The Crawford Connection
Welcome Edition 2024-2025
Dear Crawford Families,
We hope you have enjoyed your summer. It's hard to believe we will be welcoming students back to the classrooms on August 14!
We have included a lot of information in this newsletter to hopefully answer some of those back to school questions you may have. They normally will not be this long. Team letters were mailed on July 23 to notify students of their grade level team. It also includes information about our Back to School Bash and the supply list. There will also be staff available at our back to school night on August 12th to look up your student's team if you haven't received the letter by then. Please make sure we have your most up to date address and phone numbers in Infinite Campus.
The admin team sends a monthly newsletter with school information and each of our grade level teams will begin sending their Friday team newsletter to families on August 9th.
We are looking forward to a great school year!
Dr. Trimble, Mrs. Piatt, Ms. Shockey, and Mr. Castillo
Crawford Administration Team
Anne Trimble, Principal
Anne Piatt, Associate Principal
Mrs. Piatt will be the 8th grade administrator this school year.
Evin Shockey, Assistant Principal
Ms. Shockey began her career in education at Crawford Middle School in 2009. She spent ten years in the classroom as both a math and social studies teacher and has experience teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. In 2019, she moved into the position of MTSS Lead and Instructional Specialist. Last year she served as Administrative Dean and this year she is moving into the role of Assistant Principal. Ms. Shockey loves to spend time with her friends and family, especially her two nieces.
Ms. Shockey will be the 6th grade administrator this school year.
Francisco Castillo, Administrative Dean
Mr. Castillo will be the 7th grade administrator this school year.
Important Dates
- August 12: Back to School Night
- August 14: First Day of School
- August 15: SBDM Meeting @ 4:30 pm in Library
- August 23: No School for Students
- August 27: Math MAP Test
- August 28: Reading MAP Test
Team Assignments and Student Schedules
Students will not receive their paper schedule until the first day of school. They will report to their team area on the first day of school and we will have adults aplaced throughout the hallway to help students get to the correct area.
New Crawford Teammates
We are so excited to welcome our new staff for the 2024-2025 school year!
Wendy Berryman, 7th Science
Laura Cardenas, Spanish
Gladys Carnet Terrero, Custodian
Francisco Castillo, Administrative Dean
Autumn Conkright, Special Education
Shannon Cooper, Special Education
Paola Del Valle, EL
Stephanie Frantz, Band
Tony Hill, Social Worker
Tracy Hobbs, Attendance Specialist
Liz Irwin, Special Education
Jody McCray, 6th ELA
Amber Peacock, Permanent Sub
Richard Prince, RESET
Melissa Ratcliff, Health
Cleo Thompson-Coleman, JAG Instructor
Paul Vought, 6th Science
Nina Walden, Permanent Sub
Brittany Walker, Paraeducator
Faith Washington, District Mental Health Specialist
Tony Whited, Special Education
Jayden Williams, Paraeducator
Jennifer Williams, School Based Instructional Coach
Ruth Willis, 6th Reading
At Crawford, We Lead!
First Three Days of School
Device Free Learning Environment
Backpacks and Lockers
We will be using lockers this year and our expectation is that phones and non-clear backpacks are secured in them all day. We require students to keep their backpacks, large bags, and purses in their lockers, unless they are clear. Clear backpacks/bags/purses help ensure that students are not bringing things they are not supposed to into their classes (such as snacks, drinks, and other contraband). Doing this provides an environment for students to focus on instruction rather than external distractions.
Since each FCPS student is assigned a chromebook, this eliminates multiple textbooks needing to be carried. Students will be permitted to use their lockers upon arrival, at lunch (if necessary), and at dismissal. Any other times, students will need to have permission from an adult.
Crawford Daily Schedule
The lunch period is highlighted in green on the schedule and is 75 minutes with 25 of it allotted for lunch. Your child’s teacher will communicate specific lunch times with students. We also will have a 30 minute class called Leader in Me this year.
Morning Arrival and Afternoon Dismissal
Car riders and walkers will be welcomed into the building at 8:35 a.m. each day.
Car riders must be dropped off on the front side of our building (the football field side). Please follow all staff directing traffic and have your student exit from the right side of the vehicle.
Walkers may enter through the front or back entrance, whichever is closest on their route.
- When driving on campus, please drive slowly and follow directions of the staff.
Our dismissal process will begin at 3:55 p.m. Please be patient as we release smaller groups of students to the buses, cars, and to walk home to limit the number of students in the hallways.
Car riders must be picked up on the front side of our building (the football field side). Please pull all the way around the loop, drive forward to the stop sign, and have your student enter through the right side of the vehicle.
Walkers may exit through the front or back entrance, whichever is closest on their route.
- When driving on campus, please drive slowly and follow directions of the staff.
Read our full transportation procedures by clicking the green button below.
Title I Family Engagement
Our Title I program is excited to connect with our students’ families for a new school year! Please be on the lookout for our Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Home & School Learning Compact to be sent home during the first week of school. Until then, the documents are linked for your convenience and are available in other languages in the Title I section of the Families tab on our school website. The “Title I Program Overview” slideshow is also a good resource from the district and will be on display at our Back to School Bash on August 12th. During that event, there will be opportunities to meet staff and tour our building, as well as a scavenger hunt for a prize! We hope to see you there as you begin to “Connect with Crawford”!
FCPS Student Code of Conduct
This year the FCPS Student Code of Conduct is available electronically. We have provided the English and Spanish versions. To access, click the green buttons below. If you would like to request a printed copy from the district, you will need to click here to access the request form.
Other languages of the Student Code of Conduct are available at
Assault and Threat Notfication
Social Media
Crawford Middle School
Location: 1813 Charleston Drive, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: 859-381-3370