Week 5: Learn From More Educators
EDCI318 Tech for Teaching & Learning-Spring 2018
Educators respond to your Reflections
10 Reasons Every Teacher Needs A Professional Learning Network
What’s a professional learning network?
According to Marc-André Lalande, “a Personal Learning Network is a way of describing the group of people that you connect with to learn their ideas, their questions, their reflections, and their references. Your PLN is not limited to online interactions, but it is that online, global interactive part that really makes it special. It is personal because you choose who’s part of that group; you choose if you want to lurk–just check out what people are saying–or if you share; because you choose when to do so, and how to do so.”
As for the graphic above? You can thank Sylvia Duckworth, who always does a great job sharing simple sketch notes to help teachers. (She also took our 12 Rules of Great Teaching and created a predictably wonderful graphic to supplement the text, among others.) We’ve taken her graphic and provided starting points for each ‘reason’ a teacher need a PLN.
- Find great resources, lesson plans, and conferences-Consider: OER Commons Resources
- Share your resources & ideas-Consider: 23 Ways To Use The iPad In PBL
- Following amazing educators and their blogs-Consider: 52 Education Blogs You Should Follow
- Get support when needed-Consider: An example like clarifying the difference between ‘doing projects’ and PBL
- Make international connections Consider: Project-Based Learning in your classroom
- Flatten your classroom walls-Consider: Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future
- Collaborate globally on projects-Consider: 50 Ideas For Using Skype In The Classroom
- Find round-the-clock inspiration-Consider: Follow your favorite blogs on instagram–edutopia or TeachThought for example.
- Learn the latest trends in education-Consider: The most popular twitter hashtags in education
- Never run out of ideas for new things to try with your students - Consider: Shameless plug, but TeachThought Professional Development is built for exactly this kind of support.
You will be expanding your PLN through learning and reflecting on another teacher's website this week
This week you will be reviewing 1 (one) teachers’ website and writing a review/reflection about what you discovered and learned digging into the educator's site. Digging into does not mean only looking at the first post or two, it means looking at all the tabs and sections, clicking on links, watching videos, look at everything.
You must choose one from the list below and do NOT choose the same site you did Week 3. NOt for this list and will not count!! There are 27 choices!!
Be thoughtful, think deeply! A few sentences will not be sufficient. You will need to spend some time and dig deeply, Look through the pages, click on links, watch the video. learn and discover.
Your review/reflection should represent scholarly thought and writing about exactly what you discovered and learned through your investigation of this award-winning teacher's site.
Be very specific and detailed in your review/reflection. Give specific examples and include LINKS and IMAGES and maybe even video.
Requirements for your review/reflection
- Add a subpage under Reviews, like you did last will with your Getting Started with iPad page
- Refer to the tutorials videos from previous week's https://www.smore.com/v9aez
- Title the subpage with the Name of the site you are reviewing.
- There will be an assignment spot in Canvas for you to add the URL of your subpage review/reflection.
- Your review/reflection must include not less than one image but the more, the better.
- Your review/reflection must include a link to the website/blog you are writing about, but links to everything you discuss should be included.
- Your review/reflection must include the author's name and links to their social media like Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc, whatever they use that you find linked from their sites. DIG DEEP.
- Your review/reflection page must include your own social media icons (and they must be active and work), add them like we did last Week for your Getting Started with iPads page.
- TWEET your review and include the Twitter handle for the person you are reviewing as well as our class hashtag #edci318 and the author's twitter handle.
- Choose 1 site from the list below, (they are in no particular order) there is a variety, find ones that interest you. If you go to one and don’t like it, find another!
Grading Breakdown Checklist
- Image(s) - 5 points
- Links(s) - 5 points
- Tweet using class hashtag #edci318 - 5 points
- Authors twitter handle included in Tweet - 5 points
- Thoughtful Review-15 points
Make sure you have done everything so you receive ALL the points.
My Mathscape
A sixth-grade math teacher from the Bronx, Sahar Kahtri, blogs about how to take fun technology — like Bitmoji on worksheets — and use it as a tool for learning. If you’re looking for a little STEAM in action, she’s got it.
@MyMathscape | Read the blog: https://mymathscape.wordpress.com/
Class Tech Tips
Former teacher Monica Burns was a vocal advocate of one-to-one technology in her own fifth-grade classroom. On her blog Class Tech Tips, she now writes about ways to add a dash of tech to every subject.
@ClassTechTips | Read the blog: http://classtechtips.com/blog/
Alice Keeler
As Google continues to expand its offerings of tech tools for the classroom, Alice Keeler will be there to make sense of them. On her Teacher Tech blog, Keeler, a Google Certified Innovator and e-book author, offers up her expertise on how to best use the education solutions created by the tech giant.
@alicekeeler | Read the blog: http://www.alicekeeler.com
Mathy Cathy
Appsolutely April
Two Guys and Some iPads
Brad Waid and Drew Minock are Award Winning Educators who are passionate about enhancing the learning experience Emerging Technology Leaders, Global Influencers, Top 15 influencers in Augmented Reality,
@Techbradwaid | @TechMinock |Read http://www.twoguysandsomeipads.co
Ditch That Textbook
For the blog and book of the same name, swapping out a textbook for a digital tool is a no-brainer. Matt Miller, a former Spanish teacher, works to engage teachers with the latest technology.
