January 3, 2025

College & Career Center, Mrs. Long (glong@ccboe.com)
Xello Family Presentation
If you were unable to attend the Xello family presentation, please click the link above for a recording of the presentation.
Rising Juniors and Seniors
Registration opens December 16, 2024 and will close January 31, 2025
2025–26 FAFSA® Form Now Available
The 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is now available. You can complete the form to apply for financial aid for attendance at college or career school between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026.
If you successfully submitted your FAFSA form during the beta testing period, you don’t need to resubmit it.
FAFSA forms submitted online will typically be processed in one to three days. Once your form is processed, you’ll be able to review your FAFSA Submission Summary and your FAFSA information will be made available to your selected schools.
You also can make updates or corrections (such as adding a school or a missing signature) to your FAFSA form.
Spring ASVAB Testing March 11, 2025
On Tuesday, March 11th, from 8am-10:00 am, Lackey High School will conduct ASVAB testing for any interested Junior or Senior. There will be limited seating (50 students). The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) helps identify which careers you qualify for. It does NOT bind you in any way to joining the military. CCPS is also offering a test date in the Spring on Saturday April 26, 2025. There should be at least 30 days in-between testing sessions that you participate in. As a reminder, if a student is going to use their score for enlistment, the military will pull the most recent score. You can also visit the Media Center or the College & Career Center for study books.
Two great study websites are www.march2success.com and www.asvab-prep.com THIS TEST WILL BE AN ONLINE TEST. PLEASE BRING YOUR FULLY CHARGED LAPTOP FOR THE TEST.
Mock Crime Scene Workshop
The Mock Crime Scene Workshops are offered on November 9, 2024 and March 15, 2025, from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, respectively. These events are intended to provide high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors, with an opportunity to learn from law enforcement, crime scene professionals and field experts, on how to properly investigate a crime scene, collect and document evidence, interview witnesses, and experience other aspects of law enforcement and crime scene investigation. The day is of no cost to the student, and lunch is provided. Students can register here under Specialty Visits -
These programs and scholarships are provided as a courtesy for informational purposes. Charles County Public Schools does not endorse or sponsor these programs and/or scholarships.
Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award
These programs and scholarships are provided as a courtesy for informational purposes. Charles County Public Schools does not endorse or sponsor these programs and/or scholarships.
SAT Test Dates & Deadlines
For more information, please visit https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat
- March 8, 2025 (Registration Deadline February 21, 2025)
- May 3, 202 (Registration Deadline April 18, 2025)
- June 7, 2025 (Registration Deadline May 22, 2025)
The SAT is now given digitally.
ACT Test Dates & Deadlines
For more information, please visit https://www.act.org/content/act/en.html
- February 8, 2025 (Registration Deadline January 3, 2024)
Distinguished Young Women of Southern Maryland (Juniors)
Distinguished Young Women of Southern Maryland (Juniors)
DYW, formerly America's Junior Miss, was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Mobile, Alabama. More than 700,000 young women from across the nation have participated in DYW programs at the local, state, and national levels. In addition to cash scholarships, DYW participants are eligible for college-granted scholarships from nearly 200 colleges and universities.
DYW promotes education and excellence in all areas of life. DYW encourages young women to be confident in who they are and to strive to reach their goals and become successful leaders in our communities. DYW is a national scholarship program that inspires high school girls to develop their full, individual potential through a fun, transformative experience that culminates in a celebratory showcase of their accomplishments.
Since 1958, DYW has awarded $122 MILLION in cash scholarships and provided 780,000+ young women with college-granted scholarships to colleges and universities across the nation. In addition to providing scholarships, DYW challenges each participant to share its national outreach program, Be Your Best Self (BYBS), with young people across the nation. Through BYBS, DYWs encourage self-esteem and excellence in all young people through the program's five principles: Be healthy, Be Involved, Be Studious, Be Ambitious, and Be Responsible.
The minimum requirements for participation are:
1. JUNIOR (11th grade) in High School (i.e. will graduate in 2026)
2. Minimum of a 3.0 GPA
3. U.S. Citizen
There are five categories each participant will be involved in: Scholastics (25%), Interview (25%), Talent (20%), Fitness (15%) and Public Speaking (15%).
