Nurturing Wellness
Resources to Support Educator Well-Being

September 2024
Stick to It Olympics Version Step Challenge
It's not too late to join the employee step challenge! Click here to join in our first step challenge of the year to: Race across the map and unlock motivational messages from Olympic athletes. Get moving to reach your Stick to It goal. Participate in special events & learn fun Olympic trivia in the challenge content. The challenge begins September 3 and will last for 3 weeks. By using the MoveSpring App, you will be able to connect a smart watch, phone, or manually enter your steps, aiming to get at least 8,000 steps a day.
And if you do other movements or have inabilities to get steps in, there is an activity converter in the app! So make all the movement count towards reaching the step goals!
Employee Wellness Spotlight
Showcasing CPS leaders and champions who personally model healthy behaviors and truly believe in creating opportunities for school employees to take better care of themselves!
Leslie Kersha, Online Counselor
What her coworker says about Leslie "She leads faculty and students in wellness (yoga, walking, mindfulness) and is a trend leader! She is often found walking the building with her counselor cohort." Thank you Leslie for being a wellness leader in our community!
If you want to nominate an employee to be spotlighted for their wellness efforts, fill out this short Google Survey.
Self-Care September
Taking care of yourself isn't selfish. When we're kind to ourselves, we respond more positively to what happens and treat others more kindly too. Take this month to show yourself more kindness!
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
1. LEARN the warning signs, risk factors, and protective factors of suicide. Learning the warning signs, risk factors, and protective factors of suicide will better prepare you to take action and could help save a life.
2. KNOW how to help yourself and others who may be struggling. By knowing exactly what to say and do, you'll be ready to act and keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe.
3. DO raise awareness, advocate for change, volunteer, and practice self-care. Learn ways you can bring the suicide prevention movement to your school, workplace, or entire community.
1. TALK about suicide, dispel myths, and reduce stigma. Learn how talking about suicide safely and responsibly can reduce negative stigma and lead to increased help-seeking.
2. SHARE Take 5 to Save Lives with others. Help spread the word about Take 5 to Save Lives. Pledge to share the campaign with at least 5 people using the Take 5 toolkit!
Make a difference by taking these 5 easy action steps and joining a worldwide movement to save lives. Visit the toolkit section of the website for more information on how you can support and share the Take 5 campaign.
The MyActivity Pyramid, released by University of MO Extension, is modeled after the USDA's MyPyramid and based on the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. It is designed to help adults aim to get certain amounts of various activity on a weekly basis. I encourage you to think back and see if you need to improve any areas of physical activity in your life!
CPS First Aid Training
Did you know that Columbia Public Schools offers FREE first aid training to all employees?
First aid training in the workplace is a critical asset that goes beyond mere compliance. It transforms employees into capable first responders, ready to act swiftly in the face of emergencies. The immediate benefits include the potential to save lives and minimize injury severity. Beyond these crucial aspects, first aid training contributes to a positive and supportive workplace culture. Employees gain confidence, knowing they can make a difference in critical situations. Additionally, it fosters a sense of community and responsibility among the workforce, creating a safer and more secure environment for everyone. In essence, first aid training is an investment that pays off in enhanced safety, employee well-being, and a cohesive workplace community!
If you're interesting in being training in first aid and CPR, sign up for the free training here!
Tips for a Fun and Healthy Tailgate
1. Don't skip breakfast. Sometimes people will skip breakfast to save room for the food at a tailgate. This can lead to overeating. Instead, eat a high-protein breakfast that will keep you full and energized!
2. Veg it up. It is absolutely ok to enjoy all foods at a tailgate, but including veggies will boost fiber, thus keeping you full for longer!
3. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water in between other beverages to stay hydrated especially on those hot days!
4. Keep moving. You may not be able to walk to the tailgate with all the food and gear, but that doesn't mean you can't move once you get there! Take a break from snacking to walk around with fellow fans. If space allows, throw a football or other ball for some mild activity before walking to the stadium.
There is no reason to stop building those positive habits even on game day! So go out, cheer on your team, and aim to still reach for your goals! Oh and MIZ!
Upcoming Wellness Opportunities
September 3 -Employee Step Challenge: It's not too late!!!! Join the first employee step challenge of the year to: Race across the map and unlock motivational messages from Olympic athletes. Get moving to reach your Stick to It goal. Participate in special events & learn fun Olympic trivia in the challenge content. Click here to join your fellow employees and get stepping!
September 7 & 8 Wellness Weekend in The District: Join for The District's third annual event! Grab a friend and find your serenity in The District this Wellness Weekend! Take one of our many yoga classes, get a massage from one of our amazing massage therapists, visit a spa, take a walk/ride a bike, read a book, or grab a delicious smoothie! Get back to your roots with a new plant, smell your way to zen with an aromatherapy candle, or stop in at the Orr Street Farm and Art Market for some fresh produce. Go to this link here to see participating businesses!
September 12 @4:00pm-8:00pm The Boone County Ready Festival: The Boone County Office of Emergency Management will be hosting our annual, community-wide Boone County Ready Festival at Cosmo Park in Columbia. This family and pet-friendly even recognizes everyday heroes in the response and preparedness fields while fostering preparedness and building resiliency in our community. We will have food trucks, emergency responsive vehicles, activities, games for the kids, live music and more! Visit the event website for more info!
September 21 @ 4:00pm-8:00pm: 15th Annual Harvest Hootenanny! CCUA's Annual Harvest Hootenanny is a celebration to bring our community together with a Missouri-raised meal and fun for the whole family! Join us at Columbia's Agriculture Park (1769 W Ash St) for local food, music, and fun. All proceeds support CCUA programming. Visit the event website to purchase your tickets!
Local Gym Discounts
Below are local gyms that offer educator discounts to CPS Staff. I am working to increase this list, so if you have a gym you would like me to reach out to, please let me know! To download the PDFs, you must open this newsletter in the internet browser by clicking "view in browser" at the top.
Free Counseling Services
Employees who are benefit eligible (working 30 hours or more per week), their spouses, and children age 13 and over are eligible to receive services at the EAP free of charge.
For more information click on the brochure on the right, or to schedule an appointment, contact the EAP at 573-815-6034 or at eap@boone.health.
Boone Health Employee Assistance Program is located at 1605 E. Broadway, Boone Medical Plaza 2, Suite 200, Columbia, MO 65201.
This newsletter is brought to you in collaboration between the following CPS departments:
- Nutrition Services
- Occupational Health
- Physical and Health Education
- Psychological Services (Outreach Counseling & School Psychology)
- School Counseling
- School Nursing