The Mane Place for Lion News
Secondary Campus Newsletter - Nov. 18, 2022
In this Newsletter....
- Winter Wear Donation Drive Starts Nov. 28
- A note of gratitude from Mr. Jones
- 🍂GIVE THANKS🍂 to a Staff member or Teacher
- Catch up on community service hours! They're due this December.
- Save the date for 7th and 10th grade upcoming travel meetings
- Rescue Row Donation Drive now through Dec. 16
- Save the Date for our first everđź‘” 8th Grade Student Business Fairđź‘” on Dec. 7
- Share your memories by submitting yearbook photos
- Subscribe to our EVENTS CALENDAR
Will you help us Share the Warmth this winter?
We will be collecting donations of new hats, gloves, mittens, and socks of all sizes
Send in your donation anytime between November 28th - December 9th
We will distribute them to local charities!
Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Collection point will be the Gym before first MOD.
A Note of Thanks from Mr. Jones
I want to thank the ARTS department for all that they did to make the Veterans Day Celebration what it was. Our special guests, our veterans, were especially appreciative; our State Rep Jared Patterson and Councilman John Keating were so impressed and talked about how well the band played, how well the art looked, and how they've never seen a performance like our theater department's.They were also very impressed by our Lighthouse Ambassadors and all of our students that came up to them to introduce themselves. You all are amazing!
Rescue Row Donations Project from now until 12/16
Current 10th grade: 2024 Tour to California
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022, 06:00 PM
Current 7th Graders: March 2024 Trip to Washington & NY Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022, 05:00 PM
Community Service Hours are Required EACH Semester
To access the volunteer app, sign in here: https://app.helperhelper.com/
We have events listed every Friday evening with Generations Hope from 5:30-8:30. More information is on the Helper Helper website/app!
Job opening available for After Hours
It’s Dyslexia Awareness Month!
At LPS, we want to recognize the strengths and brilliance that a student with dyslexia brings to our school community! Take a moment to check out these awesome resources to learn more about dyslexia.
Opportunities for Parent Partnership:
- When you email volunteer@lpsfrisco.com, you will reach all the CTE teachers that would love your help with amazing projects and events in the classroom.
- We are always looking for guest speakers! Particularly the course of our 8th-grade careers looks to offer these for the students a few times every nine weeks. If you're interested in this please reach out to volunteer@lpsfrisco.com; jbarrientez@lpsfrisco.com , or eaguilar@lpsfrisco.com
- Parent Pride Patrol! The Pride Patrol is a welcome presence in the hallways, stairwells and lunchroom. Parents can greet students, build rapport, check for hall passes and monitor safety. The time commitment is minimal. Time slots are in 30-minute increments on Mondays and Fridays. Sign up for a time slot here
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad practices are Mondays (room 132) and Thursdays (room 134) from 3:50PM to 4:30PM.
Students are able to compete with no more than 4 students on 3 events, as well as an overall competition event. The 3 events include, the Balsa Bridge, Mousetrap Vehicle, and the Straw Tower. These events are timed and students are given specific parameters. Practices are Mondays and Thursdays to prepare for the state competition on January 28, 2023.
Yearbook is entirely student driven!
Friends and Families we are 2 weeks away from our annual Boosterthon kickoff!\Boosterthon is a K-8 fundraiser that helps LPS teachers and students. A percentage of the proceeds allows teachers to purchase items for their classrooms. The boosterthon will end with a fun run for elementary and a color run for middle school on December 9th. Thank you for considering LPS with your giving!
Registration can be done here: mybooster.com
8th Grade Student Business Fair
We will have "investors" (parents and guests) pay for products they enjoy.
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022, 05:00 PM
8100 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
LPS Parent Pride Patrol!
Don't know what LPS Parent Pride Patrol is? It is a program for parents to be involved and servant lead. It's an easy job, you are actively present, slightly intimidating, yet friendly and you get to wear a cool vest and have a Walkie Talkie. The Pride Patrol is a welcome presence in the hallways, stairwells and lunchroom. Parents can greet students, build rapport, check for hall passes and monitor safety. The time commitment is minimal. Time slots are in 30-minute increments. Sign up for one or several!
We currently have Pride Patrol on Mondays and Fridays.
Steps to get started:
- If you haven't already done so for this year, you will need to complete the yearly background check (this information is kept confidential) before serving (you don't hear back unless there is an issue)
- Sign up for a time slot here
- Review this list of things to look for and do while on patrol
Show up for your time slot(s) at the Secondary Front Office. You will need to check in with your ID. There will be a special place to get your Pride Patrol vest and Walkie Talkie.
See links below for helpful calendars and handbook information.
Parent Portal for Grades