RSU 57 Community Newsletter
March 7, 2025
Message from the Superintendent
Dear RSU 57 Community,
I want to extend my sincere appreciation to our students, families, and staff for their patience and cooperation during this morning’s unforeseen circumstances. Before the school day began, our facilities team identified a propane leak at Massabesic High School. As a precautionary measure, students were redirected to the East Building and subsequently evacuated to Massabesic Middle School. Thanks to the efficient coordination of our transportation department, all high school students were safely dismissed from MMS. I am also grateful to our district’s parents and guardians for their flexibility as the appropriate agencies conducted a thorough assessment of the MHS campus. The safety and well-being of our students and staff remain our highest priority.
Additionally, I invite our community to attend an upcoming School Board workshop on Monday, March 17, at 6:00pm in the Massabesic East Training Center. This session will include a review of the findings from a third-party agency which conducted a comprehensive evaluation of RSU 57’s policies, procedures, systems, and supports related to student well-being. This workshop will provide an opportunity for the School Board to examine the audit’s conclusions and aid in the discussion of enhancing student well-being throughout RSU 57.
As we continue planning for the future, budget development for the 2026 fiscal year has been underway since January, with the Finance Committee meeting weekly at 5:30 p.m. in the East Training Center to review financial planning and district priorities. These meetings are open to the public, and I encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. Your engagement is essential as we work together to make informed decisions that support our students and the future of our schools.
Finally, I would like to extend my best wishes to both the Massabesic High School Theatre Troupe and our Massabesic High School wrestlers as they represent RSU 57 this weekend. The MHS Theatre Troupe will perform their one-act play, “A Clown’s Tale”, at the Regional Maine Drama Festival at Thornton Academy on Saturday, March 8, at 7:15 p.m. Meanwhile, our wrestlers will compete in the New England Wrestling Tournament in Rhode Island: Savannah Thyng (120), Nevaeh Grunhuvd (132), Sophie Grunhuvd (138), Aesa Brock (145), Olivia Goodrich (152), Sydney Cyr (165), Remi Grunhuvd (106), Evan Boulard (132), and Nicholas Chenard (138). We are immensely proud of our student-athletes and performers, and we are confident they will represent RSU 57 with pride and distinction.
Thank you for your continued support of our students, staff, and schools. Your commitment to our educational community is invaluable, and I appreciate your partnership in fostering a safe, enriching, and successful learning environment for all.
Stephen D. Marquis, PhD.
Superintendent of Schools
RSU 57 2025-2026 District Calendar
Climate Change Solutions Summit at MMS
Please join us in celebrating our 7th grade Climate Change Solutions projects. This summit will take place on March 14th in the Massabesic Middle School Gymnasium from 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM.
Over the past two months, our students have conducted research into global climate challenges and their implications. Through their innovative thinking and collaborative efforts, they have developed solutions aimed at mitigating these environmental impacts. Each project demonstrates not only their understanding of complex environmental issues but also their commitment to creating meaningful change for our planet's future.
This open-house style event welcomes all families and members of the community to explore the students' work at their convenience. Please drop in any time between 11:45-1:25. We look forward to seeing you there!
Message From RSU 57 Outreach Coordinator
Sanford Mainers' "Boomer" Visits Alfred and Shapleigh
During the month of February, Boomer the Moose, the mascot of the Sanford Mainers, visited Shapleigh and Alfred Elementary Schools to introduce the "Boomer's Bookworms" reading program. Students can track their reading in 15-minute increments as they "round the bases," and for every completed booklet, they earn two tickets to a Sanford Mainers home game. The program encourages students to keep reading, with the opportunity to earn multiple sets of tickets throughout the year. The kickoff event was a fun way to get students excited about reading while earning rewards for their efforts!
January Model Mustang Recipients!
It is with great excitement and pride that we announce the recipients of the Model Mustang Staff Award for the month of January! This award is a tribute to those outstanding individuals who embody the qualities of a true “Model Mustang”; they inspire, lead, foster positivity, persevere, and excel in all that they do. Each Model Mustang was nominated by colleagues who took the time to acknowledge and celebrate their coworkers’ exceptional contributions to our district. Their hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for the positive impact they have within RSU 57! This month's raffle winner is Cindy Thorne, STEM Teacher at Massabesic Middle School!
"I believe Cindy Thorne is a Model Mustang because she has created a positive environment for not only the students but also staff. As a new teacher, it can be very hard but she has helped me in many ways. I feel as if she would be willing to help with anything and is always giving me advice. She is a tremendous support and an awesome teacher!"
Click the link below to view the full list of Model Mustang Award recipients. Congratulations to all of our Model Mustangs!
Invest in ME Reads
The Invest in ME Reads financial wellness program, brought to you by the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) is a program where children and their families receive free books and online resources that help make learning about money simple and fun.
We hope that you enjoy sharing the newest book with your child. You’ll also find fun activities, games, and a reading guide for each book at InvestinMeReads.com.
After you have explored the program, FAME invites you to participate in an online survey to share how this program has helped your family. Families who complete the survey may enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card in the Invest in ME Reads Giveaway. To access the survey, please visit Invest in ME Reads.
The survey deadline is March 31, 2025.
For questions, more resources, or help, please email Mary Dyer, Financial Education at mdyer@FAMEmaine.com.
All Maine first graders receive A Bike Like Sergio’s, a story that encourages students to explore decision-making, empathy, and the power of giving.
All Maine second graders receive Those Shoes, a story that includes themes of saving, giving, and delayed gratification.
All Maine third graders receive The Know-Nonsense Guide to Money: An Awesomely Fun Guide to the World of Finance! This fun book explains the basics of saving, spending, and money lessons in a way that kids will understand.
All Maine fourth graders receive Priceless Facts about Money, a book that demystifies money and introduces students to wild and weird facts about what makes the world go round.
All Maine fifth graders receive World’s Coolest Jobs, a book that encourages students to explore future careers.
March School Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Dates to Remember
March 11: Curriculum Committee Meeting @ 6:00pm - East Training Center or YouTube
March 12: Finance Committee Meeting @ 5:30pm - East Training Center or YouTube
March 12: School Board Meeting @ 7:00pm - East Training Center or YouTube
March 17: School Board Workshop @ 6:00pm - East Training Center
March 18: PR/Technology Committee Meeting @ 6:00pm - East Training Center or YouTube
March 19: Finance Committee Meeting @ 5:30pm - East Training Center or YouTube
March 20: HR Committee Meeting @ 5:30pm - East Training Center or YouTube
March 24: Budget Review Session @ 6:30pm - East Training Center or YouTube
Stay in Touch...
"Preparing students for success in an ever-changing world."
Phone: 207-247-3221
Website: https://www.rsu57.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rsu57/
Central Office: 86 West Road, Waterboro, ME, USA