September 27, 2024

Levy Measure Approved for February 2025
In order to meet the needs of our students, the board approved putting the Education Programs & Operating Replacement Levy on the February 11, 2025, ballot.
The website outlines the ballot measure, tax calculator, events and a FAQs. Information will continue to be posted.
Look for information about public forms at each school to address questions from our community.
Register for School Conferences
November 25-27 are half days
Check out the video for assistance in access your child's conference times.
Family Belong Survey
We value our partnership with families!
It is important that all families experience a sense of belonging in our schools. Please complete the survey to help us understand your perspective on your experience. The survey will be available until November 30. You are welcome to complete a separate survey for each campus where you have a student.
Visit your child's school website to access the link. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback.
Christmas in the Park Essays & Awards
Attn: Class of 2025
Each year the mayor recognizes a Youth of the Year. View the details on our website. Deadline is November 21.
Check website calendars for activities and events.
Nov 21: School Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Nov 25-27: 1/2 Day - Conferences
Nov 28-29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 19: School Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Dec 23-Jan 3: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Stay Connected
Yelm Community Schools does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment opportunities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights: Doyla Buckingham, 360.458.1900,; Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Cadero-Smith, 360.458.6120,; and HIB & 504 Coordinator: Shannon Powell, 360.458.6124, Address: 107 First St N, PO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597.