Elizabeth Haddon News
March 8, 2024
3/8 - Immigration Museum - 2:15pm-3:00pm - APR
3/8 - 3v3 Basketball Tournament - 6:00pm-8:00pm - HMHS Gym
3/11 - Early morning orchestra practice - 7:40am
3/12 - Early morning band practice - 7:40am
3/14 - BOE Work Session 7:00pm-9:00pm
3/15 - Noontime Enrichment ends
3/15 - 5th Grade Service Project 3:00pm-4:00pm
3/17 Last Day of 5th Grade Fundraiser
3/19 Report Cards on Genesis 3:30 PM Grades 1-5
3/20 2 Hour Delayed Opening
3/21 Ambassador Dogs
3/21 Class Picture Day
3/22 4th Grade Trip Museum of American Revolution
3/22 Community Meeting 130PM
3/22 Spaghetti Bingo 6PM
3/25 5th Grade Yearbook Cover Contest Deadline
3/28 Grades 1-5 Morning Meeting 845AM, APR
3/29-4/7 Spring Break
New School Based News
Group Picture Day: March 21st
To order pictures go to https://my.lifetouch.com/ Code: EVTQW9C6C
Lost and Found!
All items not claimed by spring break will be donated. This is located outside the APR.
Women's History Month
This month we recognize Women's History Month. To see lessons, click here.
March RULER Lessons
Our March RULER lessons focus on conflict resolution and the importance of perspective when dealing with conflict. Students will be introduced to another RULER tool, the Blueprint, a set of questions designed to help us reflect on conflicts and build empathy. We encourage you to read the parent connection letter linked below. These letters are a great way to reinforce what your child(ren) is learning at school.
NJ Student Learning Assessment Testing Dates
NJSLA ELA and Math Testing for Grades 3-5 will be in the morning as follows:
Grades 3-4- ELA: May 14-16
- Math: May 21-22
- Make-ups: May 28-31
- ELA: May 14-16
- Math: May 20-21
- Science: May 22-23
- Make-ups: May 28-31
Please make every effort to have your child in school during testing
5th Grade Fundraiser
Show your Bulldawg pride and support the Lizzy Haddon Class of 2024 with your purchase of a limited edition, Haddonfield travel chair with monogrammed carry bag!
Our 5th graders are fundraising for their year-end class gift to the school - the purchase and installation of an outdoor water fill station at Lizzy Haddon! This amazing gift will benefit our students and community for many years to come, and you can be part of making it happen!
Click HERE to order your Haddonfield travel chair today! Orders will be accepted through March 17th.
Buy one for yourself AND one for someone special! Our 5th graders THANK YOU for your support!!!
Spaghetti Bingo: March 22nd
Mark your calendars for our annual Lizzy Haddon Spaghetti Bingo event! This fan favorite, family friendly, fun-filled affair will take place on Friday, March 22nd from 6-8pm in the Lizzy Haddon APR.
Your ticket includes a freshly prepared, homestyle dinner provided by our friends at Crumb, and of course...BINGO! More details to follow.
Tickets are on sale NOW!!! Click HERE to purchase.
Volunteers are needed! Click Here to sign-up
Please note - this event sells out every year, usually quickly, so don't delay. Purchase your tickets TODAY!
Previously Shared School Based News
5th Grade Yearbook Spotlight
Every year the Lizzy Haddon Yearbook has a section that spotlight’s each 5th grader. It includes a short paragraph of their favorite things along with a kindergarten picture. We are starting to work on that section and need your 5th grader’s input! Kindly ask your student to complete this form ASAP
Growth Mindset Goodnight Question Cube
We thought this might be a great resource for tying in Growth Mindset to your child’s bedtime routine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UP4Ds6ui-uf2FIDxMEa62w4EbO3xjBGw/view?usp=sharing
Reflex Math: Grades 2-5
Reflex is an online, game-based program that helps students build fast and effortless recall of
math facts. Research has shown that quick recall of math facts is critical for future success in mathematics. Click Here for Reflex Parent Guide. Your child can access this site via Clever.
We’re using IXL to support our curriculum in Math and Language Arts this year, and your child has access to this online program at home. With thousands of skills that match what we’re learning, as well as insights into student progress, IXL is a great resource to help your child excel and practice skills.Click Here for IXL Parent Guide
EH Lunchtime Speaker Series
Have a unique career? Please fill this form if you're interested in coming in for 30 minutes to discuss your career with students in grades 2-5 during their lunch. You will be contacted depending on interest and availability. This form doesn't guarantee being invited to come in as this depends on interest level.
