News and events

A Message from the Principal:
January 3, 2025
Oxbow Creek Families,
Welcome to 2025! I sincerely hope this year brings you and your family many opportunities to create wonderful memories. A fresh new year is a perfect time to reflect and focus on the things that are most important to us. Here at school, we talk a lot about starting over, trying again and making a fresh start when we might make a mistake or stumble! Sometimes, we might need to just shift our mindset to help us persevere through those challenges.
This month we will focus on doing just that as we learn about the character trait: Perseverance. We define perseverance as pushing yourself to work through obstacles and challenges. We know learning does not always come easily to our students, but we hope they can learn to persevere when things are challenging. Some skills may come easier than others, but learning to persevere is a skill that can be used in every area of life. What does perseverance look like in your household? How do you talk about perseverance with your kiddos?
Mrs. Monson - Oxbow Creek Principal
In-District Transfer/Open Enrollment Applications
Applications for in-district transfer and open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year are due January 15th. In-district transfer and open enrollment applications are available to download on the district enrollment page.
*Current in-district transfer and open enrollment families do not need to complete these forms every year. If your student was approved for an in-district transfer or open enrollment previously you do not need to fill out a new form. If you have a current 5th grader, you will need to complete an in-district transfer form if your student is not slotted to attend Jackson Middle school.
The priority application period for NorthWest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD) specialty schools was October 16 through December 31.
Incoming Kindergarten families (25-26 school year) can expect to see more information in our February newsletter.
Winter Conference Dates
Winter conference signups will be available later this month. A special newsletter will be emailed to families with a link to sign up.The dates and times for winter conferences are as follows:
Tues. February, 18 7:30-8:30am and 1:30-8:20pm
Thurs. February, 20 7:30-8:30am and 4:10-8:20pm
Calendar Reminders
Thurs., January 14th - Multicultural and Literacy Night 6:00-7:30pm
Wed., January 16th - 4th Grade Field Trip - Physics Force
Fri., January 17th - NO SCHOOL, Staff Development
Mon., January 20th - NO SCHOOL, District closed, holiday
Wed., January 29th - 1st Grade Field Trip to Stages Theater
Thurs., January 30th - 2nd Grade Concert with Mark Alan Schoolmeesters
Check out our Student Spotlight section!
Student Name: Stella S.
Grade: 4th
Featured Activity: Dance
Stella performed in this year's production of Loyce Houlton's Nutcracker Fantasy at the State Theater in Minneapolis! Dancing in this production is a unique opportunity for student's to perform alongside local and guest professional dancers. This production has been a beloved Twin Cities holiday tradition for 60 years and is considered the "gold standard of 'Nutcrackers' in Minnesota" (Star Tribune).
Items To Note
- Please have your child dressed for outdoor recess all winter long! We go outside for recess every day unless the temperature drops below zero or the windchill is below -10 degrees.
- With colder weather upon us, please consider sending in a complete set of extra clothes for your student. Sometimes, the little ones don't quite make it in time when removing the extra layers as well as clothing can become wet from the snow and ice.
Accommodations for children with special medical needs can be made with the health office; written documentation from a doctor will be required. Also, it is imperative that you label your child's winter clothing with their name, so it can be returned if it is lost/misplaced.
- New phone number or email? Please log onto your AH Connect Account, go to "My Student Info" and click on "Online Registration" then "Back To School Verification." Thank you for updating your contact information. It is imperative that we have the correct information for your student.
- We are committed to helping families in need of assistance with food, clothing, household items and some basic services. Please contact Oxbow Creek's Social Workers if your family is in need. All communication is confidential.
Ann Parisian (Grades K, 1, 3) 763-506-3825 or ann.parisian@ahschools.us
Gina Newlander (Grades 2, 4, 5) 763-506-8384 or gina.newlander@ahschools.us
30th Annual School Bus Safety Poster Contest
The Anoka-Hennepin transportation department is accepting submissions for the 30th annual school bus safety poster contest. Each school will host their own poster contest during Winter School Bus Safety Week (Jan. 6-10th).
We are inviting students at all grade levels to submit their best artwork for the competition.
- Poster paper and guidelines will be available to students in the office. Please note that each student is only allowed one piece of poster paper and group submissions are not allowed.
- Completed posters will need to be submitted to the Oxbow Creek office by Noon on Wednesday, Jan. 29th.
The objective of the contest is to encourage students to think about bus safety and provide opportunities for activities and discussion during winter school bus safety week.
Volunteer Updates:
Thank you to all of our volunteers that have spent time supporting our students, teachers and staff this school year! You’ve logged more than 2000 volunteer hours so far!
