Creek Crew Newsletter
Wilson's Creek Intermediate - 6th Grade
Dear Parents,
We are in the full swing of school life here at the Creek! This week marks the middle of quarter 1. As students bring home their mid-quarter grade checks on Monday, please know that these grades are not final. All missing work can still be turned in up to the end of the quarter. Starting next week, the school will be offering a homework club Monday-Thursday after school from 2:20-3:30. Students are able to stay to work on assignments with the support of a teacher. If at any point this school year you think it would be helpful for your child to go to homework club, please let us know and we will sign them up. It is not a full time commitment, and students can go just the days they need to for the extra support.
Mrs. Box and Ms. Hammon
What we are learning:
Students will be reading Hatchet.
Social Studies
Students are learning about what lead humans to create permanent settlements and the rise of civilizations.
Students will learn how to find equivalent ratios, unit rates, and use different data representations. The two math programs used in class are Desmos and Khan Academy.
Unit 1: Measurement and Scientific Inquiry
Students are learning how to follow the scientific method, record data, and create graphs based on that data.
Student Gallery
Important Dates
October 7 - Picture Day
October 13 - Color Run
October 17 - End of Quarter 1
Contact Information
Mrs. Box: lbox@spsmail.org
Ms. Hammon: alhammon@spsmail.org