:
- Do not get out of your cars. A faculty member will help your child get into the car.
- DO NOT PASS cars in front of you as there may be children getting into their cars on the driver's side. Please be patient and stay in line as you exit the school property, following the car in front of you.
- Do not stop in front of your child. Pull up as far as you can (up to the gym doors) to allow the most cars to load at one time. Please pull right up to the car in front of you.
- Do not speed. The speed limit is 10 MPH while driving on any part of the school property. Please be mindful of your speed.
- Do not use your cell phone while driving in the parking lot.
- If you need to buckle your child into their car seat, please do so in the circle near the exit of the property.
Uniform Policy
ALL uniform rules will be enforced. Please review the general uniform rules that are listed below and are in the student handbook.
● Girls’ kilts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee. After a second warning, they must wear navy blue tights or school-issued pants until the skirt/kilt is at the appropriate length.
● All students must wear OLM uniform pieces with logos. They must be purchased from one of our two approved vendors: Flynn & O’Hara or Lands’ End.
● All formal and gym uniforms must be purchased from one of our two approved vendors: Flynn & O’Hara or Lands’ End.
● NO LOGOS, Nike Elite sports socks, or the like are permitted with the school uniform except on gym days.
● Sneakers must be worn on gym days, even on a dress-down day.
● Girls may wear post-earrings or small hoops.
● Belts must be worn with pants or shorts by both boys and girls.
● Only the neckline of a plain white undershirt may be visible under the shirt.
Birthdays this week
Piper Burchett
Riley Harris
Mason Penna
Sophia Nunez
Brianna Slagle
Peter Caruso
Margaret Stein
Brendan Lemma
Altar Servers
Tuesday 11/19
James McGeehan
Andrew McGeehan
Wednesday 11/20
Annaliese Amoroso
Ryan Welsh
Thursday 11/21
Luke Norman
James Norman
Friday 11/22
Seamus Graham
Maeve Graham