Meet the Teacher Template
Back to School 2023 - 2024

A message from our Admin
RME-RELC Families,
We have successfully launched the 24-25 school year. Thank you, families, for your part in making this such a success. We are excited for the new school year filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and community building. As we embark on this journey together, our team is dedicated to providing a nurturing and dynamic learning environment where each child can thrive and full potential. We look forward to partnering with you to support your child’s growth and development.
Kimsheka Bowie, Principal
Benjamin Bostick, Associate Principal (RELC Lead administrator)
Danica Fletcher, Assistant Principal (RELC Grades - Pre-K – 1)
Sonia John, Assistant Principal (RME – Grades - 2 – 5)
Upcoming Events
September 2- Labor Day (No School)
September 12- Open House 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm
September 13- Brighter Bites Distribution
September 15- Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
September 20- Brighter Bites Distribution
September 26- Early Dismissal 12:10 pm (Parent Conference Day)
September 27- No school (Professional Learning day for Teachers)
Important Reminders ❗
- Please be prepared to show a valid ID for early pick up.
- Early Pick up ends at 2:40 PM
- Dismissal change must be completed before 2:45 PM. We highly recommend completing dismissal change in person due to security reasons.
Lunch Visits🥪
Lunch visits start September 17,2024
Lunch Visitor Reminders
- After checking in at the front office and receiving a visitor’s badge, parents may go directly to the cafeteria to meet their child. Remember, you MUST have a government issued ID every time. Only 2 visitors at a time and no school-age children will be permitted.
- After checking in at the front office and receiving a visitor’s badge, parents may go directly to the cafeteria to meet their child. We have designated visitor tables in the cafeteria for parents/guardians to sit with their child during lunch. Visitors may only sit with their student.
- If you have brought your child lunch, we ask that you refrain from sharing food with other students. Safety and wellness are a top priority in FBISD. A child may have an allergy or diet restriction and sharing a restricted food could cause serious health issues.
- 5 minutes before lunch dismissal begins, we ask that you say goodbye to your child, exit the cafeteria, and check out in the front office. This allows students to return to their class table and join the dismissal routine before returning to class for instruction. Parents/visitors may not wait in the hallway or escort their child back to the classroom.
Parent Educator Corner
Rocio Hernandez - Family & Community Educator (ELC)
rocio.hernandez@fortbendisd.gov l 281-329-0676
Background Check
A Background check must be completed every school year in order to participate in school events. You will need a background check for field trips,volunteering, class parties ect.
Attendance Matters🏫
Missed School?
Within 5 school days after the absence:
Email an absence note to the school's attendance clerk at amanda.varela@fortbendisd.gov (PK-1st) or cynthia.aleman@fortbendisd.gov (2nd-5th)
Turn in the absence note once the student returns to school with student or at Front Office
Absence notes must be received by the Attendance Office within 5 days of returning to school, or it will result in an unexcused absence. Parents can attach supporting documents, such as doctor's notes, to absence note emails.
The Attendance Office usually will input excuse notes once a week, so please allow time for those absences to be coded as excused.
Dual Renewal's 2024-2025 School Year
The Registrar's office is in the process of Dual Renewals for the 2024-2025 school year, please keep an eye out for those forms in student's take home folder or parents' email.
Clinic News 🩹
Starting next week through the month of September we will be conducting vision and hearing screening. This involves:
- Student actively wearing prescribed glasses.
- Student bringing glasses (if not worn @ school).
- Minimizing nasal congestion (affects hearing and vision).
1. Practicing nose blowing.
2. Increasing water intake.
3. Increasing fiber.
4. See related resources below for a HOLISTIC view.
- Congestion and postnasal drip will and does drain to the stomach. Combined with a low fiber diet, this combination lends to a toxic environment.