Newbury Park High School
IB World School & Home of the Panthers
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January 13, 2025
New Information for the Week of January 13, 2025
New Information For Review
Happy Sunday Panthers: Semester 2 Has Started, Let's Keep The Momentum Going
- CAASPP Testing: What Is The Truth and What is Fiction
- January Principal's Coffee/Tour
- No School On January 20 Reminder
- PTSA General Association Meeting
- NPHS Panther Preview Night Information
- NPHS Softball Habit Fundraiser
- PTV Episodes
General Updates and Newsletters
- 24-25 Technology Updates
- Tutoring Center Updates
- Library Newsletter
- Athletics Newsletter
- Activities Newsletter
- Attendance Newsletter
- CCC Newsletter
- Job Interest Board
- PTSA Newsletter
Happy Sunday Panthers!
Happy Sunday Panthers: Semester 2 Has Started, Let's Keep The Momentum Going
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and you are ready for another great week. Obviously this has been a very challenging week for so many people in our community and all around Southern California. Please remember to continue to read and review all updates from the school and the school district. Also, please reach out to us if we can be of any assistance to you and any family that need support and assistance during these trying times.
Panther Preview Night Is Coming!
Do you have incoming 9th graders to NPHS next year? Do you know any family members of friends that are looking to learn about the great things going on at NPHS and are interested in attending NPHS next year? We are hosting our Panther Preview Night on Wednesday, January 22. We will hosting breakout sessions for families to learn about all the great programs, co-curricular activities and academic options NPHS has to offer. The information flyer is posted below and our school website. Please forward the information to anybody you know who would be interested in attending NP[HS next year.
Let's Keep The Hard Work Going!
Now that we have had four days to get settled into the new semester, it is important that all students find the academic routine that works for them. Success starts now not in a month or at the progress report timeline. Each day is important because we are building that growth mindset each and every day. Below are the important academic reminders parents and students can use as a guide for student success each day.
Weekly Academic Reminders For Parents and Students
- Students should be building a daily academic routine, as part of an overall time management plan.
- Starting, August 22, students can visit their teachers during office hours each Thursday from 1:40 -2:30.
- Starting September 3, students should be taking advantage of our in-person, individual tutoring overseen by our NPHS teaching staff. CANVAS Course cards will be sent out this week to all NPHS students.
- Students should be communicating with their teachers on a consistent basis with any questions, support needed, or access to content.
- We always recommend that students and parents should start with the teacher for questions related to courses students are taking.
- Students need to be participating in athletic teams, co-curricular groups, clubs, and interest groups that inspire them in order to find the right balance between school work and school involvement.
- Students are able to access our new Wellness Center in room E3 which is staffed by mental health clinicians. More detailed information will be sent out to staff and students.
Attendance Matters!
BEING there, BEING present, and BEING on time is crucial to a successful school year. We all have our days when things and situations arise, however, all students need to develop a sense of pride in being early and on time. As parents, you can help set the tone of being on time and being at school. School officially starts at 8:30 am. Everyone needs to have a plan to get to school in plenty of time in the morning. Students are expected to be on time in the classroom before the bell rings to start class. We now only have one five-minute warning bell for all classes. Please work with us to ensure that all students will be on time for class each and every day.
Welcome Back Panthers and I can't wait to see everyone back on Tuesday!
Mr. Lepire
CAASPP Testing: What Is The Truth and What is Fiction
As we start the second semester, I wanted to begin a series of messages emphasizing the importance of all 11th grade students to participate in the CAASPP standardized testing program. Over the semester we will coordinating a joint effort to remind all stakeholders about the importance of the test, the importance of actually taking the test and not opting out of the test, the importance of taking the test seriously with their best effort and the overall impact accurate and inaccurate scores can have. Today message is simply an overview of what the test is and the logistics of the test.
When Is the CAASPP Test?
The CAASPP test will be administered to all Juniors during the week of March 24th. A comprehensive schedule including a breakdown by alphabet will be provided to all 11th grade parents and students
CAASPP Test: Just The Facts
The CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) test is an annual statewide assessment program in California that measures the academic progress of students in grades 3 through 8 and high school. The test evaluates proficiency in key subjects such as English language arts, mathematics, and science, using computer-based testing tools designed to reflect the rigor of the state’s academic standards. For high school students, the CAASPP includes assessments like the Smarter Balanced assessments, which test skills such as reading comprehension, problem-solving, and critical thinking. The CAASPP test is also an essential component of California's broader educational accountability system. The data collected from the assessments not only provides feedback to individual students, but it also helps to inform teaching strategies and educational policies at the district and state levels.
Please continue to review the message and information that I will be continuing to post throughout the semester. You can reach out to me with any questions you might have at any time. The bottom line is: Every Junior Should Be Taking The CAASPP!
January Principal's Coffee/Tour
No School January 20th Reminder
PTSA General Association Meeting
The NPHS PTSA will be holding a general association meeting for a families to attend. The meeting is on Wednesday January 15, 2025 at 6pm. We are going to do it in person in the Library and via Zoom. Here is the ZOOM link to participate in the meeting:
Meeting ID 893 0618 5748
NPHS Softball Fundraiser
NPHS Panther Preview Night Information
Happier January Resources
PTV Episodes
24-25 NPHS Technology Updates
NPHS Library News
NPHS Student Attendance Information
NPHS Activities Department Updates
Panther College and Career Center Newsletter
Job, internship & Community Service Newsletter
NPHS PTSA Newsletter
24-25 Calendar and Bell Schedule Information
College Gear on Wednesdays and Black/Gold on Fridays!
Our first student tailgate will be this Friday, September 22 at 5:30 in the Student Parking Lot in front of the PAC. The Theme will be announced as we get closer, so come enjoy hanging with your peers, getting some spirit gear and face paint before our football game and then join our student spirit section, The Panther Pit, during the game.