Principal Sylvester's Notes
Volume 11 Week of October 16, 2022
Thank you PTO!
Dear Liberty Families,
Thank you to everyone that came to Trunk or Treat, I will share pictures in next weeks Newsletter! What a great event for everyone to get into the Fall Spirit! A special thanks to our PTO board for arranging the event! Also thank you to all the teachers and staff that volunteered and made goodies for the cake walk! That is always my favorite, to see all the creativity of everyone!!!
We are excited to have an inperson book fair this year as well! Starting the week of October 17th, students will have an opportunity to shop at the Book Fair and make purchases. We will also have the Book Fair open during Thursday night Parent Conferences.
We have the first Mobile Food Pantry arriving ON October 19th from 2:30 to 3:30 in the Liberty Parking lot. This is Free food for anyone that needs it. You can invite neighbors, family, and anyone in the Bartlett Community are welcome to stop on by, no questions asked!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Principal Sylvester
No shared food at school
Please read the statement from our district this goes for Birthday Treats and Holiday parties:
"At U-46, we encourage students to make good choices around healthy eating and physical activity to promote positive outcomes. With the holidays around the corner, U-46 will continue this practice by promoting holiday celebrations with non-food items. To stay aligned with the USDA's Smart Snacks requirements, we will not allow food-related celebrations nor distribute snacks to students to eat in the classroom during the school day. The school day concludes 30 minutes after the students are released from school."
Upcoming Dates Mark these down!
October 17- BOOK FAIR STARTS! wear green for gratitude (say thank you to 3 people)
October 18- wear blue for encouragement (give someone a compliment today)
October 19-23: Jersey Mikes (Next to Dog Fathers on 59) just mention Liberty or put reciept in jar!
October 19- wear orange for National Bully Prevention (be an upstander)
October 19- Mobile Food Pantry here from 2:30-3:30
October 20- wear red for self love (think of something you did well this week and pat yourself on the back), Maverick here visiting 1st graders!
October 20 - Parent Teacher Conferences begin at 2 PM- 7 PM (Book Fair ENDS)
October 21- No School for students Parent conferences continue in the morning
October 24- Kringle sales begin!
October 24- First Student Leadership Team Meeting (SLT)
October 25- Picture Retakes
October 31- Halloween Parade (more information to come)
November 17- Restaurant Night Pietanza's on Army Trail!
Here are the instructions for Amazon Smile.
Our Organization is Liberty Elementary PTO
Location: Bartlett IL
Bus Transportation
Information on bus stops became available on AUGUST 8 you can find these on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal . Also you can track your students bus in real time with the MystopApp. we will be reviewing expected bus behavior the first few days of school so all students are safe on the bus. Don't forget the first week of school bus routes are slower than usual as we get kids to the right buses, I will send an email the first day of school when the last bus leaves the building so you can time everything out. MY STOP becomes active this week!
School Meals
U-46 will again offer breakfast and lunch meals at no cost to all students at all U-46 schools. No meal applications will be necessary for the 2022-23 school year.
Monthly menus will be available on school websites starting a few days before the first day of classes as well as on this page of the U-46 Food & Nutrition Services department. The department’s goal is to provide students with healthy meals each day, in compliance with the USDA Child Nutrition Program. To learn more about the department, visit u-46.org/fns.
PTO Corner
Are you interested in getting involved in our School? Reach out to Libertyptobartlett@gmail.com We also have a Liberty Facebook page to get real time information. We have a restaurant night every month to support the school and promote businesses within the Bartlett Community!
Here are the instructions for Amazon Smile.
Our Organization is Liberty Elementary PTO
Location: Bartlett IL
September Student of the Month!
Preschool enjoying the weather!
Breakfast for ALL
School meals continue to be Free to ALL students this school year. Students can arrive to school this year as early as 7:40 AM to recieve a free breakfast. IF you have noticed in Infinite Campus, times for bus pick up are earlier so students can recieve a breakfast before the 7:55 School Bell. We are excited for this opportunity for all students and hope to see a great turn out!
Walk to School Day- Liberty Walks the track!!!
En Students take a trip in the Community to Sunny Acres Farm!
Note from the Nurse!
Don't forget if you are entering Kindergarten and 6th grade you must have a physical to attend school the first day. Reach out to annefranks@u-46.org if you need help! We also recommend students bring a change of clothes to keep at school in grades PreK- 2nd because accidents happen! We don't have enough sizes for all! Please update the clothing in the cubby to be warmer for the cooler weather. As the weather is changing please refer to this website if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's health:
When should I keep my child home?
Keep your student at home if he/she:
- has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher
- has been vomiting or having diarrhea within the past 24 hours,
- complains of an earache
- has a rash that has not been seen by a doctor,
- eyes appear reddened, are crusted or draining.
Your student may return to school once they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of medications, has not vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours, rash is gone or is determined to be non-contagious by the doctor (note required), eyes are clear and without drainage (or have been on prescription eye drops for 24 hours).
U-46 Engage!
Stay tuned for upcoming events with our District website calendar available here.
Thursday, Oct. 13: African American Advisory Council meeting. Details here.
Friday, Oct. 14: End of 1st Quarter.
Monday, Oct. 17 - Open house for South Elgin High School’s Beacon Magnet Academy of Media and Digital Arts. Details here.
Tuesday, Oct. 18: Open house for Streamwood High School’s LEAD Magnet Academy. Details here.
Tuesday, Oct. 18: Dual Credit Informational Night. Details here.
Tuesday, Oct. 18: Dual Language Parent Support Group. Details here.
Tuesday, Oct. 18: Presentation by the CAC’s Specialized Student Services Committee. Details here.
Wednesday, Oct. 19: Unite U-46 Community Engagement Session. Details here.
Friday, Oct. 21: Institute/Professional Development Day. No classes.