Duneland School news for parents, students and teachers

Thurs. Jan. 9, 2025 Vol. 59 No. 20
Report Cards Update
Student report cards will be posted in the Skyward Family Access Portal on Tuesday, January 14 at 3:00 p.m.
Skyward Family Access Portal
Where is the Skyward Family Access Link?
Did you know that a link to the Skyward Family Access Portal is conveniently located on each school's main website page and on the district main website page? A row of 'Quick Find' link icons are located just under the image on the district and each schools website page (see example below).
Need to FIX your Skyward App?
Since the Skyward migration has been completed, the mobile app should automatically pull the new URL. Parents who are not getting the new URL, should remove the current account from the Skyward app and add the account back.
You can verify that the app is using the new URL by performing the following steps in the app:
1. Accounts--Edit
2. Click District. Review the URL under "Connection will be attempted using:"
You can delete the existing connection by performing the following steps in the app:
1. Accounts--Edit
2. Delete
DSC's new Skyward uses the following link: https://skyward.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsedudunelandscin/seplog01.w
Capital Improvements for 2025
The Duneland School Corporation will continue to improve current facilities to enhance the student experience with the following capital improvements in 2025: playground replacements at Bailly, Brummitt, Jackson, and Liberty elementary schools and soccer stadium renovations and carpet replacement at Chesterton High School. This presentation below provides additional details on the scope of each project. Concept drawings and timelines regarding 2021-2025 capital improvement projects are available on the DSC website.
DSC Strategic Plan Update
In the Fall of 2023, a strategic planning team was formed to review and update the current four-year strategic plan into a five-year plan that will be used to guide the Corporation from 2024-2028. The Board of School Trustees for the Duneland School Corporation approved the new DSC Strategic Plan at its December 4, 2023 regular meeting. The plan will guide DSC for the next five years in the areas of Student Achievement, Safety & Operations, People & Culture, and Finance & Facilities.
These timelines were revised as of December 2024 to reflect necessary adjustments to the plan and to ensure the continued success and growth of our educational community.
Click this link to view the new 2024-2028 Strategic Plan
German Writing Contest Winner
CHS Freshman, Adelyn Booras, wins 2nd place in German Writing Contest
Congratulations to Chesterton High School Freshman, Adelyn Booras, who placed second in the Indiana German Heritage Society (IGHS) hosted high school essay contest. This year, 57 students from high schools schools across Indiana submitted essays on the topic of “The German Triangle and Beyond: German Settlements in the Midwest.”
Booras will receive a $200 award and a complimentary annual IGHS membership, so she can stay informed about German events in Indiana and continue to learn about the impact of German-Americans in Indiana and the Midwest. Adelyn is a student in Justin Martinson's German 2 class.
Duneland Exchange Club
Student of the Month - Ava Kontos
The Duneland Exchange Club is proud to recognize Chesterton High School senior Ava Kontos as its Student of the Month. Ava exemplifies academic and athletic excellence, achieving High Honor Roll throughout her four years of high school. She is an AP Scholar with Honor, a National Honor Society member, and a dedicated student-athlete.
Ava has been a 4-year varsity participant in both indoor and outdoor track and currently holds two Chesterton High School track records as a member of the Sprint Medley Relay and the 4x200 Relay teams. Her achievements on the field have also earned her the title of Scholar Athlete.
Beyond her academic and athletic pursuits, Ava is actively involved in her community. She has served as a peer tutor, a French Club member, and a camp counselor for the Park Program. Additionally, Ava teaches gymnastics at The Courts and volunteers her time for numerous events, including the Color Run, Trojan Charge, and programs like Angel Tree and Easter Eggs through the Tri Kappa Sorority.
Ava’s GPA of 4.463 places her 26th in the Chesterton High School Class of 2025. With interests in Science, Mathematics, and possibly Aeronautics, her future college plans remain undecided, but Purdue University tops her list of choices.
The Duneland Exchange Club congratulates Ava Kontos on her outstanding achievements and contributions to her school and community. We are proud to celebrate her success and wish her the best in her future endeavors.
Class experiences cutting edge Virtual Reality gaming
The CHS Visual Communications class, taught by art teacher Colin May, visited Sandbox VR in Chicago to experience the latest technology in virtual reality gaming. Students experienced the use of body sensors and cross-platform manipulatives in a motion capture volume, similar to those used in modern filmmaking. Visual Communications is an art class that examines all the ways humans communicate and emote non-verbally.
Pictured at right, is Ben Aitchison.
