MJS Last Minute Info
Last minute info for STUDENTS and FAMILIES
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First Day Classroom Links
All students who are learning remotely on September 8 can use this website page to join each classroom.
Students should choose their grade, then find their team by checking their English, Math, Science, and Social Studies teachers. At the start of each period, they should join the Zoom or GoogleMeet to join their teacher and classmates. Please note that only Madison Public School email addresses (students and teachers) can access these pages for security purposes.
Please be patient on the first day, as our teachers are practicing their new schedules and there are likely to be a few technology hiccups.
Algebra students can find their teachers by looking in the 8th-grade page links.
Periods 7 8 9, Your Schedule, and Distance Learning
There have been many questions about some of the technology, remote learning schedules, and distance learning guidelines this past week. To help, we’ve created a Distance Learning Playbook for students (and parents). The table of contents includes:
- Chromebook help
- Camera recommendations
- Remote setup at home
- TURN IN button
- Teacher feedback
- How to read your schedule
- How Periods 7 8 9 work - Periods 7 8 9 Meeting Links - Please note that only Madison Public School email addresses (students and teachers) can access these pages for security purposes.
- Using Gmail
We urge all students to read through this presentation before school starts.