January 2025 Maize Pulse
Maize USD 266

Jan. 28, 2025
Dr. Greer: Honoring our school board
This month, we proudly celebrate School Board Appreciation Month, a time to recognize and thank our seven elected members for their incredible dedication to our district. Their role requires a remarkable commitment. During a typical four-year term, members complete a minimum of 480 hours of volunteer work.
Our board members also dedicate countless additional hours advocating for students and employees, attending events, advancing special projects, and supporting initiatives that go far beyond their official duties. Their unwavering commitment reflects their deep belief in the transformative power of public education.
Visit www.usd266.com/schoolboard to learn more about our amazing school board members. Please join me in thanking them for their service.
- President John Harrison
- Vice President Andrew Johnson
- Todd Dumler
- Kerry Fellows
- Troy Palmer
- Dr. Michael Russell
- Jessica Pereira
We are truly grateful for the time, energy, and passion they pour into shaping a brighter future for our schools, staff, community, and—most importantly—our students. Thank you for all you do!
Dr. Raquel Greer
Connect with Dr. Greer
- On Twitter/X: @rockigreer
- Email: rgreer@usd266.com
- Online: www.usd266.com/superintendent
Thanks for brewing up conversation together!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined me for our three Super Coffee Chat sessions this school year. Your insights, questions, and ideas are what make these conversations so meaningful as we work together to support our students and schools.
I'd like to give a special shoutout to hosts and sponsors Wichita State West, Heartland Credit Union 37th Street and Maize Road branch, MOXI Junction, and the Maize Education Foundation. Your support helps create a welcoming environment for these important discussions.
We are already making plans for next year's Super Coffee Chat, and I hope you’ll join me then.
Calendar reminders
Important dates
- Feb. 12: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Feb. 13: No school, Parent-Teacher Conferences 8 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.
- Feb. 14: No school
- Feb. 26: No school for Maize South Middle School (music festival)
- Feb. 28: No school, Professional Development Day
- March 5: No school for Maize Middle School (music festival)
- March 14: End of Term 3
- March 17 through March 21: No school, Spring Break
- March 24: Start of Term 4
School improvement goals
Schools share goals for literacy and improvement in 2024-25
As part of the Lead Forward strategic plan, the district aims to increase its reading proficiency rate from 73 percent to 80 percent on the Kansas State Assessment by 2028. To achieve this, each school has established a Wildly Important Goal (WIG) related to literacy and another WIG of their choice that helps support a need in their building. Between September and January, each school will present to the Maize Board of Education about their goals. The following is a summary from the January school board presentation.
Maize South Middle School Principal Cort Haynes announced initiatives to boost student performance and reduce failing grades. The school is focusing on aReading FastBridge scores and intends to raise the average composite scores for 7th and 8th grade students from 70 to 72 by May. The school also aims to lower the average number of students on the weekly FOCUS List—those with one or more failing grade—from 39 to 35 in the same timeframe.
To meet these goals, the school is implementing data tracking through scoreboards and grade check sheets, helping students monitor their math and reading scores and encouraging improvement in state assessments. Vocabulary development is emphasized across all subjects, including electives, to ensure relevance to each content area.
Mav Time sessions on Mondays allow teachers to review grades, identify missing assignments, and address failing grades with students. Students with an F in one or more class discuss strategies for improvement with their Mav Time teachers. Additionally, students on the FOCUS List receive targeted support on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are ineligible for athletics, including practices and games, serving as motivation for academic improvement.
The school collaborates with families by implementing after-school Academic Study Hall for students with 10 or more missing assignments in a two-week span, aiming to proactively address academic challenges and teach effective workload management.
District news and updates
It’s cold & flu season: Helpful reminders and tips for parents when navigating the student attendance policy
During this cold and flu season, we want to provide some clarity and helpful tips when reviewing your child’s attendance in Maize USD 266.
When is an absence excused?
Each student has seven excused absences to use when ill without a doctor’s note. For these, a parent simply calls their child’s school office to report them ill. After seven, absences will need a medical note to be excused.
Did you know?
- If your child has a standing appointment, your provider can send one note to cover the series of appointments. For example, if your child has physical therapy every Thursday for 12 weeks, this can be excused with one note from the medical provider stating the timeframe of the weekly appointments.
