Eagle Express | August 9, 2024
Orchard Park Elementary
Important Dates
Friday, August 30 | Early Dismissal @ 12pm
Monday, September 2 | NO School - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3 | Parents can begin visiting for lunch
Friday, September 6 | All Pro Dad at 7am
Message from Mr. Johnson
We have had a wonderful two days here at OPES. We are excited to be back together and are so impressed with our students these first two days. Thank you for your support and encouragement! We look forward to an amazing year together!
Student Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Cell phones must remain in a student’s bookbag during the school day. Apple watches and other smartwatches used as a cell phone will be a violation of our cell phone policy. *Students can utilize the phone in the front office to contact parents if needed.
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters at Orchard Park
- For questions regarding your student’s attendance record, please contact OPES.
- For questions about the FMSD attendance policy or State of SC Attendance Laws, please contact the District Office.
Communication is Key!
Parents should always communicate directly with their child’s homeroom teacher, but it is sometimes beneficial to copy other OPES employees. This will ensure streamlined communication in the event the homeroom teacher is out and has a substitute. See this document with information about who to contact.
Visiting for Lunch?
Due to increased security protocols and limited seating, parents and guardians may join their child during their lunch period up to four times per year per child. Visitors coming for lunch should limit the number of adults to two per visit.
We are excited to allow parents in for lunch. Parent lunches will not begin until Tuesday, September 3rd or after. We will also have to close lunches during testing windows and other school events. If your child has a birthday in the month of August, you will be permitted to visit prior to the Labor Day holiday. We have a list of students who have a birthday in August. Please email Kim Strickland | stricklandk@fortmillschools.org if this applies to your child.
Need to Report an Absence?
Please use this form to report any time your student will be absent from school, other than a school-mandated quarantine. Don't forget to hit "submit" at the end!
Car Rider Line
When loading or unloading your child in the car rider line, please pull forward as far as possible before coming to a complete stop. Your assistance allows the entire line to operate more efficiently.
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Soar High With PRIDE
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Follow the PTO on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OrchardParkPTO
Follow the PTO on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/opespto.eagles/