Large group photo below, left to right, Chloe Harding, teacher Colin May, Lilly Lemmons, Sabi Kelley, Ben Aitchison, Christian Uzelac, and Tyler Miller.
"Outside the Box" Gallery Exhibit
Class Exhibits cubism self-portraits
The CHS Applied Arts class is excited to exhibit cubism self-portraits at their upcoming "Outside the Box" gallery show. The exhibition will feature oil pastel drawings by 21 students celebrating uniqueness and diversity through creativity. The class is taught by CHS art teacher Colin May.
The show will be hosted at The Das' Gallery (Country Inn & Suites, 2020 Laporte Ave. Valparaiso, IN) from December to February 2025 with an opening reception on Thursday, January 30 at 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Pictured at left with his artwork is CHS student Nicholas Christian.
NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Westchester and Liberty campuses to receive Project ADAM designation
On Friday January 10, Liberty and Westchester Intermediate and Middle schools will receive a heart safe school designation from Project ADAM. Chesterton High School previously received their designation this past August and are now followed by both the LIberty and Westchester campuses. The Liberty campus will conduct their drill at 2:30 p.m. and Westchester campus at 9:45 a.m. on Friday.
Project ADAM (Automated Defibrillators in Adam’s Memory) is a nationally recognized program dedicated to preventing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in schools. Named in honor of Adam Lemel, a high school student who tragically lost his life to SCA, the initiative focuses on raising awareness, training staff, and providing schools with necessary tools to respond effectively to cardiac emergencies.
Chesterton High School Nurse Brittany Smith, RN, completed the high school designation alongside CHS Nurse Marie Kirchner. Smith has now assisted to coordinate the program to both Westchester and Liberty campuses. The initiative was supported by the school district to be implemented throughout all Duneland schools in the next two years. Smith stated, “Implementing this initiative throughout the district promotes cardiac awareness and provides a strategic plan in the event of a cardiac emergency for Duneland’s staff, students, and community.”
Additional AEDs have been placed throughout both campuses as well as directional signs making access to life saving equipment readily available. Chesterton Police Dept. Sergeant Chris Swickard serving CHS coordinated efforts with the Chesterton Fire Dept. Chief Sean O’Donnell and Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Dept. Chief Brian Duncan will be present while the drill is conducted at both campuses. Collaboration by both parties is needed in order to be successful with implementing emergency cardiac plans.
Family Friendly Schools Survey for DSC Families
Help our Duneland Schools keep their Family Friendly School Designation
In keeping with our Core Values, Duneland School Corporation is committed to fostering partnerships to improve the quality of life in our community. One of our most important partnerships is with our families. As we strive to continue to build upon and strengthen our family partnerships, DSC is applying for renewal from the Indiana Department of Education as an IDOE “Family Friendly Schools” corporation. In doing so, we will continue to “focus on addressing students' academic, physical, emotional, and social needs while providing the needed resources and fostering the active involvement of their families through schools and the community.” (Indiana Department of Education Family Friendly Schools Handbook)
Please help us as we continue to support our students and community by completing the IDOE online survey.
Your ongoing support in educating the children of our community is greatly appreciated!
Survey Links:
School Name: choose your school from the drop-down list
School Corporation: 6470 Duneland School Corporation
School Liaison Name: MICHELLE PALKO
School Liaison email: mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
School Codes for your convenience:
6928 - Bailly Elementary School
6819 - Brummitt Elementary School
6817 - Jackson Elementary School
6823 - Liberty Elementary School
6941 - Newton Yost Elementary School
6821 - Liberty Intermediate School
6927 - Westchester Intermediate School
6925 - Chesterton Senior High School
6926- Northwest Indiana Online School (Trojan Virtual Academy)
The goal of the Duneland School Corporation district school newsletters is to inform students, parents and the school community about school-related information.
The Duneland Schools share information that pertains to opportunities our students may be interested in and outside of school on a special page on our website. These available opportunities are offered by not-for-profit partnerships and organizations within our school district boundaries and local communities. Follow this link to Community Opportunities.
Want your event/activity/camp posted on this page? Submit a request by email with the flyer/information to the Duneland Schools Administrative Center to ahicks@duneland.k12.in.us and bmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us.
CHS Show Choirs Winter Showcase
Come out and see Northwest Indiana’s only competitive high school show choirs, the Drifters and Sandpipers, along with their all student back-up band, The Business, present their 2025 Winter Showcase: Competition Show Preview Night on Saturday, January 11 at 7:00 p.m. The showcase will feature the Drifters Competition Show “Shattered” and the Sandpipers Competition Show “Homecoming Spirit Week.” This is a fantastic opportunity to see the groups’ shows before they begin their competition season the following weekend. This showcase is one of three performances on our home stage for the show choir program. Snacks and Good Luck Ducks for your favorite performer will also be available for purchase. This performance acts as a fundraiser for competition season expenses, and sets the tone for our season!