- You can get a medical note for appointments or illness throughout the year. You do not have to wait until seven absences are accumulated. This is helpful, as gathering notes when you are already at the medical provider will prevent that absence from counting toward the seven excused absences without a doctor’s note.
- Only after the seven absences are excused with a parent call in, medical notes are required. If a note is not provided, then the absence is unexcused. According to Kansas Compulsory Attendance Law, each student has three absences in a row, five absences in a semester, and seven unexcused absences in a year to use prior to being considered “truant.”
- Parents receive an automated attendance email after five of the seven excused absences with a parent call in are used. This email was designed to assist parents in preparing for future absences. If you receive an email like this, the purpose is simply to inform you of our attendance policy and provide a reminder of how many days your child may have left excused during the school year. You may still be able to submit a doctor’s note to get some of those days excepted, depending on when the absences occurred.
- Please let us know if you see absences that should be exempt by calling your child’s school office. We are happy to work with you to correct those.
You can find the full definition of excused absences in our District Student Handbook, or review the Compulsory Attendance Law (K.S.A. 72-3120) for more details.
Barriers to attendance? We’re here to help!
If your child is facing challenges that affect his or her ability to attend school, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their teacher, counselor, or principal. Our team of educators, nurses, counselors, and administrators is here to support your family.
Let’s work together to keep our students healthy, engaged, and learning. Thank you for partnering with us to make every school day count!
Safe schools, informed families
At Maize USD 266, the safety and well-being of our students and continuing transparent communication with our families remain our top priority. We have received a few questions related to recent announcements by Homeland Security and wanted to share some important information about school policies and procedures related to law enforcement interactions on our campuses.
What you should know:
- School board policy: We follow Maize USD 266 school board policy regarding any situation involving law enforcement. BOE 1002 Section 9.8.5 states in pertinent part: “Students shall not be voluntarily released by school officials to law enforcement authorities unless the student has been placed under arrest or taken into custody by law enforcement, school resource officers, campus police officers; or Department for Children and Families (“DCF”) authorities pursuant to a child abuse investigation.”
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): We strictly adhere to federal and state laws protecting student information. Schools are not permitted to share student information without parental consent or a court order.
- Emergency contacts: To help us keep our families informed, we encourage you to ensure all contact information in Skyward Family Access is up-to-date.
Our goal is to continue to follow Maize USD 266 policy and legal guidance to keep our students safe and families informed.
Thank you for partnering with us.
Parents invited to explore intermediate and middle school science curriculum
Maize USD 266 is inviting parents to explore options for our new science curriculum for 5th through 8th grades. As part of this important decision, we are hosting two opportunities for parents to preview the two science curriculum options considered for adoption. You can review the materials and share your feedback. Both opportunities will take place at the Maize Educational Support Center, 905 W. Academy Ave. in Maize.
- Stakeholder Night: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10
- Parent-teacher conference session: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13
These opportunities are part of a science pilot process that began in August and is focused on selecting a curriculum that best engages students and equips them to think and act like real scientists.
During the fall semester, educators piloted the Amplify Science curriculum, and they are piloting OpenSciEd this semester. In March, teachers will evaluate, compare, and contrast the two curriculums. In April, it is anticipated that leaders will present a recommendation for curriculum adoption to the Maize Board of Education.
We value your input and hope to see you at either February curriculum event.
Bulls in the Nest kicks off new Maize USD 266 Winter Homecoming tradition
This year, student council leaders from Maize High School and Maize South High School joined forces to introduce a fun new tradition for Winter Homecoming. Their collaboration aims to address low student attendance and make the most of shared resources while creating a stronger sense of community between the two high schools.
On Feb. 7, the schools will host a joint Winter Homecoming celebration. For both Maize High School and Maize South High School, the evening will begin with the crowning of Homecoming junior royalty at halftime during the girls’ varsity basketball game and senior royalty at halftime of the boys’ varsity basketball game. Following the game, students from Maize South and Maize High are invited to Maize High School for a night packed with fun, including a dodgeball tournament, inflatables, cornhole, ping pong, food, and dancing. This year’s event is fittingly called Bulls in the Nest, highlighting the unique collaboration between the Mavericks and the Eagles.