Students on School Grounds After School
This is a reminder that students are not permitted to play after school unless a parent or guardian supervises them. As per district policy and the school handbook, students are expected to go directly home at the end of the school day unless supervised by a parent or guardian. After school students are to be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Lunch: Candy and Sports Drinks
Revised Elementary School Calendar
What is a School Community Meeting?
Snacks Reminder
Please send your child in with one healthy, easy to eat snack each day. Please do not send in candy as this is not permitted in school.
Nurse Visits
Unresolved stomachache or headache after trying self help strategies (i.e. water, a snack, lunch and bathroom).
Any serious illness, injury or bleeding
Injury to the head, face, eyes, and neck
Painful limb injuries that may be sprain or break
Pain due to a fall
Fever, feeling feverish, shaking, chills, reports fever
Vomiting or diarrhea
Asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties
Scheduled Medication or need for medication
Possible allergic reaction or exposure; insect bites or stings
Lost permanent tooth
Cell Phone and Smartwatch Use During School
If students need to communicate with you, they should call from the classroom or main office. If a child is using a device without teacher permission it will be confiscated until the end of the day. Frequent occurrences of unauthorized use will result in no longer being allowed to bring these devices to school. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Adding School Calendar to Your Phone or Google Calendar
- Click Here for instructions on how to add this to your phone calendar. Paste this code into the "subscribed calendar" box https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_bhhat3uhcr3llrs1qiejvcbhk0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
- To add to a google calendar go to our website At the bottom of our embedded scroll calendar, click the + button and add it!
Sign-Up To Receive EH PTA E-Blasts
Note: You must fill out this form to receive PTA e-mails even if you have received them previously.
Update Your Contact Information in Genesis
Absence Reporting Procedures
If it is necessary to keep a child home from school, please do one of the following:
- Call the office before the start of school
Email us at ehattendanceOffice@haddonfield.k12.nj.us or click the link on our school homepage, and include
- Child’s first and last name
- Class
- Reason for absence
If you do not have access to email, you may call in your child absent. You must send in a note when your child returns if you use the call in method.
School Lunch
- Lunch cost is $3.50. Payment can be made via the School Lunch Payment Portal or by check made out to Haddonfield BOE
- Students will be required to order in their classroom each morning.
- Please review the lunch choices with your child (especially those at the younger grades) to help with ordering at school.
- Free and Reduced Lunch Application
- For more information: Food Services in Haddonfield
Haddon Events Calendar
Preschool Modified Schedule
Birthday Celebrations
My School Bucks
This online payment service provides an easy way to pay for items such as ChromeBook fees and class trips using your credit/debit card or electronic check. Enrollment is easy and is available today! To create an account, follow the steps below:
1. Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com and register for a free account.
2. Add your students using their school name and student ID.
3. Make purchases with your credit/debit card or electronic check.
A program fee of 3.9% applies. You will have the opportunity to review any fees
and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.
If you have any questions, contact MySchoolBucks directly:
· (855) 832-5226
· Visit myschoolbucks.com and click Help
Directory 23-24
We are excited to announce that the PTA has once again covered the cost of the directory for the 23/24 school year. If you were a DirectorySpot user last year, then you don’t need to do anything. If you are a NEW user, you can download DirectorySpot for free from the App Store (iPhone users) or Google Play (Android users), or you can also access the data from the web: https://www.directoryspot.net. There will be no paper directory, everything is through the app or website.
If you are already in the directory, please log in to confirm and/or update your family contact information. Please note that we will update student grade levels in July, so it might be best to log in sometime in August. If you need to make a change, you will need to do so using the website, not the app.
If you are new to the district or you were never added to the directory, please fill out this form and you will be added to the directory by October 1, 2023. After the beginning of October, I will update the directory on a weekly basis as new submissions come in.
Having contact information up to date is more important now than ever. Please email Lindsey Murphy at lindseyaperry@yahoo.com with any questions!Pets Prohibited on School Grounds
Dogs are not permitted on the school property during school hours and at drop off and pick up times. Although many children feel safe around animals, some children have adverse reactions to pets even though they may be well trained. We have noticed some families bringing pets onto the school grounds especially at morning line-up or pick-up. Please be considerate of others by cooperating with this policy.
All Community News must be sent to Mr. Chuck Klaus’s office for approval. Community members should submit their news by email to Ms. Channell Jorrin at cjorrin@haddonfield.k12.nj.us in order to be included. Please do not send news directly to the school principals.