Student Advocate Newsletter
Social Emotional Learning and Character Education
August 2024 Edition
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome! It is August and we are glad to see all our new students and our returning students as we start another exciting year at Sewanee Elementary School (SES). We hope that everyone had a restful and recharged summer.
We want our students to feel safe and a sense of belonging as they return to school this year. I am here to address our students' social and emotional wellbeing first and foremost as they start this new school year as well as provide support throughout the year.
As your Student Advocate, services are designed to assist with interests and issues related to student success in the areas of academic, career, personal, emotional, and social development. I am available to assist students with problems that may make it difficult to do well at school, such as friendship problems, setting goals, self-esteem, making good decisions, managing feelings (stress, worry, anger, etc.), peer pressure, bullying, and etc. The following services will be offered for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Goal-focused individual skills to help students adjust to school or help with personal issues (divorce, grief, study skills, friendship/social skills, anger management, and etc.) on an as needed basis
- Social emotional learning skills with an emphasis on personal/social skills, bullying prevention, child protection, study skills, career awareness, and etc. I see every student/class at least once per month
- Mentor students with the highest need and/or at-risk behavior
- Provide supports to teachers with student behaviors and/or needs
- Referral assistance to other programs and services within Franklin County Schools and in the community
Kim Hasty, M.S.
SES Student Advocate
Where is the Student Advocate?
Mrs. Kim's office is located in the primary wing of the school and includes a calming corner and classroom for students.
What are Classroom Skills, Individual Skills, and Small Group Skills?
Classroom Skills
Every SES student participates in group skills (guidance) at least once per month. The skills lessons are designed to introduce students to skills, attitudes, and knowledge they will need to be safe, respectful, and be their best during this school year and years to come.
Individual Skills
Referrals may be made for students to receive one-on-one, short-term and goal-focused individual skills sessions. Referrals for this service can be made by the student, teacher/school staff, and/or parent/guardian.
Small Group Skills
Small group skills sessions provide students with assistance to improve skills in the areas of personal/social, career, and academic development. Working with students in small groups is one strategy for helping students become more successful. Referrals for specific skills can be made by the student, teacher/school staff, and/or parent/guardian.
How can a student see the Student Advocate?
Referrals can be made by
- Self-Referral (Student Request)
- Teacher/Faculty Referral
- Parent Referral
If you have a concern about your student and would like to speak with, or request that Mrs. Kim speak with your child, please send an email to kimberly.hasty@fcstn.net or call her direct office at (931) 361-0090 or the main school office at 931-598-5951.
To best meet the needs of SES students, activities and services are developed in collaboration with SES teachers and staff, the Franklin County School System, and outside community agencies to assist the student at school and at home.
Student Advocate Info
I am looking forward to another great year. I will make every effort to see that your student has the skills and resources necessary for student success. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for services and assistance to meet your student's needs.
Mrs. Kim
Email: kimberly.hasty@fcstn.net
Website: https://sewanee.fcstn.net
Location: 209 University Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37375
SES Main Phone: (931) 598-5951
Office Phone: (931) 361-0090