AMHS Class of 2025
Senior Class Information
Senior Dues Breakdown
Collection Place: Room C209 (Ms. Watkins) Drop off in the morning or between classes and pick up your receipt after school.
Accepted Payment Forms: cash or money order (remit to AMHS)
Dues Deadline: February 28, 2025
After February 28, 2025, we will still accept dues,however there will be a late fee of $25 dollars added to your dues.
Full Package (including prom): $300 (price is good until October 31, 2024).
Must make a down payment of at least $70 to include prom
Suggested Payment Plan (you can pay in any increment after the September payment, at any time prior to the deadline)
September - $70
October - $60
November - $60
January - $60
February- $50
Twins or multiple seniors in a household: $250 each
Full Package (not including prom): $250;
Suggested Payment Plan (you can pay in any increment at any time prior to the deadline)
September - $50
October - $50
November - $50
January - $50
February- $50
Twins or multiple seniors in a household: $200 each
Basic Senior Dues: $125
Add -ons:
Senior Tee & Hoodie: $55
Breakfast: $25
Picnic: $40
College Decision Day: $20
PreCommencement Meal (you and your family): $50
Senior Sunset: $10
Prom: $125 (subject to change)
The Senior Officers plan a themed breakfast/brunch for members of the Senior Class. In the past we have had a Luau Theme, a SpongeBob Theme, and last year they had an "Over-The_Top" brunch. Seniors feasted on shrimp n grits, a waffle bar, an omelet bar, various breakfast meats, fruit, breads, and beverages.
The Senior Officers paln a day of fun for Seniors with lots of games, activities, and music. It is a catered event with BBQ chicken, hamburgers, hotdogs, grilled salmon, pasta salad, potato salad
Junior/Senior Prom
This year, the Junior/Senior Prom will be included in your Senior Dues. The cost is $50 if you are paying your dues. However, you must pay a $70 deposit on or before October 31, 2024. If you pay any amount of Senior dues after October 31, 2024, the prom will not be included. You will have to purchase a ticket, at the regular price, whenever they go on sale in Spring 2025.
Homecoming and Senior Week Hall Decorations
This year the theme for Homecoming is Princess and the Frog. We plan to recreate the wedding scene in the swamp. We will purchase most of the supplies, but if you have anything to donate, we will gladly accept any and all items. Additionally, we will need all hands on deck, to create swamp grass, trees, vines, moss, flowers, etc. after school, during the week of September 9-13, 2024.
We will begin decorating th hallway on Friday, September 13, 2024 after school and continue on Saturday and Sunday (times will be announced).
During senior week, students decorate the senior hall. The Senior Class Officers will decide the theme for Senior Week. If anyone in the Senior class has suggestions, please let your officers know. Supplies such as paint, lights, paper, backdrops, props, tape and other items are purchased for this endeavor.
College Decision Day
Seniors showcase their chosen college, university, career, or military service by decorating a table in the Gym. The student body is invited to view the greatness of the Senior Class and are able to talk to our seniors about their futures.
The senior class is responsible for paying for the postage required for mailed correspondence from the school. These mailings include failure notifications.
T-shirts Package
We would like to purchase a homecoming t-shirt in addition to our regular t-shirt/hoodie package. I need sizes and at least a $70 (with prom) or $40 (without prom) payment to make this happen, ASAP. Please scan the QR code below to enter your size information and see Ms. Watkins in C209 to pay your dues.
All seniors who have paid ther dues will receive a second tee/hoodie package that was designed by members of the senior class.
PreCommencement Meal
Formerly known as as the Baccalaureate. Seniors and their families are invited to this event. We have a speaker that provides an inspirational message to our students. After the program, the Seniors and their family are invited to fellowship in the cafeteria where we will serve food and beverages.
Senior Gift
Each class gifts the school with something that is needed or wanted. In the past, the school has been gifted entrance mats for the front and gym entrances, a memorial bench, and a shredder for the counseling office. We are thinking about helping to renovate the gym concession area.
Principal's Fund
Monies provided to the principal to help fund various projects at the school such as providing funds for students who are unable to afford field trips, providing funds for teachers to purchase instructional programs that are not funded by Title I, providing meals for teachers on parent conference night, providing funds for school beautification efforts.
Senior Awards and Academic Cords
Members of the senior class are responsible for purchasing the academic awards and cords issued during the Honor ceremony.
Office Supplies
Paper, ink, pens, and other items needed by the senior class for the bulletin boards, PreCommencement folders, hand-outs and senior events.
Your Senior Dues Does Not Cover the Following
- Senior Grad Bash (Orlando) - PTSA
- Yearbook photos - Mr. Calloway
- Yearbook - Mr. Calloway
- Homecoming Dance - SGA/ Ms. Sanford
Graduation Regalia Ordering
Graduation regalia should be ordered from Herff Jones: https://www.herffjones.com/
Herff Jones will be at the school during all lunches and 3:00pm-5:00pm (after school) to receive orders for graduation items.
Herff Jones will be at the school during all lunches to receive orders for graduation items.
Herff Jones will be at the school durimg all lunches to receive orders for graduation items.