'24 November Library Newsletter
October 30th, 2024

Fall Book Fair!
Thank you for supporting the Book Fair and our Falcon Readers! We had a very successful Book Fair and it wouldn't have been possible without the support of y'all; our Falcon Family!
Thank you for encouraging reading in your homes and raising your children to understand the value of a good book!
"There are many ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all."
-- Jacqueline Kennedy
Falcons were great helpers during our Book Fair Previews!
Storybook Pumpkins!
Thank you to all our Falcon families who submitted a Storybook Pumpkin this year! They all looked amazing and it was so great to see our student's creativity! I look forward to seeing what they submit next year!
We had so many phenomenal submissions! Take a look at the photos below to see all of the Storybook Pumpkins that were turned in this year!
Winners are...
Submitted by: Siddhi Thirumal Murugan (3rd)
Pusheen the Cat
Submitted by: Analisa Prado (5th)
Raina Telegemeir
Submitted by: Baylee Skyberg (5th)
Campfire Stories in the Library!
Ms. Brazzil's Class (1st Grade)
Ms. Wells' Class (2nd Grade)
Ms. Demondonca's Class (1st Grade)
Mrs. Hernandez's Class (3rd Grade)
Parent Accounts -- Checking Out Books
Our McDermott Library is open to all readers!
Parents/Guardians you are more than welcome to create an account with our library to check out books! You might have younger Falcons or might want to read a book with your Falcons at home!
Swing by the library to create an account in the morning, 7:15-7:40, or you can send me an email to set up time that work's better for your schedule!
Watch this video if your student wants to access eBook and audibooks at home!
Edmund Cody Branch Library -- San Antonio Public Library
If you're interested in attending events offered at a public library, checking out additional books, or accessing eBooks or audiobooks; the closet San Antonio Public Library to the McDermott Elementary area is the Cody Branch! If you'd like to learn more about what all they have to offer check out this link to learn more!