The Dolphin Dispatch
"HERE WE GROW" March 3rd 25

Important Dates Ahead:
Principal's Message
Important Dates Ahead:
3/06- 10:40-11:05AM Character Assembly- "Perseverance"
3/06- 2:45pm SCG COST meeting, will send out short meeting invites soon Monday
3/07 2pm- 3pm Teacher District PD
3/07- SCG Warriors Night @ Kaiser Arena, gonna be fun! Order your tickets here. 7pm
3/10- Universal Screener administration begins
3/11- 5th graders go to Outdoor Science School
3/13- 10:45am- SCG SAGE Assembly
3/17- No School today
3//18 5:30-7pm-SCG Immigrant Community Support Meeting- held in Spanish- Know Your Rights and Childcare Safety Plans Flier to share 3.18
March 28th, Friday 8:45- 9:45- SCG Walkathon
March 30th-Sunday, 9-11AM SCG Spring Garden Work Day
March 31s- CAASPP ELA CAT Begins 3rd- 5th grade
April 7th-11th- Spring Break
April 21st- CAASPP ELA PT Test Begins 3-5th grade
April 24th SCG Open House- 6-7pm
April 25th- Family Dance Night
April 28th- CAASPP Math Test Begins 3rd-5th grade
Daily Bell Schedule
SUESD Elementary Academic Calendar
TK/ Kinder Academic Calendar
Welcome to the month of Spring SCG Community,
I hope you had a great weekend.
I would like to give some shout outs to some great happenings at SCG:
A great Kinder Info Night, IEP Parent University Night, Home and School Club's exciting plans coming up including our special dance unit, a family dance night and SCG auction, and the talent show! THERE ARE SO MANY WONDERFUL COMMUNITY EVENTS COMING UP. Please come and build SCG community with us. This Friday, SCG is highlighted at Kaiser Arena. It's time to cheer on the Santa Cruz Warriors! Link above.
Please read the important updates, exciting news, and need-to-know's about our school below.
In Partnership,
Principal Carlo Albano
2025 SCG Evening Pages n Pjs
Innovation at the '25 SCG Invention Convention
Some of team SCG nature journaling on the Chaminade Trail
Flowers in the TLC class
Snapshots, Links, and Upcoming Event Details
SCG Spirit Wear is back online only until March 14th! Order now for the spring and summer : )
Independent Study Option- Just a reminder with all the winter sniffles out there, we have this option that is SO easy to do, offers a day of work digitally to your child for the day, and marks your child as present and not absent. This helps us with continuing to get vital funding, and helps to keep school consistency for your child. Please do it as you all are able.
SUESD is proud to host a Know Your Rights Forum at the New Brighton Middle School Performing Arts Center (PAC) on Saturday, March 22, 2025 (10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.). The community is invited to the event, and it is open to all. Free immigration legal consultations with attorneys and DOJ-accredited representatives. Childcare Safety Plan assistance will also be offered. All are available in Spanish, English, and Mixteco. We are grateful for the following community partners who will be leading this workshop: Cradle to Career (C2C), the Community Action Board (CAB), and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education (SCCOE).
Shout Outs
Thankful to have the SAGE video, "Here We Grow" getting started! Thank you Billy for taking the reigns for our video production and student alumni Isaac McGilvray and his dad Chris of Nomadic Films. Thank you to you all as we get bits and parts for our video.
Shout out to Kelly, Amber C, and Olivia! Thank you for hosting a successful and awesome Kinder Info Night. Always fun to see the excitement of our new/ returning families and awe for our teachers and programs.
Shout out to Laura C., Carissa, and Steve T.- what a wonderful IEP Parent University Night it was! Lots of essential info and a warm and caring presentation. Way to lead and prepare it Laura and Carissa! I am thankful our School Site Council (SSC) is active in being a conduit of community voice. Looking forward to sharing more from SSC soon.
Shout out to Brian Boyce and Ms. Jade for leading a truly wonderful SAGE site PD. Being able to get outdoors at the end of the week with our teacher team and get to the creek felt great!
Shout out to Suzanne Denham, Sue, Monica, and Julianne- SEL award here we come! Going into evaluation to become a state-recognized SEL4CA Grant recipient for our Kelvin work! More to come and
Shout out to every single teacher, because every single one of you is getting busy with some Nature Projects a la SAGE and we are breathing life into our beacon program.
Shout out to Oasis and the newest old school member Mercedes, who has been at SCG since she went to school here herself! Oasis does so much to support students at recess, lunch, and everything in between.
Shout out to our Front office staff- Kim and Stefanny are always problem solving showing TLC to families and kids, and make everyone feel welcome!
Shout out to our whole student services team!! Everything that happens in, out, and all around the classrooms for the best for our kids : )
Website Articles- New ones up on SCG website
Innovation in Action- The SCG Invention Convention Expo
Publishing and live-linking one more today: SCG’s Pages N PJ’s Brings Out Community and a Book Swap to Raise Awareness for Upcycling
March's SCG themes- Character and First Thursday Assembly- Perseverance! The SAGE Emphasis this month is CCC: Stability and Change SAGE Theme: Pollination, Harvest Of the Month Berries x2
We Need Your Photos To Make Our Yearbook Great! Help us get started by sharing your photos from the first half of the year. We need your best images from the: First Day of School, Welcome Back Bash, Field Trips, Fall Festival, Halloween, Winter Concert, and more. Here is some info about how to add photos to Treering (our yearbook platform) from your computer or download the app to upload directly from your phone. Email Jamie Paratore at paratorej@gmail.com with any questions. School Passcode: 1014702421763121
Please help to spread this awesome news to our community- free college money in CA! Feel free to copy and paste. Did you know that all students born July 1, 2022, are eligible for a free college account (a 529 Plan)? Also, some students born earlier than that are eligible for even larger amounts of college funding. It's easy to check eligibility on CalKids. If you have any questions please reach out to us so we can help you. Don't pass up the chance for free money for college! For your information:
Newborns: Up to $100
School-Aged Students: $500 for Low-Income, Foster, or Housing Challenged
Measure P Master Facilities Plans- new Field this summer, vital upgrades to follow- linked here.
- Home and School Club Calendar of Events- You make our community better! : )
Upcoming and Current 2025 SCG SAGE Projects underway with more updates to come :
Winter/Spring: Native Bird Garden 2.0
Spring: Pollinator Data Collection Boxes
Spring: Native Bee Boxes Project in SAGE Garden
New Articles on the website:
1) 2024 in review- SCG's Top 10! Our most viewed and monumental Website Articles in Review
2) SCG recognized by County Supervisor Manu Koenig for Achieving Green School Certification
3) Upper Grades Create New Compost Sifters for the Living Classroom including video
4) Carlo Featured as the statewide Transformative CalHope Leader
TK/ Kinder Calendar (keep a copy at the ready to refer to TK/ K Families- there are some differences to the other grades).
Whole School Elementary Calendar- new families, note that all Fridays are Minimum Days with release times by lunch.
SCPL Library Offerings: Awesome reading programs, homework help and more!