Viking Village

The Viking Village
Principal's Message 09/23/24
Viking Friends and Families!!
Good afternoon, Viking Friends and Families:
I want to remind everyone that starting on Monday Sep 30th, school will be closed while we are on break. We will return to our normal schedule on Monday October 13th. If you haven't done so already, please be sure to schedule your parent conferences with your teacher. Remember we have Coffee w/ the Principal on Friday 9/27 and we also have our PTC Carwash Fundraiser on Saturday 9/28 from 12- 2pm here in the Victor Elementary parking lot.
Families, please take the time to review the attached documents to this newsletter. It contains important information.
Reminder of Special Dates:
- Tuesday 9/24 (parent conferences)
- Wednesday 9/25 (parent conferences)
- Thursday 9/26 (parent conferences)
- Friday 9/27 (parent conferences).
- Friday 9/27 Coffee with the Principal
- Saturday 9/28 PTA Car Wash fundraiser.
In addition to these important dates, we also have Fall Break coming up at the end of the month.
- Fall Break 9/30- 10-11
- School Resumes 10/14
Please note these dates and plan, accordingly. Thank you.
In your service,
Dr. David Gutierrez,
Victor Elementary,
Lodi USD
Attendance Awareness Month
Parents and families are essential partners in promoting good attendance because they have the bottom-line responsibility for making sure their children get to school every day. Just as parents should focus on how their children are performing academically, they have a responsibility to set expectations for good attendance
and to monitor their children’s absences, so that missed days don’t add up to academic trouble. This includes:
- Make getting students to school on time every day a top priority.
- Alert schools and community agencies to barriers that keep kids from attending class.
- Ask for and monitor data on chronic absence.
- Demand action to address systemic barriers that may be causing large numbers of students to miss too much school.
Hispanic Heritage Month 9/15
Hispanic Heritage Month is the 30-day period between September 15 and October 15 each year. These dates were selected because they encompass the independence days of many Latin American countries including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua—which all celebrate on September 15—as well as Mexico (September 16) and Chile (September 18). The month also includes the holiday formerly called Columbus Day (now referred to in most of the country as Indigenous People's Day), also known as Dia de la Raza, on October 12.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor -
Born in New York City to Puerto Rican parents, Sotomayor earned degrees from Princeton University and Yale Law School through her determination and discipline. Sotomayor went on to continue demonstrating resiliency and broke boundaries in 2009 as she became the first Latina and third woman to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.
Coffee w/the Principal
Hello Viking Friends and Families, our coffee with the principal meeting on 9/13 was great. Parents reviewed the Family Engagement Plan and were able to get updates on school happenings. Next Coffee W/ the principal will be on Friday 9/27 @8:15 AM.
Spelling Bee
We are excited to announce that your child’s/children’s school is having a spelling bee for students grades 4th through 6th. The Spelling Bee is a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their spelling skills and compete in a friendly and encouraging environment. Participants will be tested on their ability to spell a variety of words; the event will include several rounds. The competition aims to foster a love of language and promote academic excellence. The site spelling bees will take place between October 14th and October 23rd. The winner of each school site will go on to the district wide spelling bee (Stockton 11/7 and Lodi 11/8). We encourage you to click on the link below for rules and practice lists.
From the Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Parent Teacher Club invites you to join them for our second meeting on September 25, at 5:00 p.m. in the library. We will be discussing upcoming Victor School events and ways to make this school year fun and exciting for our children!
Parent Club is happy to announce, it will be holding a Car Wash Fundraiser on September 28, 2024 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. This event will be open to the public, so we will need as much help as we can get! If you and your child are interested in helping, please let your child's teacher know. We are hoping to get as many kids involved as possible to have some fun while raising money to support our awesome school! Funds from this event will go toward our annual Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat, as well as other activities and events at Victor School. If you have any questions, please contact Parent Club at:
We look forward to seeing you there!
After School Bridge Program
The After School Bridge Program is now accepting applications online. For more information, please call the Bridge Office at (209) 331- 8903. You can also enroll online click here to get on the waitlist.
School Site Council
School Site Council Nominations
Picking Students Up
Adjustments to Pick/ Drop Offs
Viking Friends and Families, we are continuing to work on our pickup and drop off procedures. I appreciate your patience and understanding. As you may know, our bus lane has a slight glitch. Any solution that we can come up with would simply be a band aide to the relieve the congestion. However, next week we will try a few adjustments to see if can help alleviate some of the congestion that occurs as well as make sure our students can get on and off the bus.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Please Report Student Absences
Please be sure to let us know if your student will be absent. You can give us a call at (209) 331- 7441.
District Approved Flyers and Information
Register Today for Our Free STEM Conference (6-9)
Register Today for Our Free STEM Conference (6-9)
Click on the link below for the STEM Conference flyer:
Expanded Learning Opportunity (TK - 6)
Expanded Learning Opportunity (TK - 6)
Click on the link below for the English flyer:
Fall 2024 - Intersession Flyer
Click on the link below for the Spanish flyer:
Fall 2024 - Intersession (Spanish) Flyer
If you have any questions, please contact Jose Maciel in Educational Support Services.
Online Data Confirmation 2024
Please be sure to confirm your student data through Aries parent portal.
Suicide Awareness (K-12)
Suicide Awareness (K-12)
September is #SuicidePreventionMonth. Help us support suicide prevention by learning the warning signs and risk factors for suicide. If you, or someone you know needs support, call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. Additional resources can be found on our website.
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (English):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (English):
Septiembre es el #MesdelaPrevencióndelSuicidio. Ayúdenos a apoyar la prevención del suicidio conociendo las señales de advertencia y los factores de riesgo del suicidio. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org. Puede encontrar recursos adicionales en nuestro sitio: bit.ly/LodiUSDMentalHealthResources
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (Spanish):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (Spanish):
Expanded Learning Opportunity (TK - 6)
Click on the link below for the English flyer:
Fall 2024 - Intersession Flyer
Click on the link below for the Spanish flyer:
Lodi USD: Social Media Posts Concerns
Lodi USD:
We are aware of viral social media posts that are circulating with threats of violence toward schools nationwide. Local law enforcement agencies are also aware and monitoring the situation. At this time, no threats have been directed toward any of our schools.
If you or your child have a safety concern, please report it to the Sandy Hook Promise Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, law enforcement, or school administration. Again, there are no active threats against our schools but we will remain vigilant and investigate any potential safety concerns.
Thank you.
Neil Young, Superintendent