East Pennsboro Area High School
Where we aim to know each student by name, face, and personal story.
Message from Dr. Bianchi, Principal
January is typically one of the most happening months in our high school. After winter break, students sprint to the finish line of the Fall semester and transition to their Spring semester schedules. In January, students participated in a semester exam schedule that mimicked a post-secondary approach to comprehensive exams. Select students took Keystone Exams earlier in the month, as well. Finally, we embarked on course selection season for the 2025-26 school year. We started engaging our 8th grade families for the first time, and next week, 12th Grade families will receive initial communication about Graduation!
The Course Selection process is a time not only to go through the motions of selecting courses, but a time to think big about what students want to do and be like after high school. Everything we do here is meant to prepare students for success after 12th grade, which is an awesome challenge and a big responsibility. So that students view course selection through the lens of their futures, on January 29, we held our second annual Course Selection Fair. Our students interacted with 30 guests from local colleges, businesses, and military branches, and 12th graders who have excelled in each respective academic discipline interacted with underclassmen to help them make good course decisions.
Because there is a lot to understand about course selection, and to enhance accessibility of information, our school counselors have created a new Interactive Program of Studies. Among other features, there are course descriptions, explanatory videos, and a feature on the site to pose questions. Some of our long-range programmatic goals include: Diversify the way in which students meet state and local credit requirements, allow students to fulfil requirements early in high school, provide opportunities for seniors, and increasingly juniors, to fulfill coursework outside of the school building. Each day we ask ourselves some semblance of the questions: What should our students know, understand, be able to do, and be like when they graduate high school? What is the modern world going to require of our students?
We willingly undertake these awesome challenges of designing relevant and meaningful opportunities because our students deserve the very best.
Best wishes,
Dr. Bianchi
Interactive Program of Studies
Course Selection Fair
On Wednesday, January 29th, the High School held their 2nd Annual Course Selection Fair! Students were able to explore different academic and extracurricular departments and speak with student representatives about their experiences. In addition, our building was full of volunteers from colleges, trade schools, military branches, and professional organizations. Students were able to learn about different post-secondary options and speak with and learn from professionals in those fields. Thank you to our incredible High School staff for providing this opportunity for our students!
Course Selection
High school students this week had the opportunity to attend Course Selection assemblies, held by our high school counseling department and building administration. Students were able to have an interactive look at the new Program of Studies website, which streamlines the manual and provides tools such as videos to help students make the best decisions when determining their schedules. Next week students will have the opportunity to attend the second annual Course Selection Fair, which will also feature our community partners, colleges, military services, and employers. Thank you to our high school staff, especially to our counseling department, for guiding our students during this important time!
- 1/30: 8th-11th Grade Course Selection Night, 6pm
- 2/13: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- 2/14: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/17: All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/24: Spring Sports Enrollment Deadline
EPAHS After-School Tutoring
After-school tutoring will be available for students directly after school until 4:00 PM on Tuesdays. Students that are attending please report to the LGI after school.
EPAHS Students of the Month
Congratulations to our students of the month from January! From left to right, Morgan Stellfox and Adrick "Steel" Bayer.
At the Mechanicsburg-North Rotary meeting on Thursday, January 16th, East Pennsboro Area High School student Morgan Stellfox was named Student of the Month. Morgan spoke to the club about her involvement in activities, clubs, and organizations at East Pennsboro. Congratulations Morgan!
Congratulations to senior Steel Bayer for receiving the Student of the Month award at the Mechanicsburg-North Rotary meeting on Thursday, January 23rd! Steel had the opportunity to share his experiences throughout high school, especially his athletic accomplishments. Steel also spoke about his future plans in attending and playing soccer for West Virginia. Steel's parents and EPAHS Assistant Principal Mr. Peck were also in attendance. Congratulations to Steel!
Way to go Panthers!!!
The Panther Press
Weekly Missions
This week, we're celebrating OWNERSHIP at EPAHS! We'll be highlighting and rewarding students who take responsibility for their actions and demonstrate positive choices.
Please discuss with your students what it means to be an "owner" in our school community. Here are some key behaviors we'll be recognizing:
- Taking responsibility for your actions: Owning your choices and their consequences.
