Surfside Shark Bites
Week of January 28-31, 2025
A Note From Principal Frandsen
Happy Friday!
It's been a great week at Surfside. Overall, students have done an excellent job at getting to school on time and completing their assignments. We are finding that this year's students are particularly respectful, pleasant, and they have a great sense of humor. All of this makes for a great place to learn.
As we move into the second semester, we will continue to build both students’ academic capacity as well as their soft skills in preparation for the following grade levels and ultimately for life after high school. Surfside’s core values include Self-Direction, Effective Communication, and Accountable citizenship. These values, as captured in our acronym, S.E.A., are embedded in our daily work and interactions with students.
Please help us advance these values in your student by ensuring that they come to school on time, complete their assignments, and communicate clearly and frequently with their teachers. One of the best first steps is to carefully review the class syllabus for each course with your student to better understand the expectations and supports available to them. If you have questions about your child and/or their progress, please contact your student's teacher!
We are grateful you are at Surfside!
Principal Frandsen
Weekly Construction Update
The retaining wall along the west side of campus is nearly complete. Things are moving along with the new parking lot. The rain set us back a week or two because the soil needs to be dry before the base and asphalt are installed, but, we are still on track for these things to be done within the next 2 weeks or so. The next steps are to build the retaining wall on the south side of campus and spread out the big mountain of dirt in the center of the site. This will proceed over the coming months.
Click HERE to see the construction pictures as a reminder of what our finished school will look like.
New OUSD Report Card System
This shift to digital grade access offers several benefits, including:
Environmental sustainability: Reduces paper consumption and waste.
Faster access: Parents can view grades immediately upon release.
Improved communication: Provides a centralized platform for parents to access student information.
Cost savings: Eliminates printing and mailing expenses.
To support this transition, we have taken the following steps:
Parent Resources: The IT department has created a series of instructional videos to guide parents on navigating the Aeries Parent Portal and accessing report cards.
These videos are available at https://bit.ly/ousdparentportal
These resources can also be found on the ITS webpage at www.oside.us/departments/information-technology-services-its/aeries-parent-portal.
Families can download these reports via Aereis. Please see the instructions below:
Surfside On Display
Surfside offers students a great opportunity to graduate early. Congratulations Xander and Daniel!!!
Shark Nibbles - K-8
Shark Nibbles K-8
We are excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year!
As we begin, please look for correspondence from your supervising teacher via emails for important information.
Grades K-5: Anthony.Madsen@oside.us
Grades 6-8: Kelly.Crouthamel@oside.us
Grades K-5
Monday, August 19: Virtual Meetings Begin
K-2: 8:00am-8:30am
Grades 3-5: 8:30am-9:00am
Virtual Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/hbz-zzvt-cbo?authuser=0
In person will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
K-5 News
Shark Nibbles…K-5th Updates
Dear Families,
Thank you for taking time to make sure your child is completing their work on time and understanding the concepts. We have made great progress this year! Our Grades K-2 are becoming strong readers, which will help them throughout the rest of their lives. They really are learning to read well. Our Grades 3-5 are applying their reading skills and reading to learn. That being said, Grades 3-5 will be completing another round of Interim Assessments this week on Thursday and Friday from 9:30am-11:30am involving English and Math. We will be practicing the process of how to answer questions and use the different tools on Monday and Tuesday (both virtually and in-person) so they feel prepared for Thursday and Friday. If you want additional practice, here is the website available to all students. Practice CAASPP Assessments
Math Challenge: Find ways to make math meaningful and applicable. For example, to help students learn measurement, have them make a dish or dessert where they have to use measuring cups and measuring spoons to better understand fractions. Cooking is a great way to teach fractions. In addition, students who also enjoy music can learn the different beats of notes and how they relate to fractions. Finally, money is always applicable and great for fractions as well as decimals or just adding numbers together.
Important Dates:
Feb 6 & 7- Grades 3-5: CAASPP Interim Assessments
Feb 14- Unit 6 Work Due
Feb 17-21 No School- Presidents’ Week
Middle School News
Middle School…
Thank you to all the students who completed the Panorama Survey!
IMPORTANT -Interim Testing:
State Interim Testing will occur next week. Remember, completing all State and District Tests are part of the Master Agreement for Independent Study. Students will need an OUSD device to take the tests. Devices can be checked out from the Surfside Library. Families were mailed specific directions including the focus area of each assessment. The interim tests are shorter than the end of year state tests and are designed to track progress and prepare students for the end of year summative tests. Please make sure your student takes their time and understands the importance of showing academic growth on these progress markers.
If you haven’t picked up your 2nd Semester Study Guide Workbooks, please do so as soon as possible.
Month 6 P.E. Assignments are loaded in the Google Classroom. Please make sure your student completes these short assignments which balance out our Middle School P.E. program.