*The DYW of Southern Maryland Scholarship Program will be held in person on February 22, 2025 at the Old Waldorf School (3074 Crain Highway, Waldorf, Maryland 20601).
We will hold an orientation Saturday, January 25, 2025 for the participants and their parents/guardians, with a practice session immediately following. At orientation, we will talk about what DYW is and the different opportunities that participants get from participating in DYW. We will hold another practice session Saturday, February 8, 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: If for some reason a participant cannot make these dates, they MUST contact me to discuss it. If I do not hear from them prior to this orientation, they will not be a participant.
Attached, you will find two forms that students will need to fill out in order to participate in DYW (participant agreement and academic form with instructions). Students can sign up at www.DistinguishedYW.org by clicking “Apply Now”. The last day to sign up is January 15, 2025. When a student applies, I will be in contact with them to send them additional information.
Anyone interested in the program email southernMD@distinguishedyw.org.
If you have any questions concerning this scholarship opportunity, please don't hesitate to email southernMD@distinguishedyw.org.
Click above to be directed to the application.
The Patuxent Partnership Pathways Scholarship
Applications are now being accepted for The Patuxent Partnership (TPP) Pathways Scholarship at CSM. This scholarship supports graduating high school seniors who plan on attending CSM and major in engineering. Apply at: https://csmd.academicworks.com/opportunities/6355...
Rotary Youth Leadership Boot Camp (10th, 11th, 12th grade)
These programs and scholarships are provided as a courtesy for informational purposes. Charles County Public Schools does not endorse or sponsor these programs and/or scholarships.
These programs and scholarships are provided as a courtesy for informational purposes. Charles County Public Schools does not endorse or sponsor these programs and/or scholarships.
Charles County Scholarship Fair
January Scholarships
Taco Bell Live Mas Scholarship
Eligible: Junior, Senior
Criteria: Submit a video (2 minutes or less in length) that answers the following questions:
- What is your passion and how are you currently pursuing it or planning to pursue it?
- How do you plan to use your passion to make your community, country, and/or world, etc. a better place?
- What is your education plan (education program, college, or certificate/degree program) and how will it help you pursue your passion and create positive impact?
Once you’ve created your video, visit our website during the application period and click “Apply.” Follow the on-screen instructions to fill out your information and upload your video.
Deadline: 1/8; Please visit Taco Bell Live Mas Scholarship for more information
Jackie Robinson Foundations Scholarships
Eligible: Senior
Criteria: Minority, present evidence of financial need, demonstrate a record of academic excellence, demonstrate leadership potential and a dedication to community service
Deadline: 1/9; Please visit Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship for more information
Distinguished Young Women of Southern Maryland
Eligible: Junior
Criteria: Minimum 3.0 GPA
Award: Varies
Deadline: 1/15; Please visit Distinguished Young Women of Southern Maryland for more information
Maryland MENSA Scholarships
Eligible: Seniors
Criteria: Scholarships are awarded based solely on 550-word essays expressing applicants' academic and professional goals and how their personal experiences will help them to accomplish those goals.
Awards: Varies
Deadline: 1/15; Please visit Maryland MENSA Scholarship for more information
Charles County Arts Alliance
Eligible: Seniors
Criteria: A 3.0 or above weighted grade point average, is a Charles County graduating senior from a public, private, or homeschooled program in Charles County. Been accepted at an accredited four-year college or university in an arts program (performing, visual, or literary) in the 2025 fall semester.
Award: $2,000 (8)
Deadline: 1/31; Please visit the Charles County Arts Alliance for more information
FOSSI Scholarship
Eligible: Seniors
Criteria: Looking to make the world or your community a better place, attending an HBCU, minimum 3.0 GPA, pursue studies in a pertinent chemical and engineering industry, interest in pursuing a career in chemical manufacturing, engineering, environmental health and sustainability or other related chemical-industry field, demonstrate financial need
Award: $40,000
Deadline: 1/31; Please visit FOSSI for more information
Hamilton Relay Scholarship
Eligible: Seniors
Criteria: This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating high school senior who is deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind or has difficulty speaking.
Award: $1,000
Deadline: 1/31; Please visit Hamilton Relay Scholarship for more information
National Society DAR Scholarships
Eligible: Seniors
Criteria: Awards are based on academic excellence, commitment to the field of study, and/or financial need.
Award: Varies
Deadline: 1/31; Please visit National Society DAR Scholarships for more information
Princeton Prize in Race Relations
Eligible: 9-12 grade
Criteria: Students who have had a significant positive effect on race relations in their schools or communities through volunteer efforts. Applications are evaluated on each of the three following criteria. The work you have done toward racial equity and understanding is much more important than the quality of your writing. 1. The significance of your activity and how it advances racial equity, understanding and mutual respect among members of your school or community.
2. Your role in the activity. 3. The scope and impact of your activity on your school or community.
Award: $1,000
Deadline: 1/31; Please visit Princeton Prize in Race Relations for more information
These programs and scholarships are provided as a courtesy for informational purposes. Charles County Public Schools does not endorse or sponsor these programs and/or scholarships.
SMECO Scholarship
Maryland and U.S. Apprenticeship and Training Program - Apprenticeships combine supervised, structured, paid on-the-job training and related technical instruction to teach apprentices the skills necessary to succeed in a specific occupation. The apprentice works full time and receives training from the sponsoring organization:
- U.S. Apprenticeship and Training Program www.apprenticeship.gov
- MD State Apprenticeship and Training Program www.dllr.state.md.us/employment/appr/
- Baltimore DC Building Trades https://www.bdcbt.org/
- Boilermakers: Fabrication (and repairs) of steel, iron or copper into boilers. Local #45- Zone 193, (410) 355-2344 www.boilermakers.org
- Bricklayer: Laying and binding of building materials, such as brick, structural tile, concrete block, cinder block, glass block and terra-cotta block, with mortar and other substances to construct or repair walls, partitions, arches, sewers and other structures. Local #1, (240) 695-9463 http://www.bacweb.org
- Carpenters: Fabrication, building and installation of a variety of materials. KML Carpenters Local #197, (301) 736-1696
- Operating Engineers: Specializes in construction industry equipment operation including cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, front end loaders, hoists, and drills for highway construction, mining, utility work, excavation, etc. Local #77, (301) 283-3476 https://www.iuoelocal77.org/
- Millwrights: Install, erect, dismantle and clean heavy machinery, equipment and other heavy materials. Millwrights Local 219, (215) 569-255) http://www.easternmillwrights.com/
- Plasterers and Cement Masons: Work primarily with concrete and plaster materials to conduct the “finishing” work such as curbs, sidewalks, decorative molding, etc. Local #891, (202) 398-5859 http://www.opcmia.org
- Electricians and Telecommunications Technicians: Electricians install and repair the wiring that brings electrical power into any type of building or structure. Telecommunications install and repair the wiring for telecommunications (phone, cable, internet) into a building. Local #26, (301) 429-2575 www.ibewlocal26.org; http://www.getchargedup.org
- Elevator: Repair, install, maintain, and modernize systems that move us such as elevators, escalators, moving walkways, home lifts and wheelchair and handicap lifts. Local #10, (301) 459-0497 http://www.iuec10.org
- Heat and Frost Insulators: Installs, repairs, and maintains insulating material to prevent or reduce the passage of heat, cold, vapor, moisture, sound, or fire. Local #24, (301) 498-9162 http://www.insulators24.org
- Ironworkers: Construct and reinforce iron or steel components outlined in a structures plans. Local #5, (301) 599-0940 https://www.ironworkers5.org/
- Plumbers and Gasfitters: Install, remove, and maintain plumbing and gas systems for piped fixtures, fixed appliances and accessories. Local #5, (301) 552-3505 https://local5plumbers.org/
- Sheet Metal Workers: Designs, fabricates, installs, air balance, repairs, and alters sheet metal products. Local #100, (301) 5688655 ext. 3 http://www.smart100trainingcenter.org/
- Sprinkler Fitters: Sprinkler fitters are pipefitters who specialize in the repair and installation of sprinkler systems that help prevent the spread of fires in residential and commercial buildings. Local #669, (410) 312-5202 http://www.sprinklerfitters669.org/
- Steamfitters: Maintain, repair, assemble, and even create pipe and piping systems. Local #602, (301) 341-1555 www.steamfitters-602.org/