Looking ahead, Maize South High School plans to take a turn as host, with a similar event where Maize High students will join them. That event will be named Birds in the Pen, continuing the theme of camaraderie and school spirit.
A huge thank-you to our student leaders for championing this innovative idea that brings our student body closer together and creates lasting memories for both schools!
New Maize Learning Center helps students stay on track for graduation
New to Maize USD 266 this year, the Maize Learning Center provides vital support to students who need a more flexible course schedule. Students who have benefited from this new resource include those who need to access credit recovery, have transferred class credits mid-term, or wish to acquire course credits in advance due to unique scheduling needs.
Using Edgenuity, an online learning platform, students work at their own pace in a structured classroom setting. With approximately 20 students tackling different courses simultaneously, the program offers tailored support and a flexible schedule. This initiative aligns with the district’s Lead Forward strategic plan, which includes a goal to increase the high school graduation rate from 95.2 percent to 96 percent by 2028.
The Maize Learning Center is already making an impact. During the first term this fall, 44 students earned 55 half credits. In the second term, 67 students earned 70 half credits. Open to students from Maize High School and Maize South High School, the Learning Center is a valuable resource to accommodate each student's unique academic paths.
Stay updated with news on our new district website
Our new district website launched in December, and one of the most exciting features is how easy it is to stay informed with the latest news, success stories, and opportunities from our schools and district!
Here’s how the new site keeps you connected:
- Featured news on homepages: Each school’s homepage, as well as the district homepage, now highlights three key stories. These are updated regularly to keep you informed about important updates and inspiring moments across our #MaizeFamily. You’ll find stories organized by categories, making it simple to explore the topics that matter most to you.
- Searchable content: With improved keyword search and user-friendly navigation, finding the stories you care about has never been easier.
- Helpful resources: For the district and school, find links to recent issues of parent e-newsletters and links to official social media accounts.
- Community Bulletin Board: Our news pages also feature approved community flyers and opportunities.
We’re proud to share these updates to make staying connected even more convenient. Explore the new website today to check out these features and more! Click to visit our school news web pages:
- Maize Early Childhood Center
- Maize Elementary School
- Maize Central Elementary School
- Maize South Elementary School
- Pray-Woodman Elementary School
- Vermillion Elementary School
- Maize Intermediate School
- Maize South Intermediate School
- Maize Middle School
- Maize South Middle School
- Maize High School
- Maize South High School
- Complete High School Maize
- Maize Career Academy
Reminder to update contact information for communications purposes, including snow day messages
Please keep these reminders in mind:
- Please ensure that you have updated your information for notifications: If you want to receive phone calls and/or text messages from Maize USD 266, please log into Skyward Family Access and click “Skylert” on the left. Skylert enables you to receive notifications concerning your child(ren). Snow day-related notifications and the majority of district-sent parent communications fall into the category of “General.” You can check the boxes under “General” in Skyward to select how you prefer to receive this information. Please also make sure your phone number is accurate. Please click “Save” in the upper-right corner if you make any updates.
- Make sure to opt in to notify your carrier if you want to receive text messages: Those who want to receive the district’s School Messenger text messages also will need to opt in by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to 67587. This informs your mobile carrier that you approve of receiving text messages from School Messenger. Those wishing to opt out can do so by sending “Stop.” Please click here for more information. Text recipients will receive automated district messages from the number 67587.
- In the event of school being dismissed or canceled because of inclement weather: The district will send out notifications via phone call, text (SMS), and email to those who have elected to receive them. Phone notifications will go out as early as 5:30 a.m. on the day of the closure. If a decision is made the night before to call off school, calls and texts will go out no later than 10:30 p.m. District officials will update the district’s website (www.usd266.com), official Twitter/X account (@maize266), and official Facebook page as soon as the decision is made to call off school. When in doubt, the district encourages parents and employees to verify school closings by consulting multiple official district sources. Please do not rely on only one form of notification, such as a text message, if you are uncertain.
Thank you for your cooperation in preparing for potential inclement weather this winter.
Maize Board of Education news
Next school board meeting
The Maize Board of Education's next regular monthly meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center, 1155 W. Academy in Maize. Meetings are open to the public. Find a link to meeting agendas and minutes, school board member information, and policies at www.usd266.com/schoolboard. Regular monthly meetings are broadcast live at bit.ly/Maize266YouTube.
