Wildcat Weekly
Sullivan Middle School Febuary 21, 2025
Kindness Really Does Matter!
Principal's Message
Hello, Wildcat Families and Students!
Thank you, parents, for chaperoning our dance last week! The kids had a great time, even in the rain!
A huge thank you to our PTO and families for participating in our Nothing Bunt Cake fundraiser! I hope everyone enjoyed their bunt Cakes! Thank you to our PTO for organizing all the cakes so our Wildcats could take them home last Wednesday.
- We are excited to start our Spring Sports this week and have added a new sport, Track and Field, to our list. There are no Track and Field tryouts, and practices will start on March 3 with Mr. Arteaga.
- Math Intervention classes start the week of March 3.
Bonsall Unified Learner Profile:
Our Wildcats have been learning about the character traits from the BUSD Learner Profile each month. The Learner Profile was created with input from students, staff, and our families to help define BUSD's mission, vision, and values. Every month, Sullivan has a focus character trait that supports our Learner Profile.
Focus Character Trait: Problem Solver
Parent University:
I am seeking feedback on what our families want Sullivan to provide to strengthen our partnership and support our Wildcats. Please take the time to fill out this short survey. Please know that the feedback I receive is communicated to our school leadership team, school site council, ELAC, and other committees. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and used to improve our partnership! Thank you ahead of time for filling out the survey.
Survey link: https://forms.gle/vUCn7zr4jiwxoYVRA
Have a wonderful week!
Angie James,
Your Proud Principal!
Spring Sports Tryouts!
Boys' Soccer Tryouts:
Tuesday, Feb. 25th (First Lunch ONLY) after school on the upper field, 3pm-4:15pm.
Wednesday, Feb. 26th (Second Lunch ONLY) after school on the upper field 3pm-4:15pm.
*Invite-only tryouts will be on Thursday, Feb. 27th
Girls' Basketball Tryouts:
Tuesday, Feb. 25th (First Lunch Only) in the gym 3:00-4:15pm
Wednesday, Feb. 26th (Second Lunch Only) in the gym 3:00-4:15pm
*Invite-only tryouts will be on Thursday, Feb. 27th
**TRACK AND FIELD** New Sport Added!
We are exctied to add Track and Field to our Spring Sport list for our Wildcats! Mr. Arteaga will coaching this sport and everyone is welcome to participate!
Practices will start the week after tryouts for soccer and basketball, March 3!
Boys Soccer, Girls Basketball and Track and Field.
Our sports teams have already started competing this season! Good luck, Wildcats!
**Attention parents**
There will be practices 4 to 5 days a week after school. The games will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with parents being responsible to pick up their child and take them to the game or arrangements with other parents can be made.
Any questions please email me: andrea.breuninger@bonsallusd.com
1. Multicultural Night at Bonsall Community Center: 2/25 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm
2. 6th grade Camp Presentation for students: Tuesday 2/25.
1. Math intervention starts March 3
2. ELAC Meeting, Tuesday, March 4, from 3:30 to 4:30.
3. ROAR Awards: Wednesday 8 to 8:30
Student Services Update - Attendance & Short Term Independent Study
The Bonsall Unified School District prioritizes student attendance for good reason. When students are absent, they miss valuable learning experiences within the classroom, as well as opportunities to engage in programs and activities. We emphasize the importance of daily attendance because it not only contributes to student success but also helps establish a positive pattern that will benefit students throughout their lives.
However, we recognize that there are occasions when students may need to miss school due to illness or unexpected family circumstances. Additionally, we understand that there may be pre-planned family events, significant religious observances, or important cultural activities that may necessitate a student’s absence.
In such cases, if your schedule allows, and your student is well enough to complete assignments, we kindly ask that you contact the attendance line at your respective school to request a Short Term Independent Study (STIS) Master Agreement.
- This process involves completing a simple form, reviewing the terms, and signing the agreement. The agreement needs to be completed only once per year.
Once the agreement is finalized, and you state the dates of absence, your child will be provided with the necessary work to complete during their absence. This can be picked up at the school or made available electronically. Upon returning to school and submitting the completed assignments, the teacher will evaluate the work and confirm that the required tasks have been fulfilled. This process ensures that students can recover lost learning, allows the attendance clerk to re-code the absence from the student’s record, which helps maintain positive school attendance rates. Additionally, this process preserves financial resources that would otherwise be unrecoverable if there was no Short Term Independent Study Master Agreement in place.
Although our hope is that families would only need to use Short Term Independent Study on one or two occasions, there is an allowance for the schools to recover up to 15 days of absence for each student.
Thank you for your cooperation and for supporting your child's education.
BUSD Student Services
Mrs. Pecore receives the Cal Coast Cares Foundation Educator Grant!
Congratulations to our very own Mrs. Pecore, who received the Cal Coast Cares Foundation and has been awarded a 2024 Educator Grant in the amount of $800.
This year, Cal Coast Cares Foundation received a record number of applications, and we are excited that Mrs. Pecore's guitar program was recognized as one of the most innovative and impactful programs! Cal Coast's Educator Grant program supports local educators by funding learning opportunities in the STREAM fields: Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.