- Making good decisions: Choosing wisely and considering the impact of your actions.
- Leaving no trace: Keeping our school and community clean and respectful.
Let's actively look for and celebrate these positive behaviors in our students! Remember to use Panther Power Tickets to acknowledge students who demonstrate ownership in your classroom.
Be specific with your praise! For example, instead of "Great job today!" try "Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions when..." This helps students understand exactly what they did well and encourages them to repeat those positive behaviors.
Thank you for helping us create a supportive and organized learning environment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Please speak to your students about our new Panther POWER expectations! Each letter in POWER stands for an expectation that we are all striving for each day as an entire school community. Students have been leaning about POWER expectations throughout each main area of the school building. We have a wonderful team of staff members that help run our PBIS program. We are going to start a student team in the near future to help us all work together as a team to make to our HS and even more amazing place to be!
We will continue to work as an entire school community to work on displaying the Panther POWER expectations this school year! Please remind your students about this expectation so that we can work together to become a POWER school!
Enhancing Administration and Student Communication
EPAHS Administration values the rapport and dialogue it has with students. We want to provide timely and relevant information and listen to student feedback about their school. Starting next week, the high school administrative team will pilot a new communication method with students to supplement weekly emails containing upcoming schedule and event information. This method will also be handy to send information about student opportunities like college or industry leaders' visits or to support the messages that counselors post in Google Classroom. Students will have the option to download the app "Band," which is similar to communication apps "Remind" or "GameChanger." The app's settings will only allow for one-way communication from the administration to students. Private chats and responses will be deactivated. Students will download the app on their device and log in with their school email address. If you would prefer that your student does not sign up for this optional communication feature, please consider instructing them not to participate.
Senior Cap & Gown
For any senior who has yet to purchase a Cap and Gown, please reach out to Ms. Suzette by email at sdavis@epasd.org or come down to the main office to visit. She is happy to help in any way possible.
All Cap and Gowns must be purchased by Friday, February 28th
Thank you
Parking Lot Drop Off & Arrival Procedures
Morning traffic has increased lately with colder weather and more student drivers. As was instituted last year, please drop students off as far forward in the parking lot as possible, especially between 7:22-7:27. If there is congestion where the blue diamond is depicted, please turn right. Please do not allow students to exit vehicles around the corner at the 'no drop zone.' In the future, we may add crossing zones for students to get from the senior lot to the building, but that would come at a later time. We will also soon be adding another breakfast line to curb a backup that can cause tardiness, and we may close the breakfast line a few minutes before 7:30, both in an effort to make sure students are in their classes at 7:30.
CTC Upcoming School Schedule
Hello CTC Families,
Upcoming Transportation Dates:
- 2/13: EPAHS Closed - CTC Students will need a ride to the HS to catch the CTC bus at 11:45 AM and to be picked up at EPAHS at the end of the day at 3:15 PM
- 2/14: EPAHS Closed - CTC Students will need a ride to the HS to catch the CTC bus at 11:45 AM and to be picked up at EPAHS at the end of the day at 3:15 PM (Snow Make Up Day)
- 3/14: EPAHS Open - CTC Closed - Students will take the EPAHS bus home at 11:30 AM
- 3/17: EPAHS Closed - CTC Students will need a ride to the HS to catch the CTC bus at 11:45 AM and to be picked up at EPAHS at the end of the day at 3:15 PM
- 3/18: EPAHS Closed - CTC Students will need a ride to the HS to catch the CTC bus at 11:45 AM and to be picked up at EPAHS at the end of the day at 3:15 PM
- 4/25: EPAHS Open - CTC Closed due to the NOCTI Exams - Students will take the EPAHS bus home at 11:45 AM
- 6/5: EPAHS Open - CTC Closed - Students will take the EPAHS bus home at 11 AM
Please see the CTC school calendar for 24-25 school year.
See this link for more information on CTC scheduling:
CTC Student Driving Regulation 24-25
EPAHS Musical
Student Spotlight
MLK Reading Day
On Monday, January 27th, the High School Character Education Student Committee joined the elementary schools for a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day reading activity. Sixty high school students went to EPE and WCH to spend twenty-five minutes with each grade level reading a book and completing activities to share the importance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The high school students and elementary students enjoyed having fun with each other and hope to do a similar activity again soon.