Maize South High School teacher wins Kansas Horizon award
Congratulations to Maize South High School social studies teacher Viridiana Arias, winner of the prestigious Kansas State Department of Education Horizon Award, honoring outstanding teaching in Kansas classrooms! She was surprised with the news at work Jan. 22. Only 32 educators in all schools across Kansas are recognized each year.
Among other reasons, she is a standout educator because of the strong relationships she builds with students and families, her effective and inclusive lesson design, her student engagement in the classroom, her work to support struggling students, and her passion and classroom culture.
She joins a rich tradition of excellence in Maize USD 266, where 20 teachers have been recognized with a Horizon Award since 2005. Past winners include current Maize Board of Education member Dr. Michael Russell, who won in 2017 when he was a teacher at Complete High School Maize, and current Maize Intermediate School Principal Kevin Roulhac, who won in 2014 when he was a teacher at Maize High School. The following teachers also have won the Horizon Award in recent years:
- 2024: Ivy Daugherty, Maize South Middle School, and Haley Miller, Maize South Elementary School
- 2022: Jordan Camfield, Maize South Elementary School
- 2021: Micaela Heinrich, Maize South High School, and Madison (Sites) Anderson, Pray-Woodman Elementary School
Thank you, dedicated Operations team members!
Winter weather has kept many of our behind-the-scenes heroes working extra hard during the past several weeks! From our custodians, maintenance, and grounds crews clearing icy walkways and drives to our HVAC staff braving icy roofs and ladders, their dedication has kept our schools running smoothly. Our transportation team, including drivers and mechanics, has gone above and beyond to ensure our students arrive safely each day. We are so grateful for their tireless efforts. Thanks to these hardworking individuals for keeping our district open and safe this month! Consider these stats, which help depict the scale of the work at hand.
- We have used roughly 650 bags (15 tons) of ice melt, mainly at schools for custodians to use on sidewalks.
- We have ordered more than 135 tons of salt/sand mixture to use on drives and parking lots.
Maize Education Foundation
Last chance to join the Birds and Bulls Gala—ticket sales close this weekend
Don't miss your chance to join us for an unforgettable evening at the Birds and Bulls Gala! Ticket sales close this weekend, so secure your spot now for an incredible night of fundraising to benefit the Maize Education Foundation. Look forward to dinner, dessert, drinks, auctions, entertainment, and more. Dress up with us and make a lasting impact—get your tickets before it’s too late!
The Birds and Bulls Gala is Feb. 13 at Prairie Hill Vineyard. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Scholarship application deadline approaching soon
Seniors, the Maize Education Foundation scholarship application deadline is Feb. 21. There are four scholarships available to Maize students: the Shelley Woodard Poynter Memorial Scholarship, Kyle Thornburg Memorial Soccer Scholarship, Kyle Thornburg Memorial Art and Design Scholarship, and the Maize Education Foundation Legacy Scholarship. Please visit mef.usd266.com/programs/scholarships for more information and to apply.
Now hiring
Want to teach with us in 2025-26? Apply today!
We are already planning for the 2025-26 school year, and we’re looking for dedicated educators to join our amazing #MaizeFamily! If you or someone you know is passionate about inspiring students, fostering growth, and making a lasting impact, we’d love to connect. Check out our job postings and explore our new Careers page to find out about district and community support, training, benefits, and testimonials from our current employees. Let’s work together to create bright futures!
Support before- and after-school care and programming in our schools
Maize USD 266 partners with the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Kansas for before- and after-school care. Please consider joining their team to help support this important program, which many Maize USD 266 families utilize. Click the buttons below to learn more about and apply for their open positions. Thank you!
Helpful links
Maize USD 266 e-newsletters
Super Note is Maize USD 266 Superintendent Dr. Greer's e-newsletter written to students. Click to explore the archive of past editions.
Maize Pulse is Maize USD 266's district e-newsletter, shared about once a month with parents, employees, and the community. Click to explore the archive of past editions.
The mission of Maize USD 266 is to inspire students to discover their potential through connecting, learning, and leading.
905 Academy Avenue, Maize, KS, USA