To purchase tickets, click the image above or visit https://cur8.com/15468/project/128112 (or www.cur8.com and search Chesterton). Online Tickets are $12 for adults, and $8 for students and seniors. Seating is reserved; doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets at the door will cost $14 for adults and $10 for students and seniors. Director Kristin Morris encourages you to get your tickets early as, “We hope to pack the place! Wear your show choir or trojan spirit wear, and come out to cheer on this amazing program!”
Chesterton Lacrosse Callout Meeting
For more information click on the image below
CHS Cheer Kids' Camp for Grades K-6
Click on the image below to register
Chesterton Dance Basketball Kiddie Camp
Click on the image below to register
DEF 5th Annual Trivia Night
The Duneland Education Foundation will host their 5th annual Trivia Night on Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 5-9 p.m. at the Chesterton Moose Lodge, 602 Broadway in Chesterton.
Teams are strongly encouraged to dress up and decorate their table according to this year’s theme is The Great Outdoors. Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. and trivia will begin at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $30 per person (age 21 and over) which includes dinner. The max team size is eight (8) persons.
First place prize $500, Second place $250, and Special Prizes for Best Theme Costumes, Best Theme Table Decor, and Best Team Name.
Click on the image at right register
Duneland Exchange Club
Applications Now Open for 33rd Annual Youth Talent Showcase
The Duneland Exchange Club is thrilled to announce the 33rd Annual Youth Talent Showcase, an exciting event designed to spotlight the incredible talents of students in grades K-12. Whether you sing, dance, play an instrument, perform magic, or have another unique talent, this is your time to shine!
The showcase will take place on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Chesterton High School Auditorium. Proceeds from the event will directly support the Chesterton High School Natural Helpers Club, a student organization dedicated to peer support and community service.
Audition Information:
Auditions are required for participation and will be held at Bailly Elementary School on:
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:00 PM
- Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 6:00 PM
Students interested in participating can apply online by visiting the Duneland Exchange Club’s website at www.dunelandexchangeclub.com. Applications can also be accessed via the QR code on event posters.
Both group and individual acts are welcome to apply. With a professional stage at Chesterton High School, this is a fantastic opportunity for young performers to showcase their skills in front of a live audience.
Don't miss your chance to be part of this incredible tradition. Apply today and join us for a night of fun, talent, and community spirit!
For more information about the Duneland Exchange Club and its programs, please contact mariabachuchin750@hotmail.com.
Duneland Early Learning HUB
Come check out the Duneland Early Learning HUB!
The Duneland School Corporation Early Learning HUB is proud to be the first birth to school initiative in Porter County. The HUB is a place for caregivers and their children to learn, play and grow together.
The HUB is learning about snow, gingerbread, Earth, space and more with our HUB families for January. If you have children ages 0-5, come join in the fun M-F at the HUB. Check out this FREE program at our DSC website.
Discover Duneland School Corporation's
Located within the Duneland School Corporation, the Trojan Learning Center (TLC) offers a wealth of learning opportunities for young children and their families. The TLC is also home to the offices of the RISE Academy (Alternative Education) and DSC's Northwest Indiana Online School.
Did you know? Our early childhood programs feature FREE Birth-to-School activities for caregivers and children! Duneland School Corporation provides preschool options for children ages 3-5, including two classrooms for children with developmental delays and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), as well as two additional preschool rooms operated by our community partner, the Duneland Family YMCA. All of the preschool classrooms utilize a proven curriculum that helps children grow in thinking, social skills and emotional well-being ensuring each child has a fun and supportive learning experience. Additionally, all preschool students participate in engaging and enjoyable activities together!
The TLC also hosts speech services for children aged 3-5 who qualify. Families can bring their children to work one-on-one with a speech pathologist at our center.
The DSC preschool and walk-in speech services are free for qualifying children. The Duneland Family YMCA preschool is available for a nominal fee. Best of all, Duneland Family Y Preschool held at the Trojan Learning Center is the only local preschool in the area that includes swim classes!
Join us at the Trojan Learning Center, located at Door 9 on the south side of the Duneland School Corporation Administration Building, and take advantage of these amazing early learning opportunities.
Do you have questions?
Are you ready to come play and learn with us?