Work Due:
The next work turn in date is 2/14/25. Quality Work book samples & P.E. Logs will be due from each course. Samples may be submitted digitally. We recommend using the Genius Scan App. Photos, photo copies, and actual work pages are other options.
Thank you, Shark Families, for all you do to support your students in their Independent Study journey.
Senior Information
Please see Ms. Sczupak in the College and Career Center for open opportunities.
Shark News and Updates
Do You Have a New Address??
Have you and your family recently moved? Please make sure you contact the office to update your new mailing address. Contact Surfside at 760-901-8600.
Thank you!!
New District Cell Phone Policy
"During the Day, Off and Away"
To create a focused learning environment and support student mental health, Oceanside Unified School District will now require all student cell phones to be off and stowed in backpacks upon entering campus and remain off until leaving. Exceptions are made for students with IEPs or 504 plans if specified for medical or anxiety-related needs, as determined by site administration. Classrooms have landlines for students to contact parents if needed, and students will have access to their phones during emergencies. The policy aims to reduce distractions, enhance engagement, and prevent cyberbullying, while also reducing the risk of phone theft or loss. Support and disciplinary actions for policy violations could include warnings, phone calls home, and phone confiscations, with increasing consequences for repeated offenses. OUSD is committed to student safety and mental health, fostering academic and emotional growth. For more details, refer to OUSD's Handbook.
Surfside Math Tutoring
Are you in need of extra help in math? Surfside can help. We offer before and after school math support with Ms. Jarvis in room 7.
Tutor.com Available for FREE
As a reminder, OUSD provides Tutor.com for FREE to all students! Every OUSD student can access Tutor.com at no-cost with 1-to-1 online tutoring in English and Spanish. Students also have access to use drop-off writing review, self-paced test prep from The Princeton Review®, as well as other learning resources. Students can access Tutor.com 24hrs a day every day of the year, except Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Top 10 Facts for Parents - ENGLISH Flyer; Top 10 Facts for Parents - SPANISH Flyer; How it Works - ENGLISH Flyer; How it Works - SPANISH Flyer
Surfside Spirit Wear Store
The Surfside spirit wear store is OPEN!! Represent Surfside in style. You can even put any of the amazing Surfside designs on any piece of clothing offered. Follow the steps on the homepage!!
Items will ship directly to you. Go Sharks!!! All items are available to students, families and staff!!!
Seniors...You can also order your Class of 2025 gear!
Click HERE
Reusable Water Bottles
It's warm outside. Please make sure you pack a reusable water bottle. Surfside has bottle filling stations around campus.
Parent Resources
Immigration Statement
Every family should know that every child in the Oceanside Unified School District (OUSD) has the Constitutional right to attend school regardless of immigration status. OUSD does not request or record information about a student’s immigration status. Federal and state laws protect student information from disclosure to others, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). OUSD does not permit non-students, including ICE agents, access to OUSD facilities unless they can produce a warrant signed by a federal judge. School administrators will not permit the disclosure of confidential student information without first consulting their attorney to make sure that the information has been properly subject to a federal judge’s warrant.
Families should consult community resources to learn their rights and additional information will be provided to help families access these resources
Please see below for resources to support:
Community Resource Guide including immigration support services: English & Spanish
SDCOE Resource Page for educators.
LCAP Survey
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Survey for Families / Encuesta del Plan de Control Local y Rendición de Cuentas para familias
The following survey will provide our district with information on your experiences with OUSD. This year, we will collect demographics and share the group data with our LCAP committee. If you do not have a strong opinion about a question, you may leave it blank. Your feedback will be used to make recommendations to the Board of Education based on the needs of our OUSD community. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey by January 31, 2025.
Esta encuesta brindará información a nuestro distrito sobre sus experiencias con el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Oceanside (OUSD). Este año, recopilaremos datos demográficos y compartiremos los datos de grupo con nuestro comité del LCAP. Si no tiene una opinión firme sobre una pregunta, puede dejarla sin contestar. Sus respuestas se van a usar para hacer recomendaciones a la Junta de Educación a partir de las necesidades de nuestra comunidad del OUSD. Por favor tomen unos minutos para completar la encuesta para el 31 de enero, 2025.
We would appreciate your input, Google Form. The window closes on Jan. 31, 2025
Parent Guidance - Coaching for Parents
Click the QR code for resources.
O'side USD in One Minute
Surfside Events
ELAC Meeting - Virtual (Zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85969207204 Meeting ID: 859 6920 7204
You can view the agenda HERE
Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025, 05:30 PM
Coffee With the Principal
Bring any questions or concerns and join our principal and assistant principal for coffee.
Friday, Feb 7, 2025, 07:30 AM
Surfside Educational Academy, South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Surfside Educational Academy
Website: surfside.oside.us
Location: 1125 South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: 760-901-8600
Twitter: @SurfsideOUSD
Instagram: surfsideousd