Fall Parent Council Meeting
Online Meeting 2023-2024

Explanation of Purpose for Meeting—The major work of the Parent Advisory Council meeting is:
Discuss and collect input regarding school policy and compacts
Fall survey results shared
Plan of Action regarding parent and family engagement for this school year.
LMS Parent Engagement Policy
CCPS District Parent Engagement Policy
School-wide improvement plan (Approved in September)
School testing and benchmark data
Title I Family Compact Discussion and Approval
Parent Input on building staff capacity—What can we do to help school staff better meet the needs of parents and families? (In the Survey)
Explanation Title I Spending-Here is how Title I parent and family engagement money is being spent this school year:
LMS welcomes your input, comments, and suggestions. If you have further questions or concerns about Title I and how Title I money is spent, please talk to the parent involvement coordinator or principal.
PLEASE COMPLETE THE PARENT SURVEY for signature, approval, and input
What is Title I ?
In support of strengthening student academic achievement, Lakeview Middle School receives Title I, Part A funds and therefore must jointly develop with, agree with, and distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy that contains information required by section 1116(b) and (c) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The policy establishes the school's expectations for parent and family engagement and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parent and family engagement activities
Please look over the Policy in the link below
Lakeview Middle School Parent Engagement Policy
Catoosa County Parent Engagement Policy
Fall Survey Results
Please review the Compacts and Approve
What is a Family-School Compact?
A Family-School Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards.
Effective Compacts:
Link goals to School Improvement Plan
Focus on Student Learning Skills
Describe how Teachers will help students using high-quality instruction.
Share Specific Strategies parents can use at home.
Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.
Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom.
Jointly Developed
The Parents, students, and staff of Lakeview Middle School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers suggested home learning strategies, parents added ideas to make them more specific, and students were told what would help them learn. meetings are held each year to review the compact and make changes based on student needs. *If you would like to volunteer or have a parent suggestion please contact Stacey Newell at snewell.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us or 706-866-1040 or join Volunteer Station Remind just text 81010 message @666387
You will be able to approve the compacts in the Sign-in sheet/Survey
SIP and Title I Addendum
School Goals
For all students to achieve
higher growth in
Math (i-Ready Benchmarks Fall, Winter, Spring)
Language Arts (Reading Plus Benchmarks Fall, Winter, Spring)
Social Studies
Evaluating School Improvement
Students are measured with three different components:
Testing and Benchmark information
Milestones Testing is in April click the button below to view Milestones parent workshop information
Benchmark Testing ( Fall, Winter, Spring)
I-Ready Math and Reading Plus programs are used for benchmark data.
Title I Budget
Additional ELA teacher, leadership, or math teacher
After school Tutoring
Web-based subscriptions/programs and adaptive learning
platforms such as I-Ready Math, Reading Plus, Flocabulary
Basic student supplies
Improvement of Instructional Services
Academic Coach (to lead instructional staff training)
Professional Learning
Instructional Staff Training
Training for Ascend Math, and Reading Plus (Academic Coach)
Data Analysis Teams (Academic Coach)
Pupil Services
Parent Involvement (Parent Involvement Coordinator)
Parent Instructional Resources to check out and use at home to improve student learning
Print and dissemination costs for Title I information and presentation of Title I events such as STEAM Night, Literacy Night, Georgia Milestones/Benchmark Growth Night, Title I Annual Meeting, Fall and Spring Parent Advisory Council meetings, etc.
1% of Title I funding
As a district in conjunction with federal guidelines a small percentage of our Title I money is allotted to have a Family Engagement liaison at the district level.
The 24/25 budget will be approved in September and will be posted on the LMS website.
All Title I Documents are located on the LMS Website
Title I Handouts are located click here on the LMS Website
Components of a Title I Schoolwide
Georgia Standards of Excellence
How to Communicate with Your Child’s Teacher
Lakeview Middle School
Email: snewell.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Website: https://lms.catoosa.k12.ga.us
Location: 416 Cross Street, Rossville, GA, USA
Phone: 706-866-1040
Facebook: facebook.com/LakeviewMiddleSchool
Twitter: @Warriors_LMS