Getting Started with EDPuzzle
Make any video your lesson
Teacher Account Creation
It's time to sign-up for an exciting online interactive video program: EDpuzzle. Once you get there, click on:
- Sign-Up
- Student
- Login with your Google, Edmodo account or GCS username and e-mail.
- Once you create your account, ask your PLEF for our school group code.
- Watch the assigned video and answer the questions.
- Logout and open a different web browser. If you're in IE, open Chrome or vice versa.
- Create a teacher account with the same email address and create your own EDpuzzle. Please select a video under 2 minutes. It does not have to relate to your content for the purpose of practice.
- E-mail your EDpuzzle link to your PLEF.
- Get ready for the showcase!
Using EDpuzzle in the Classroom
Most videos on EDPuzzle are currently blocked on the tablet, but here are a few ways to utilize this tool in your classroom:
- Use as review last night's flipped homework via whole class instruction
- Use as a whole class assessment
- Use with Classroom Performance Systems in lieu of tablets or student PCs to respond
- Login to a computer with GCS teacher credentials and use it as a center
- Enable your students to find the proper video and use EDpuzzle editing tools. Increase creativity and understanding by letting them explain or summarize the lesson.
How Teachers Use EDpuzzle
John - Math
- Uses his own voice to clarify a concept.
- Embeds multiple choice quizzes to assess problem solving skills.
David - Science
- Takes only the interesting parts of long science videos.
- Sparks curiosity by asking open questions along the video.
Martha - Spanish
- Adds fill in the gaps quizzes to practice vocabulary.
- Uses her own voice to translate and practice listening comprehension.
Student Account Creation
Send the following message or something similar via the Amplify Classroom Management Tools or display on whiteboard:
It's time to sign-up for an exciting online interactive video program: EDpuzzle. Once you get there, click on "I'm a new student." Fill out the information in the box (but do not enter an Email). Make sure you select your lunch number for your username and birthdate for your password. Next, you will be asked to "Add a class." . 1st period students your code is xxXXxxX. Once enrolled, please await additional instructions from me.