Musical Activity
High school students were able to provide a musical activity in Room 017 at EPE! The students and staff enjoyed the lovely entertainment during their breakfast party! We love seeing our older siblings and service learning students.
School Board Guests
At the School Board meeting on Thursday, January 9th, we had student guests join us for the Cumberland Perry Area CTC presentation. Senior Madelynne Druckemiller and junior Gavin Miller accompanied the new CTC director, Mr. Tom Wolfe. Madelynne spoke about her experiences and education at the CTC, as well as her future ambitions and how she felt prepared for life after graduation. Gavin also answered questions about his experiences with CTC. Thank you to Mr. Wolfe, Madelynne, and Gavin for participating in our board meeting!
Senior Foster Lemley was also present to give the Student Representatives' Report at our School Board meeting. Foster gave our Board members a comprehensive look at all of the activities, athletics, and fine arts programming, events, and accomplishments happening in the district. Thank you Foster!
Poetry Out Loud Competition
On January 8th, students competed in the school-wide Poetry Out Loud competition. Students were required to memorize a poem and recite it dramatically. Senior Ashlee Magaro won the competition with her moving recitation of "The Ragged and the Beautiful." Seniors Olivia White and Foster Lemley earned second and third. Olivia White will represent East Pennsboro at the regional competition at the CAIU on February 5th.
Fall 2024 Service Classes' Accomplishment
We are PANTHER PROUD to announce that the students in our fall 2024 Service Classes served a total of 4498 hours and 40 minutes on the campus of East Pennsboro School District! Opportunities for volunteering were offered in EPE, EPAMS, and EPAHS, and students did a wide variety of things from working with students, to assisting teachers, and making valuable connections throughout the district. A special thank you to all staff members who welcomed these students into their classrooms and offices.
Students who take the Service Learning and Leadership classes at EPAHS complete an average of 40 hours of volunteer work each semester. Additionally, they create a portfolio of all activities and hours that can serve as a reference for college admissions, personal essays, scholarship applications, and talking points in interviews.
Thank you to EPAHS teacher Mrs. Susan Fleagle for leading our Service Learning students! Congratulations to all of our service learners on this incredible accomplishment!
Yearbook Sale
The High School Yearbook program is hosting a one-time sale to raise funds and clear space. High school yearbooks of past years are on sale now. Find unique gifts, complete your yearbook collection, or relive your East Pennsboro memories.
Please contact Hanna Schaffer at hschaffer@epasd.org to inquire about which years you are looking for. Pickup can be arranged through the school office or sent home with a current high school student, and payment can be cash or check made to EPHS. Buying multiple books? Make an offer!
Sale extended to the end of January!
Please note that this is a one-time sale to clear old inventory. Yearbooks will not be put on sale again next year! If you are looking to buy the 2025 high school yearbook, please visit http://bit.ly/ep-yearbook.
Hello students! My name is Mrs. Sanders and I am your high school's LMLC librarian. I wanted to inform everyone about the resources we have available to you both physically and digitally. Attached you will find two flyers, one highlighting our most valuable resources and another one highlighting one specific digital resource called PowerLibrary. Throughout the year, I will be sharing an informational online flyer spotlighting certain digital resources for both students and staff to discover and hopefully inquire the LMLC how to utilize.
The LMLC does have a new website, developed last year, housing all your research needs. Digital resources that will be highlighted can be found through the LMLC Resources webpage. My hope is for everyone to check out the website and see the vast array of both physical and online opportunities the LMLC provides. You can find the LMLC website through Clever (see the attached picture to locate).
At the LMLC, both the wonderful Mrs. Boston and myself live by our mission: "EMBRACE CURIOSITY – READ BOOKS – BE HAPPY!". We strive to provide a space that helps students embrace curiosity, want to read more books thus learn new information, and just overall feel happy meaning less stressed. We hope you come down to visit us because we are a really cool place to use. We even have a free coffee/hot chocolate bar (must bring your own drink cup though). If you have any questions or just want to visit, please come visit us sooner rather than later :-).