Join our team of volunteers at Oxbow! Volunteer application
Upcoming events and volunteer opportunities:
Literacy and Multicultural Night is a PTO-Sponsored event on Tuesday, January 14th from 6-7:30pm. Please join us for this fun event! Our annual book swap will take place this evening as well. Bring a book, get a book! More info to come.
Book Fair: The Scholastic Book Fair is a favorite event at Oxbow every year! All proceeds go directly to the media center. Our Book Fair will run from February 12th - February 21st. The sign up genius will be sent out right after break! We’re looking for someone to shadow our book fair chairs this year, please email Haley.Belongia@ahschools.us if you are interested in learning more!
Expo Volunteers: Our annual Arts & Academic Expo is coming up on Thursday, February 27th. Your student was sent home with a flyer so they can think about their project over break! Interested in helping? Look for the sign up genius in early February.
Yearbook: Please share photos you have taken at our events with the yearbook staff! Email them to oxbowyearbook@gmail.com. Include any information available such as grade, classroom and event.
A special thank you to Jenni Bremer, Sara Moore, Stacey Nelson, Dan Powers, Maria Price and Marcia Zappa for joining our Holiday Gift Shop committee and to all the other student and adult volunteers for making this such a wonderful event for our students and families!
Did you know? There’s a link at the bottom of Haley’s emails with
all current sign up geniuses, check this link regularly!
Haley Belongia & Jessica KC
Volunteer Services Coordinators
Oxbow Creek Elementary
Winter Bus Safety Tips!
- Please dress in warm winter clothing such as hat, mittens and boots - bright colors if possible.
- Please be on time at the bus stop.
- Please wait for the bus several feet further off the road in a safe place in winter weather.
- Please use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping and injuring yourself on icy road surfaces or steps.
- Please move away from the bus to a place where you and the driver can see each other after you exit the bus.
- Please cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus after getting the all clear signal from the driver before leaving the curb.
- Please keep all school materials in a backpack.
- Please do not stand or play on snow piles at the bus stop to avoid sliding into the street in the path of oncoming traffic.
- Please do not attempt to retrieve your books or lunch box from around or underneath the bus until after it has cleared the unloading zone.
- Please do not push or shove when getting on or off the bus.
- Please do not chase after the bus or attempt to grab the rear bumper.
District Communications:
Specialty and magnet school options provide family choice in Anoka-Hennepin
Anoka-Hennepin Schools offers 12 schools that provide in-demand educational options such as the arts; science, technology, math, engineering and biomedical sciences (STEM/STEAM), as well as International Baccalaureate (IB).
Specialty and magnet school options are available to all students at no additional cost, designed to provide family choice. Students who live within the Anoka-Hennepin boundaries are eligible to apply to any of the specialty or magnet schools. The magnet schools belong to Northwest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD) which provides transportation. Students may join the specialty programs using an in-district transfer process without transportation.
Six sites offer specialty programs, which students can access via in-district transfer; and six sites are magnet schools, available choices for families through the NWSISD. View the full article to learn more about Specialty and Magnet School options available to all families in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The specialty and magnet schools are hosting information nights/open houses for parents to learn more about the programs offered. These events range from November - mid January. For specific open house dates and more information on each of the specialty and magnet schools and the application/enrollment process, visit ahschools.us/specialtymagnet.
School Board action addresses $26 million budget gap for 2025-26 school year
The Anoka-Hennepin School Board endorsed a $26 million budget reduction and reallocation plan at its November 25 meeting, a decision that completes a process that unfolded over the past several months and allows planning for the 2025-26 school year to remain on schedule.
A number of factors converged in early 2024 that led to the need to reduce district expenditures. Read about the impact to Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
Winter weather reminders
Minnesota weather is shifting gears, and the Anoka-Hennepin School District has plans in place for when extreme winter weather arrives.
The safety of all students is the first priority when determining if schools should stay open in adverse weather. If a determination is made to close school due to extreme winter weather, the district will alert families in a variety of ways, including:
Phone, text or email message from AHlert system (for Anoka-Hennepin parents/guardians only).
District and school websites.
District and school social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Media outlets including WCCO, KSTP, FOX 9, KARE 11, CCX Media, WCCO radio and Star Tribune newspaper.
Those responsible for activities scheduled in schools over the weekend will determine if adverse weather conditions necessitate a cancellation.
Read more about the district’s policies on extreme winter weather at ahschools.us/weather.
This e-newsletter is published by Oxbow Creek Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.