Dodge Elementary News 1/17
The Dynamic Dodge News

A Word from our Principal
Hey, good evening Dodgers. Hopefully this video finds you doing well. We had another amazing pep rally for our Buffalo Bills. We also had a special visitor, Mr. Taylor Rapp did a cameo appearance for us, supporting all the Dodgers, supporting him. So it's really cool.
Also, we want to thank you to Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Wheeler for participating in our STEAM Lab and really helping us out with their project and their endeavor. It's really cool to be a part of. On January 20th, we have Martin Luther King Day, so please remember, there's no school. Please don't come because we're celebrating Martin Luther King Day.
Also on the 29th of January, we have Lunar New Year. Again, it's another day off for us, as we're celebrating the Lunar New Year.
Our Student Showcase Project for Diversity at Dodge Night are due on January 24th. Please email your child's classroom teacher or Mrs. Widmer with any questions. Also on the 30th of January, our 4th grade winter concert will be at Casey Middle School.
We want to wish everybody a great weekend I know we had a lot of fun here at Dodge this week. Go Bills, and loud and proudly, Who Are We?
District School Start Times January Proposal ⏰
During the January 14th Board of Education Meeting, the School Start Time Committee presented the 2025-2026 Proposal for School Start and End Times. Following the January Board Meeting, there will be a feedback form to allow for school community feedback and a frequently asked questions document available on the District website. New school start times are anticipated to be reviewed and considered for adoption at the February 11th Board of Education meeting.
Proposed Start and End Times
Elementary Schools
- Dodge, Heim, Forest and Maple East Elementary Schools – 7:50 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Country Parkway and Maple West Elementary Schools – 8:20 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Middle Schools
- Casey, Heim, Mill, Transit Middle Schools – 8:20 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
High Schools
- Williamsville East, Williamsville North, Williamsville South High Schools – 8:50 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.
School Start Times - Presentations
School Start Time - Informational Video
Upcoming Dates and Events 📅
1/28 Spelling Bee (1st - 4th Grade) First Round
1/29 Lunar New Year - No School
1/30 4th Grade Winter Concert - Casey Middle School
What to Wear at Dodge 👕
2/5 Unity Day - Wear Orange