Mrs. Sanders
Info.Tech.for Bus.Ed.
EPAHS Librarian
East Pennsboro Area School District
Counselor Corner
Coffee with a Counselor is a new initiative offered by the school counselors to assist students in small groups regarding various topics such as the college application process, NCAA eligibility, work force, and more. Seniors will be able to sign up in the School Counseling for the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.
On Wednesday, September 25th, East Pennsboro's class of 2027 sat for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB is given to all 10th graders because the results from anyone in 10th grade are not valid for recruitment/enlistment purposes. The ASVAB is also a very robust career tool that is used for prediction of academic and occupational success in several industries. Lastly the ASVAB fulfils an alternative graduation requirement. Like the PSAT and SAT, the score from the ASVAB can provide evidence of post-secondary readiness to the PA Department of Education.
If you have any questions, please contact your students school counselor:
Last names A-F (and CTC) -Mrs. Hillary Miller hmiller@epasd.org
Last names G-O -Mrs. Christina Zeller czeller@epasd.org
Last names P-Z -Mr. Mark Bohlen mbohlen@epasd.org"
NCAA Workshop
Starting in October, Mr. Bohlen will be holding NCAA Workshops for the sophomore, junior, and senior athletes considering playing college sports. These workshops are for students only and will be covering NCAA requirements; current earned NCAA credits; and creating academic plans to meet NCAA requirements. Sessions are currently limited to 5 students. More can be added if demand exceeds availability.
Workshops will be held on:
December 4th and 11th
Encourage your students to sign up today! Freshman sessions will be held after winter break during course selection.
Students can sign up using the form linked in the school counseling Google Classroom and below:
Career & Technical Center
Dave Payne, a school counselor from Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center (CPACTC), visited the high school on Tuesday, October 8th to share information about their programs to our 9th grade students.
Financial Aid Night
A representative from Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), visited East Pennsboro Area High School on Tuesday, October 1st for our Financial Aid Night to present information to students and families.
If you couldn't make it, click the link to her presentation below:
Notes from our Nurse
For Attendance in 12th Grade: 1 dose of MCV (Meningococcal) on the first day of 12th grade. If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that shall count as the twelfth-grade dose. The student will be excluded on August 30th without evidence of vaccination.
Letters have been sent out if your student is missing their twelfth-grade dose. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 717-287-8764 or bhawk@epasd.org.
Illnesses: If you are sick, stay home. You may be sent home if you show signs of a sore throat, headache, stomachache, or cough.
Medication Policy: If you need medications during the day, you will need to provide a doctor’s note stating that you need the medication during school hours. The medications should be brought In by an adult/guardian in the pharmacy-labeled container. Empty containers may be sent home with the students, but the refills will need to be brought in by the parent/guardian.
Attendance Information
Parents/Guardians - Please remember you have the option to submit absence notes, doctor, tardy, early dismissal, and educational trip forms to our high school attendance mailbox at ephsattendance@epasd.org
EPASD Attendance Procedures
EPAHS accepts attendance notifications (excuse cards, absence notes, etc.) via email. Parents can email ephsattendance@epasd.org as a means of reporting your child’s absence. Paper notes will still be accepted as well. A reminder that all excuse notifications are required to be submitted within three school days of your child’s absences.
Excused Absences:
When a child is enrolled in the district’s educational program, the student is subject to the
Pennsylvania State Attendance Laws. The Board considers the following conditions to constitute an excused absence from school:
1. Illness
2. Quarantine
3. Student required court attendance
4. Prearranged doctor and dentist appointment for the time of appointment and appropriate travel time only
5. Authorized school activities
6. Pre-approved educational tours and trips, not school-sponsored
7. Other urgent reasons, including funerals, that apply to the child and approved by the building administrator
Parents/guardians are expected to telephone the school when students are absent for any reason. In addition, a written excuse from a parent/guardian is required for each absence.
Unexcused Absences:
An unexcused absence shall be defined as:
• Absence from school with parent/guardian consent for reasons other than those considered
• Leaving school during school hours without permission from the administrator.
• Absence from school without knowledge/permission of parent/guardian (truancy).