@jmattmiller | Read the blog: http://ditchthattextbook.com/
Shake Up Learning
If you’re looking for instructional tech experience and a ton of personality, look no further than Kasey Bell. The Google-certified consultant blogs about the ins and outs of adding tech to the classroom without compromising the learning experience.
@ShakeUpLearning | Read the blog: http://www.shakeuplearning.com/blog
History Tech
Keeping the focus on history and social studies, Kansas educator Glenn Wiebe guides his students through the past in more engaging ways with a little help from technology.
@glennw98 | Read the blog: https://historytech.wordpress.com/
After years as an elementary school teacher, Michael Fricano II has brought his insight from the classroom to his role as a technology integration specialist. Blogging from sunny Hawaii, Fricano writes about everything from cutting-edge technology like virtual reality to easy classroom tools like Google Docs. Say, “Aloha” to EdTechnocation.
@EdTechnocation | Read the blog: http://technocation.blogspot.com/
A Principal's Reflections
Building from his experience as a high school principal, author Eric Sheninger has become a fount of knowledge when it comes to leadership in technology. Sheninger’s blog serves as a guidebook for administrators looking to engage students, teachers and parents using new tech.
@E_Sheninger | Read the blog: http://esheninger.blogspot.com/
Control Alt Achieve
Thanks to ed tech, almost every class — from language arts to math — can be transformed into a more engaging learning environment. This is exactly what tech integrationist Eric Curts aims to do with his blog. With a big focus on Google tools, Curts writes up mini-lesson plans to help educators boost engagement in creative ways.
@ericcurts | Read the blog: http://www.controlaltachieve.com/
Techie Teacher Pie
Elementary teacher Amy Pietrowski adds a dash of STEM into all of her classes — whether that’s second grade science or creative writing. Grab a slice of the pie and check out the new tools she’s using, ranging from Chromebooks to makerspace tools.
@amylpie | Read the blog:http://techieteacherpie.blogspot.com/?view=classic
The Schoenblog
High school English teacher and technology coach Adam Schoenbart works in a one-to-one Chromebook classroom and leverages his personal experiences to help fellow educators adopt better ways of integrating ed tech.
@MrSchoenbart | Read the blog: http://www.aschoenbart.com/
Christine Pinto
You’re never too young for an innovative education! Kindergarten teacher Christine Pinto shows her fellow teachers how to implement Google tools into the hands of “littles” in a way that will help them grow and learn.
@PintoBeanz11 | Read the blog: http://christinepinto.com/
Hack Learning Blog
Comprised of a team of educators and authors, the Hack Learning blog provides teachers with easy solutions to the complex problems of 21st-century classrooms. The blog often focuses on how tech makes innovative education a bit simpler.
@hackmylearning | Read the blog: http://hacklearning.org
21st Century Educational Technology and Learning
As a consultant, Michael Gorman has overseen one-to-one laptop programs and the digital professional development that goes along with them. On his blog, Gorman shares what he has learned with a focus on how tech enables project-based learning.
@mjgormans | Read the blog: https://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/
The Big Tech Coach Blog
Instructional technology specialist Keith George isn’t called the Big Tech Coach in jest. His blog is chock-full of professional development resources aimed to coach educators through integrating technology in the best way for students.
@bigtechcoach | Read the blog: http://www.bigtechcoach.com/
Heart of a Teacher
Knowing what you can trust online is highly important today. Former high school English composition and literature teacher Rusul Alrubail blogs about the intersection of digital tools and literacy — including tackling the important topic of media literacy.
@RusulAlrubail | Read the blog: https://rusulalrubail.com/
Class Tech Integrate
For elementary school educator Mickey McFetridge, the how-to is an important aspect of his tech blog. Class Tech Integrate helps orient educators to new technologies by cutting to exactly what is useful about each tool.
@MickMack629 | Read the blog: http://www.classtechintegrate.com/
Teaching with “App”-itude!
Kansas third-grade teacher Kami Butterfield has been in education for two decades, but that doesn’t mean she’s not adapting. Using knowledge garnered from her classroom’s one-to-one tablet program, Butterfield offers best practices for integrating apps.
@KamiButterfield | Read the blog: http://teachingwithappitude.weebly.com/
Teaching with Technology
In her “flipped, blended and gamified” classroom, high school social studies teacher Bethany Petty is not afraid to innovate. Luckily for everyone else, she also loves to share, and her blog is packed with tips and tricks.
@Bethany_Petty | Read the blog: http://usingeducationaltechnology.com/blog/
David Kapuler been working w/ technology and education for over 14 years in a school setting. Technology Tidbits, Ed Tech Specialist, Education Consulting, Professional Development, Web Design. 13+ years in K-12, 1 of 100 WI educators to follow
@dkapuler/ | Read the blog: http://cyber-kap.blogspot.com
My Paperless Classroom
Out on the west coast, Sam Patterson, makerspace coordinator at Echo Horizon School, helps teachers innovate in a rapidly changing digital world.
@SamPatue | Read the blog: http://www.teachercast.net/my-paperless-classroom/
Dangerously Irrelevant
@mcleod | Read the blog: http://dangerouslyirrelevant.org/
Around the Corner
@mguhlin | Read the blog: http://www.mguhlin.org/
Worlds of Learning
@LFlemingEDU | Read the blog: http://worlds-of-learning.com/
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn