The Westgate Wire
Friday, August 28, 2020
A few Words from Mrs. Buch and Mr. Walton
It was so lovely to see families during our Remote Learning Kit pick-up this week. We will begin our remote learning classes on Tuesday, September 1st! Teachers should have communicated information about your child's Remote Learning Kit materials, as well as a class schedule with links to the live Zoom meetings. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions.
We know it is inevitable that we will have challenges with technology and learning new routines. Please know we are here for you and open to problem-solving any issues that may arise. Your child's classroom teacher will be the primary person to contact if you are having difficulty with your technology. They will, in turn, reach out to any additional staff members for support.
We wish you a healthy and happy weekend!
Thank you for your support and patience during our Remote Learning Kit pick-up this week. It was so nice to see all the smiling faces and feel the positive energy. We can't wait to start the school year!
A Note from Mr. Berger
Below is the next video created by the Westgate Staff and me to help you get to know me better. Wishing you a great day!
Getting to know Principal Buch | Episode 10: Principal Buch's life through the alphabet!