• Absence from school without knowledge/permission of school authorities.
• Absences from school without written parental excuse submitted within 3 school days of the absence.
Please refer to the Student Handbook to review more specific information about our attendance policies. Contact our school office if you have any questions about our attendance policies or procedures.
Automated Absence Alert:
The Automated Absence Alert system was implemented to inform parents when their students are absent from school. If/when your student is absent or does not report to their classroom they are recorded as absent. When the daily attendance is submitted electronically, an automated message will be sent to a phone identified by the parent/guardian. This call will normally occur by approximately 10:00 am. Should you have questions or concerns you may contact the attendance secretary by calling: East Pennsboro Area High School (EPAHS), at (717) 732-0723.
EPASD 2024-2025 School Calendar
EPAHS Bell Schedule 24-25
Athletics & Activities
EPAHS Champions Night
“Champions Night” at the boys basketball game on Tuesday, 1/14 where we will celebrate our golf and baseball teams, as well as our stat milestone achievers!
EPAHS Alumni Swimming Night
We had the chance to welcome back some of our EP Swimming Alumni at our annual Alumni meet! Thank you to those who attended and supported!
Coach Everett
Today's Sentinel Sports section captures Dayrell Everett's influence on
boys basketball despite being sidelined with an injury, catches up with the NFL and more. Track the latest in local sports at https://cumberlink.com/sports/high-school/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_Clink_Sports
EPAHS General Information
Create a Sapphire Parent Portal!
Please create a Sapphire Parent Portal account. There are several benefits to creating a parent portal account:
- You can access your child's report cards when they are published
- You can keep track of your child's attendance
- You will be able to receive important notifications about your child
To create a parent portal account:
- Go to our website www.epasd.org
- Hover over the "Students" tab
- Click "Sapphire Community Web Portal"
- Click "Create a Web Portal Account"
- Follow the remaining on-screen instructions to enter your information.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Suzette at sdavis@epasd.org. She would be happy to help!
Lunch Money
There are two lunch sessions at EPAHS. Students can deposit lunch money (Cash or Check payments may also be made to the school office for lunch accounts) into their accounts by putting it in an envelope in the main office or online with School Bucks. Our district partners with Chartwell’s K-12. Please visit our district’s food service page for more information, including information on free and reduced price meals.
Parent's Guide to Google Classroom
Click the link for a parent-friendly guide to navigating your student's Google Classroom.
Device Insurance Fees
Did you know that in addition to accessing your student’s lunch account, you can also pay fees through MySchoolBucks?
If you have a newly enrolled student in grades 6-12, an invoice will be created for the initial device insurance fee. Please check your student’s account on MySchoolBucks.com. Please select School Store, then School Invoices to view all device invoices.
If your student has needed their device repaired, the insurance fee will cover the cost to repair the device. A new insurance fee will be applied to cover the cost of future incidents. Full details and payment information are available in our District’s 1:1 Device Guide. (epasd.org - parents & guardians - EPASD 1:1 Device Information - EPASD 1:1 Device Guide) To check your student’s account, please go to MySchoolBucks.com, select School Store, and then School Invoices to view all device invoices.
Payments can be mailed to the Administration Center: EPASD — Business Office, 890 Panther Parkway, Enola PA 17025. Please include the student number on the check.
Tutoring Resources
CHIP - Children's Health Insurance Program
CHIP covers uninsured children and teens up to age 19 – and no family earns too much to qualify. With nearly 128,000 uninsured children in Pennsylvania, this is great news for families!
CHIP provides quality, comprehensive health insurance for routine doctor’s visits, prescriptions, dental, eye care, eyeglasses, mental health, and much more. CHIP covers uninsured kids who are not eligible for Medical Assistance. For many families, CHIP is free – for others, it is low cost.
Many more resources can be found on the CHIP website at www.CHIPcoversPAkids.com, under CHIP Resources.
East Pennsboro Area High School
Email: tbianchi@epasd.org
Website: https://www.epasd.org/east-pennsboro-area-high-school/
Location: 425 West Shady Lane, Enola, PA, USA
Phone: 717-732-0723
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastPennsboroAreaHigh/