Shiloh Elementary School
Family Newsletter Feb. 2025 IMPACTing Each & Every Student!

Ms. Mercedes Message January 2025
Thank you to our amazing Kindergarten team for bringing the number 100 to life. Check out a few pictures from our 100th day of school!
Today, we had our perfect attendance celebration for semester one. We celebrated 65 children and their families whose students attended school every day and ON TIME during semester one. Research shows that students who have great attendance and are at school on time (no tardies) typically make MORE than a year of academic growth. We are in the business of educating our students and providing a great elementary experience that builds the whole child. Thank you to the parents who get our kids here on time. Let’s work to celebrate more children and families the next time!
Finally, last night GCPS held their annual Teacher of the Year Banquet. Here we celebrate and recognize Shiloh ES’s teacher of the year, Ms. Anamarie Shatto. Her dedication to our students and committee to supporting professional development is phenomenal. Congratulations, Ms. Shatto!
Have a great Weekend!
👀 Save the Date! 😊
February 4 - GA Milestones Meeting 5:30 PM Register here.
February 7 - this is an IN PERSON day for all students; the digital learning day was CANCELLED
February 13-17 - Winter Break; no school for staff or students
February 22 - Readers Rally at Centerville Library
February 24-26 - Gwinnett Writes (for 4th grade students only)
February 27 - Black History Program at Shiloh High
February 28 - Black History Program
March 5-6 - Parent Conferences
March 14 - Digital Learning Day (students learn online)
Access Shiloh Elementary's full calendar here: Calendar Link
🏫 Around The School
Transportation Puppet Show
Students learned about bus safety during our recent puppet show put on by the Department of Transportation.
Perfect Attendance Breakfast celebration
Students who had perfect attendance for first semester celebrated with their parents at a special breakfast on Jan. 31.
News and Reminders 📰
Parents, if you haven't completed your beginning of the year forms and you need some assistance, please watch this video. As of January 31, we have about 223 students whose forms need to be completed. Only parents who still need to complete forms receive the reminders in Parent Square. If you received a reminder, please fill in those forms today.
Wanted: Parents who LOVE Reading!
If you enjoy reading and would like to join the Shiloh Library Media Committee, please consider joining our committee: “As a member of the Shiloh school media committee, you will receive an email from Ms. Bishop when there is a prepared book order for the media center collection. Every book listed on the order meets the general criteria of the GCPS materials selection procedure with the intended audience in mind."
Click below and read to learn more about how to:
- Stay up-to-date on your child's progress - https://tpitip.com/?15aT18608
- Point out strengths when your child struggles - https://tpitip.com/?15aX18608
- Engage your child in active thinking - https://tpitip.com/?15aU18608
- Manténgase al tanto del progreso de su hijo - https://tpitip.com/?25aT18608
- Haga que su hijo piense activamente - https://tpitip.com/?25aU18608
- Cuando su hijo tenga dificultades, señale sus fortalezas - https://tpitip.com/?25aX18608
My Payments Plus & Free/Reduced Meal Application (ongoing)
Free and Reduced Meal Application: Click on this sentence to apply
🛡️ General Info
Play 2 Learn
For children ages birth to 5; Mondays from 9:00-10:30 AM
Parents must come with their child. Please click on the flyers below to read more information about P2L or visit this link: https://schools.gcpsk12.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=32135
Jugar, Aprender, y Crecer....Unidos!!
Play 2 Learn Informational Flyer
Español- Play 2 Learn Volante Informativo
Little Learners Academy
Little Learners Academy is for children from birth to 5 years old and their parents or caregivers. Learn how to be your child's first best teacher. Engage with your child through play!
Gwinnett Building Babies' Brains
Watch this public service announcement to learn more on the importance of early learning.
About Us
General Information
School Hours 7:45-2:45 - Instruction starts at 8:15
Car Rider drop off ends at 8:10
Students arriving after 8:10, parent must bring student into the building to check in.
Dismissal begins at 2:45. Car Riders dismiss at side of the building from 2:45-3:10 PM.
After 3:10, you must come to the front lobby to pick up your child.
Please make sure your children come to school each day with a book bag that has their
transportation tag, this guarantees a safe and secure travel home. If tag is missing, please
contact the school.
Check our the Shiloh ES Title I Parent Center webpage
For more information, contact Christine Goodman.
Email: christine.goodman@gcpsk12.org
Website: https://www.gcpsk12.org/ShilohES
Location: 2400 Ross Rd, Snellville, GA 30039, USA
Phone: 770-985-6883
Facebook: facebook.com/Facebook
Social Media
Are you following us on Social Media?
Follow us on
Instagram @shilohelementary
Facebook: facebook.com/shilohes