Tuesday Take-Home
January 7, 2025
From the Principal, Mrs. Noe'
Wishing all families a special 2025 jubilee New Year! The Catholic Church celebrates a jubilee year every 25 years to encourage the faithful to repent, forgive others, and renew their spiritual lives. The 2025 Jubilee Year began on December 24, 2024, and ends on January 6, 2026, and is centered on the theme "Pilgrims of Hope."
Christmas Card Raffle Fundraiser - Thank you to all families for your participation! The daily drawings have begun.
This week's winners are:
- 1/1/2025 -$500 - Ayodele Davies - winning ticket sold by Faith Davies
- 1/2/2025 - $50 - The Doyle Family - winning ticket sold by Olivia Doyle
- 1/3/2025 - $50 - Janine Lang - winning ticket sold by Dillon Lang
- 1/4/2025 - $50 - Hahn Kien - winning ticket sold by Nolan Sieng
- 1/5/2025 - $500 - Andreina Santiago - winning ticket sold by Amberly Urena
- 1/6/2025 - $500 - Suzanne Carter - winning ticked sold by Dylan and Camden Koziski
Each year the Archdiocese of Boston celebrates Catholic Schools Week. This year's theme is United in Faith and Community. Saint Pius V School will kick off this special week with a school-family mass on Sunday, January 26, at 11:30 am. All families are highly encouraged to participate in this special Mass where students in grades 1-8 will sit with their teacher and classmates in a designated pew and wear their Saint Pius V School uniform. Pre-K and K students will sit with their parents.
Following Mass, the school will be open for an Academic Open House Showcase. Student work will be highlighted throughout the building. We welcome you to come and celebrate Mass with us and see the wonderful things that are happening at Saint Pius V School!
Religious Ed News:
Grade 8 Students: The first Confirmation Retreat/class is Saturday, January 11, beginning at 11:00 in the lower church hall. If you are in the 8th grade and have not yet registered, forms will be available.
Grade 2 and students receiving First Holy Communion: First Penance will be held Saturday, January 25th, beginning at 10:00 in the lower church hall, for all those planning to receive their First Communion this year. Children must be accompanied by a parent.
First Session Enrichment Clubs (Bell Choir and Tin Whistle) have ended. Second session flyers will be coming home soon, and Session 2 clubs will begin in February.
The Financial Assistance Application for the next school year, 2025-2026, is now open in FACTS. Current and new families can begin their financial aid application now.
Mrs. Noe '
Saint of the Week: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Elizabeth was born in 1774 and founded the Sisters of Charity, founding the American parochial school system in Baltimore, Maryland. She is the first American-born saint to be canonized. Her feast day is January 4, and Elizabeth Ann Seton is the patron saint for converts.
Saints Slip Winners!
These students earned a Saint Slip for following the Saint Pius School motto. "Do Your Best...Be Kind to Others."
Declan Gaudet - K2
Eli Cuevas - K2
Jaylani German - Gr 6
Fritz Momperousse - Gr 6
Anya Cushna - Gr 6
Christopher Thomas - Gr 6
Miss Jackie - K0
This Week
Tuesday, January 7
- Band
- Student Council Meeting
- Robotics Club
- No soup for lunch today
Friday, January 10
- Pizza for Lunch
Looking Ahead:
January 20: No School MLK Day Observed
January 26: Catholic School Week Family Mass 11:30, Open House Academic Showcase 12:30-2 pm
*Re-Enrollment Packets for returning students will be going out later this month*
*If you still have a Christmas Card Fundraising Balance from December 11, 2024 please log in to your FACTS financial account and make a payment.*