Come explore all that TLC has to offer ~ Call 219-983-3743 ~ to learn more.
DSC Employment Opportunities
Exceptional Learning Instructional Aide Positions Available
Ready to make a difference in the lives of students? Interested in a fulfilling and rewarding position with no required evening or weekend work? Looking to enjoy the same summer and holiday schedule as your kids? The primary responsibilities of Exceptional Learning (EXL) Instructional Aides range from sharing smiles, making connections, building confidence, encouraging learning, supporting students with instruction in & out of the classroom, and assisting children with self help & self management skills.
DSC is currently searching for select individuals to serve as EXL Instructional Aides. Available positions can start at $19.00, $17.00 or $15.00 per hour. Opportunities exist at elementary, intermediate and secondary levels and can:
- be full-time/benefit-eligible
- be part-time and follow the student school day
- involve sharing the day with a single student
- involve engaging with multiple learners in a classroom setting
Did you know that Duneland Schools has an online Spirit Wear Stores where you can buy your Duneland all school spirit wear? Check out our Spirit Wear Store platform at: https://dunelandschoolsopenstores.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Emergency School Closing Procedures
As we approach the winter season, please review the procedures for school closings and/or delays that may occur due to inclement weather. See DSC Unplanned Synchonous eLearning Day Schedules below.
eLearning - Unplanned Synchonous Schedules
If students are asked not report to school due to emergency weather conditions; students will participate in an unplanned inclement weather eLearning day (virtual-synchronous-see Guidelines for Students)
Students will take part in Google Meet sessions with their teachers to receive face-to-face instruction. Teachers will post schedules by 9:00 A.M. Please click on the link above for more information.
NEW! SKYWARD Family Access Portal
Link to Skyward Family Access Portal
DSC 2024 -2025 Calendar
2025-2026 DSC Calendar
The Duneland School Corporation School Board of Trustees approved next school year's 2025-2026 district calendar
CHS Maroon & Gold Calendar/Bell Schedules
Parent Observer Account
Parents are encouraged to set up their Canvas observer accounts to monitor their students' progress. Parents can click this link to view how to set up their Parent Observer Account
Link to the Canvas Log In
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
NEW!! DSC K-4 Anonymous Safety Reporting Form
K-4 Anonymous Safety Reporting Form
2024-2025 School Start & End Times
The daily schedule for the 2024-2025 school year will be:
- Elementary (K-4) 7:30 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.
- High School (9-12) 8:10 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
- Intermediate/Middle (5-8) 8:50 a.m. – 3:50 p.m.
The DSC Child Nutrition Department utilizes NutriSlice as its menus program. This app is available for iPhone and Android through your mobile app store. Parents can also access the full website for Duneland Schools on a computer via this NutriSlice link.
This app will allow parents and students to view the menus as well as the nutritional info for each menu item at any of the Duneland Schools. This program will be developed further incorporating images of the actual food items being served at each of the Duneland schools.
Menus will be posted on Thursday, Aug. 1
DSC Strategic Plan 2024-2028 Update
In the Fall of 2023, a strategic planning team was formed to review and update the current four-year strategic plan into a five-year plan that will be used to guide the Corporation from 2024-2028. The Board of School Trustees for the Duneland School Corporation approved the new DSC Strategic Plan at its December 4, 2023 regular meeting. The plan will guide DSC for the next five years in the areas of Student Achievement, Safety & Operations, People & Culture, and Finance & Facilities.
These timelines were revised as of December 2024 to reflect necessary adjustments to the plan and to ensure the continued success and growth of our educational community.
Click this link to view the new 2024-2028 Strategic Plan
Contact the Duneland School Corporation IT department via one of these methods:
- Open a IncidentIQ ticket by sending an email to: helpdesk@duneland.k12.in.us
- Log into IncidentIQ and submit a request duneland.incidentIQ.com
Internet Connectivity
Families without internet due to financial hardship have access to programs from two local providers.
Comcast Internet Essentials:
Families that qualify for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI and other programs may also qualify for the Internet Essentials program from Comcast.
This program offers internet at a low cost per month.
Additional options and services are also available
More information is available at this Comcast link
Frontier Lifeline Program:
Families that qualify for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI and other programs may also qualify for the Lifeline Program from Frontier.
More information is available at this Frontier link
Duneland School Corporation
Email: bmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us
Website: www.duneland.k12.in.us
Location: 601 West Morgan Avenue, Chesterton, IN, USA
Phone: 219-983-3600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dunelandschools/
Twitter: @dunelandk12