Thank you, Mrs. Pecore, for making a difference at Sullivan and in the lives of our Wildcats!
R.O.A.R. Awards for Febuary!
ROAR Awards: 4 students per grade level are picked by the teachers at each grade level. The students that are picked are chosen because they represent Sullivan's Character Traits of
R - Responsible
O - Organized
R- Resilient
These students have also represented BUSD's Learner Profile Trait of the Month.
Parents are invited in the morning to help recognize and honor their Wildcat for this accomplishment. We have a light breakfast with juice, coffee, and water offered for our Wildcats and Families during this time in the morning.
The students receive:
1. Front of the lunch line pass
2. Get out of school 3 min early pass
3. Parents get a placard so you can drive up to the top, past the gates to pick up your Wildcat right at the front, ROCKSTAR STATUS!
This event happens once a month and the passes are good everyday for that entire month!
Bonsall Unified Learner Profile:
Our Wildcats have been learning about the character traits from the BUSD Learner Profile each month. The Learner Profile was created with input from students, staff, and our families to help define BUSD's mission, vision, and values. Every month, Sullivan has a focus character trait that supports our Learner Profile.
Focus Character Trait: Problem Solver
Wildcat Council: Future Leaders!
Each month, students can sign up to meet with me to give input on changes they would like to see at Sullivan. This has been such a valuable insight and one of the most critical feedback forums I have participated in. I am impressed every month at the conversations and how the students work together to solve problems and truly be a representative voice for all students!
This month, we focused on Connections to School and how we can improve this. We also discussed Problem-Solving as one of our Learner Profile traits and how this relates to everything they do in and outside of the classroom. We even had a surprise visit by Superintendent Dr. Golly!
Friendship Dance
Stages of Inspiration 2025 Bonsall Women's Club and BUSD Art Show!
Thank you students for your amazing art work!
Calling all TK-12th grade artists!
3rd annual Bonsall Woman’s Club/BUSD Stages of Inspiration Art Contest & Show: “Belong, BELIEVE, Achieve”
Art Show date: April 30, 2025
Art submissions due: March 17, 2025, submit to teacher/front office
PRIZES Sponsored by Nessy Burgers will be awarded by age/category.
2D (“fine arts”)
Watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting; oil pastel, chalk pastel, pen and ink, or graphite drawings; mixed media work
3D (“crafts”)
Sewing, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery, pottery, sculpture, woodwork, metalsmithing, jewelry, “trash-to-treasure” etc.
grades 6-12 only, 8x10 prints only
Original art only; pre-packaged “kits” not allowed.
BUSD students will also be “taking the stage” for musical and dance performances during this celebration of THE ARTS!
Tutoring every Thursday in room 20!
After school tutoring can be for any subject. I just ask that the students please come prepared. It'll be every Thursday from 2:45-3:45 unless I have to cancel for whatever reason. Please let students know my expectations when arriving.
2.) Come prepared to work on something (I am not an afterschool care room). If they don't have anything, I will give them something to work on (MATH RELATED)
3.) Voice level - 0 to 1
4.) No horse playing
5.) Phones cannot be a distraction!
6.) Be respectful to everyone in the classroom.
Thank you and have a great night,
Veronica Toscano
Norman L. Sullivan Middle Math teacher
ZAP~ Zeros Aren't Permitted
Every Tuesday and Wednesday
ZAP(Zeros Aren't Permitted) started last week with students being assigned to after school from 2:45 to 3:45; ZAP sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to give our Wildcats the opportunity to make up classwork and homework. If your student is assigned, they will bring home a ZAP reminder.
Parent Liaison: Leonor Rodriguez
Welcome to another school year 2024-2025/Bienvenidos a otro año escolar 2024-2025
Mensaje de la Cordinadora de Enlaces Comunitario
The Bonsall Unified School District and I welcome you back to school for the 2024-2025 school year.
El distrito escolar unificado de Bonsall y yo les damos la bienvenida de regreso a la escuela para el año escolar 2024-2025.
- Workshops at the district office #4
- BUSD all school's schedule
- Next board meeting
- 3RD. Annual Car Show at BHS
- 3RD. Annual Multicultural Night at SMS
- Breakfast and lunch menu (all schools)
- Safe storage of firearms state memorandum (Spanish included)
- Local library resources
- Local health resources
- Local food pantry resources
- BUSD Hiring website and contact information
- Joining PTA Information
- BEF information
- Transportation information
- Public Health Updates from the County
- My contact information (all information is in both languages, English and Spanish)
Thank you all for your support. Please continue to send me referrals of parents and students who need support and assistance in any area. Our goal is to assist, support, and guide parents and students to a successful education.
Please access Leonore's newsletter at the following link:https://secure.smore.com/n/5ecgd
Grief Support Group at School in Partnership with The Elizabeth Hospice
Grief Support Group at School in Partnership with The Elizabeth Hospice
Creating a safe and meaningful space for students to share about their loved one who has died provides an opportunity to gain support from peers who have a shared experience. There are many benefits to facilitating a grief support group at school. These include students learning about grief and loss, developing coping skills and tools, honoring and memorializing loved ones, and sharing grief experiences with peers.
What to expect?
• Each group will have 8-15 students at your school site.
• Each person in the group has also experienced the death of a loved one.
• Group will run for 7-8 weeks, meeting weekly during school.
• Each group follows the same structure: an opening exercise, an activity to write and/or draw about loved ones and grief experiences, an opportunity to share, a closing.
• Group is meant to be a safe space where children can share their feelings, thoughts, memories, experiences about their loved one and grief as well as who and what supports them in coping with their grief.
To ensure the participation for your student, please sign the authorization link below. One form per student is required. Our team will confirm receipt of consent. For any other questions, please reach out to Kyliegh Fox, School Psychologist, at kyliegh.fox@bonsallusd.com.
About Love On Your Back
Love On Your Back was founded by Carol Wood, a teacher who taught in the Bonsall School District for 32 years. Upon retirement, Carol started the non-profit organization, along with the help of many others, to address the issue of Bonsall students who may have minimal access to food. The backpack program supplements food for low income families or children whose families are in crisis. These students rely on free or reduced breakfasts and lunches at their schools. Love On Your Back supplements these children by filling backpacks with nutritional food to last over the weekend when they are not in school. It is our belief that children need proper nutrition in order to learn. The goal of Love On Your Back is to fill that need for any student in the Bonsall Unified School District who is food compromised. No child should go hungry.
If you want to register for our program, please do so at your child's school in the front office. All children in the family can be registered on one application.
Hello AMAZING Wildcat Families!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year. As you know we are always needing Parent volunteers. The Volunteer Packet must be completed every school year. If you already have the Lifescan (fingerprints) with BUSD, you do not need to get new ones. If your TB test is over 3 years old, we will be asking you for an updated negative TB Test result. You will need both of these extra forms along with the volunteer form to volunteer on campus or on field trips where you will be or could be alone with students. If you would be open to being a driver for sports, we will need all of the above and the drivers form.
I've attached all the forms to this email. Please feel free to complete them and scan them back to me..
Please let us know if you have questions. You can reach our AMAZING OFFICE MANAGER, LINDA PIPE at linda.pipe@bonsallusd.com
Thanks for all you do,
Sullivan Middle School
Lunch on the Lawn!
Sullivan Middle School hosts a Lunch on the Lawn monthly for parents and families to eat lunch with their students on campus. Parents and families are welcome to bring lunch, chairs, or a blanket and eat lunch on the front lawn of Sullivan. Parents will be asked to check at the Welcome Booth before entering the campus.
As a reminder, Sullivan will not be accepting any third party delivery for any students. Lunch on the Lawn is for Parents and guardians to spend time with their Wildcat during the school day and enjoy lunch together. I have schedule this once a month so families could attend as many as they would like or could attend. Please refer to the student and parent handbook for more information or you may call the office. Thank you in advance.
Here are the dates for Lunch on the Lawn:
February 14 - Friday
Lunch A - 10:27 to 10:57
Lunch B - 11:13 to 11:43
March 14 - Friday
Lunch A - 10:27 to 10:57
Lunch B - 11:13 to 11:43
April 11 - Friday
Lunch A - 10:27 to 10:57
Lunch B - 11:13 to 11:43
Lunch A - 10:27 to 10:57
Lunch B - 11:13 to 11:43
Lunch and Breakfast
Lunch news: Lunch is free for the 24-25 school year!
Exciting news!: Students will be able to eat for free during the 23-24 school year!
Bell Schedule for 24-25 School year
School starts every day at 8:00 am and can be dropped off as early as 7:30 am. Please make sure to drop your student off in the lower parking lot because the upper parking lot will be closed to allow our students to walk across the walkway safely.
Your student will receive his/ her class schedule on the first day of school. All of the 6th grade and half of the 7th grade will have first lunch and follow Bell Schedule A.
All of 8th grade and half of 7th grade will have second lunch and follow Bell Schedule B.
Secured Campus Information
Only emergency vehicles, buses, those with handicap placards, and those with other special placards have access to the upper lot, emergency lane closest to the front of our schools. You will need to show your placard to Campus Security.
We ask that If you have a parking pass because your student received the ROAR Award for that month you may continue to have access to the upper lot at the end of the school day. Please do not park in the bus lanes or block the handicap spaces.
This decision to enforce our existing parking lot plan aligns with the recommendations of our community safety partners and will increase our ability to maintain a safe and secure site:
- When dropping students off, please use the lower levels of the parking lot.
- When visiting either the middle or the high school office, please park in the lower levels, bring your ID to the front, and check in with the appropriate staff.
Gates accessing the upper lane will continue to be closed to secure the campus. We appreciate your partnership and support in our efforts to provide the highest levels of safety for our students
Sullivan Middle School
Website: https://sm.bonsallusd.com
Location: 7350 West Lilac Road, Bonsall, CA 92003, USA
Phone: 760-631-5209